My January Rotations

Hi Natalie,

Yes, I'm with you on the length -- it's the only reason why I've still not preordered the new Hardcore series. Except for IMAX3, they are all pretty much around 70 minutes -- actually I don't think the gym style workouts are that long. But again, I really want IMAX 3 -- that one's 60 minutes and Low Max and I'm definitely getting the stretch DVD.

I've been looking at the High Step workout and Muscle Max, but with them both around 70 minutes, I'm not sure how often I would do them...

Anyway, sounds like you're keeping busy, as well as working out. That's great.:D Just got my TimeSaver DVD and Pyramids yesterday. Tomorrow I plan a Pyramid workout -- legs & glutes, I think.

Have a wonderful evening.:7
Well, today is Friday. Yea!

For the time being, my deadlines are met and so I'm feeling a little less pressure. Yea again!

Have another deadline due at the end of February, but hey, I have a month to get it done.

Okay, so today I'll be doing one of my newer videos, Pyramid Lower Body. Just got it a few days ago, previewed it last night, and am ready to get into it.

Will also be getting three of the new Hardcore series today, and might get the weight work on CTX -- maybe...we'll see.

Rhea, Jeanie, Natalie & Wendy, if you do drop by today, have a wonderful day. I'll be checking in tomorrow, but I'll be gone for the rest of the day today.

Have a great day, a terrific weekend, and wonderful workouts.:7;) :p
Just an update.

Did Pyramid Lower Body today -- good workout -- am planning to do Pyramid Upper Body tomorrow -- but am thinking I'd like a more intense workout. I might do sprints, and then do upper body or something like that. Maybe a super-duper cardio.

We'll see...

In the meantime, I ordered 4 of the new Hardcore DVD's and will be anxiously awaiting them.;-)
All week long, I've been fighting a stomach problem -- stomach ache -- think I might have gotten some food poisoning somewhere along the line.

Anyway, did Pyramid LB yesterday and plan to do Pyramid UB today, but with some sort of intensity blast. Might do the first few segments of IMAX2 or IMAX the original -- or perhaps the first part of Body Max, then PUB. Not sure yet.

It's Saturday, and I have much to do, so I guess I'd better get started. Got a new book yesterday, all about lo carb diets and tips. I love lo carb eating. It really works for me, but I love tips and recipes.

Anyway, Jeanie, Natalie, Rhea or Wendy, if you drop by, have a wonderful day.:)
Hi Jeanie, Rhea, Karen, and Wendy:

I spent most of the day at me son's cub scout pinewood derby. The little guys had a great time. Did Leaner Legs this afternoon and it really kicked me - stayed up too late last night and I've got some kind of upper respiratory thing going on.

Karen - how would you rate the intensity/difficulty of the pyramids? I was thinking of maybe purchasing them later this year when the shine wears off the Hardcores for me. Do you agree with the rating in the Ultimate Workout Guide in the forum?

Will workout tomorrow for sure but need to wait and see how I feel.

Hi all!

Karen - are you feeling better? How was the PUB? I have those two but haven't done them yet. Probably this week.

Natalie, hope you are feeling better too. I don't have Leaner Legs, but have the Legs and Glutes from the Blast series, so have bought that one yet. (like I really need more workouts;-) )

Jeanie - keep up that good work! BTW, skiing was great, but a little on the cold side.

I managed to try Cathe's Gauntlet this weekend, talk about a kicking your rear workout. Whew. I had a bit trouble skiing this morning because my legs were a touch tired or rather, they tired out faster than they would normally.

Okay, back to getting those darn chores done. "See" you tomorrow.
Hi Rhea, Hi Natalie, Hi Jeanie,

Hope you are all doing great on this last day in January. I'll be starting a new thread tomorrow for February Rotations, just so you know.

So, I found the Pyramids challenging, particularly the upper body workout -- I combined it with the first 5 segments of IMAX2 and it was a great workout. It's the hardest upper body workout I've ever done, even my husband came into the room to see what all the groaning was all about. So many times I was going, "Cathe, please, can't we stop now?" Great workout.

Pyramid lower body was good, but not the toughest I've ever done.

I'll do these workouts over and over again, however. They were very, very good.

Rhea, wow, sounds like that workout really kicked. I'm so glad that your skiing trip was fun. I might be a whimp, however. I remember the best part of skiing for me was coming inside and warming up with cocoa. What a thrill.

Oh, one more thing, I tried to get into the lo carb part of the new WHFN, but couldn't find the lo carb thread. I had a little time and wanted to say "hi" to everybody, as this will be a busy week for me.

Hopefully I'll have time later this week to try again, but if you could, could you tell Lita and the gang that I say "hi."

Anyway, I'll post my plans for my rotation on my new thread for February rotation. Today I plan to do IMAX the original. And tomorrow Power Hour. That's a more difficult tape for me than ME for some reason. Even though ME is really hard, I love it so much that I find it fun. So I'd best do PH tomorrow, since I'm avoiding it.

Have a fabulous day, and hope to see you all tomorrow.:7
Hi Karen Kay, Natalie and Rhea!

Natalie, I don't have Leaner Legs (literally AND figuratively speaking), but I hear its one tough workout. I love Cathe's Pyramid Lower Body and Legs and Glutes though. They are plenty tough enough for me!

Rhea, I'm glad you had a blast skiing. I can't wait to get to the slopes again!

Karen Kay, what size weights are you using for Pyramid Upper Body? My upper body isn't as sore this time -- I think maybe my weights aren't heavy enough.

Well, I ordered all 12 of the WHNF videos. The price was just too good to resist.

Talk to you ladies again soon!

Hi Jeanie,

You know, I don't use heavy weights, which was really interesting. I was mostly pryamiding between 3,5 & 8 pounds. I think it was on biceps that I nearly died on the 8 pounds -- and one other exercise, too -- oh, the laterals...oh, my gosh...

The interesting thing was that I wasn't very sore the next day...

Wow, you got all twelve. Wow! Do you mind my asking the price. Something is wrong with my registration for WHFN. I registered and got an acknowledgement, but the site won't let me into it.

I tried to go to the lo carb section today, but again, the site wouldn't let me. Sigh.

Anyway, have a great day, Jeanie.

Hi Karen Kay!

The special they are running for the new FitPrimes and Kickbutts is $129.99 for all 12! That includes free shipping. I just couldn't pass up that offer! By the way, the offer expires February 4, so you'll have to hurry.

I don't use very heavy weights for PUB either (8, 10, 12)but I think I might need to heavy-up a bit next time.

Talk to you soon Karen Kay!

Hi Jeanie,

Gosh, I wish I could afford to just pop for the whole thing. I love Anna's workouts. She is the one who has so inspired me to continue exercising. But I just bought 2 Cathe DVD's and preordered 4 of the new Hardcore, and I don't think my cards can stand any more right now.


Jeanie, Rhea, I want to thank you both for keeping track of me and joinging me here. I'm trying to find out why I'm having trouble logging onto the new whfn network. After much to-do, I finally managed to get on there and post something -- I've found a new lo carb book that lists 14 different diets that one can use to fit his own needs and lifestyle -- some are more lo carb than others -- but some are sort of lo carb, but not entirely lo carb -- like THE ZONE. I was thinking, Jeanie, that this one might be a good one for you, if you want to check it out. It's not really lo carb, but works on similar principles.

Also the book gives a secret to longevity. This is also given in Barry Sears, THE ZONE.

Oh, I'm starting a new thread for February.

Anyway, have a simply wonderful day.:7

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