Hi Jeanie! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie!
It's great to touch base with you again here, Jeanie. I must admit that I'm liking the idea of this new diet. On reading over the diet, I can't really say it's a lo carb, hi carb switch -- personally I'd call it more a very lo carb -- much higher lo carb switch -- does that make sense?
The diet is called The Fat Burning Diet and is by Jay Robb of the Jay Robb egg white protein powder. I think the website is
www.JayRob.com -- if you go there,it might give you more info.
I really liked it that first day -- and though I went on a carb binge (a good carb binge, however) -- it didn't show in my weight.

Today I'm on the lo carb section of the diet, but today, my body was really craving protein -- so that's working out really well. He suggests on the high carb days that you get your hi carbs from starchy veggies -- like pumpkin or potatoes or sweet potatoes or corn, etc. He only recommends eating grains that have no gluten -- did I spell that right? He recommends only rice or millet -- but I also know that buckwheat has no gluten and I don't think rye does either. Also isn't spelt okay? But wheat and oats are definitely out.
I made some great cookies -- pumpkin -- no sugar, no articifical anything -- gosh, I love them. Even my neighbor across the street likes them -- I took them some. I could barely stop eating them... But again, it didn't show in my weight. Anyway, he recommends doing a lo carb day, followed by a hi carb day, followed by a lo carb day, etc. But the hi carbs are never the white flour stuff or sugar -- all good carbs like ezikiel bread and veggies. But it's such a treat to let yourself have all the carbs you want. It was quite a good feeling.:7
Okay, my rotation for next week. Well, I'm definitely feeling better than last week, so I think I should start the week out with a blast. It's beautiful weather here right now -- in the 70's... Wow! So I think I'll plan some outside exercise.
Did ME on Saturday -- I can't say enough about that workout. I so very much love it. In fact, I think I'll buy the other two tapes to the intensity series that I don't have -- I love every tape in that series so far -- though I do find the terminators very hard -- and can never do them as fast, or as many as Cathe.
Monday: Sprint -- try for at least 14 sprints -- Cathe recommends 20 -- I've yet to do that.
Tuesday: I'd like to repeat ME here, but probably should so Power Hour -- I like Power Hours, but ME...love that one.
Wednesday: Some short not so intense cardio tape, plus stretching.
Thursday: ME or Power Hour -- whichever one I didn't do on Tuesday -- or maybe MIS -- I like MIS, but not as much as the previous two
Friday: IMAX2 or IMAX -- the original
Saturday: Circuit Max or Bootcamp
Sunday: Off
Well, that's the line up for next week. Oh, plus I have jury duty this next week -- my first time ever. I figure that being a writer I can work pretty much anywhere -- so I plan to take my laptop and manuscript right with me...that is, if I have to go in.
Have a good one. Oh, and that Cher tape sounds great. Can't wait for Cathe's new ones. I haven't ordered them yet. I'm waiting and still ordering ones that I don't have from previous years.
Hope you have a terrific day.:7