My God Cathe is so tiny!!!!


Am I not the only one who thinks this? You can't really see how small she is on her videos b/c she isn't really standing next to anyone else but man, she is a tiny little thing isn't she?
Looking at the pitcures everyone is posting is making me realize how small she is.Is she sure she had two kids??? I think she adopted!:p
I was thinking that same thing yesterday. I swear I am never going to see her in person. It would look like Hagrid standing next to a house elf (ok, all you Harry Potter fans get the analogy;-))
Why is it that when you (I) tell people how much weight your losing they caution you to be careful don't to lose to much? Because I am about the same height as Cathe, I weigh 117 and still losing, but I feel wonderful, and I eat, I don't miss meals. Is it that people are so used to seeing overweight people, that people look unhealthy to them when they start getting thin? I wish I knew lol.
OH and I work out usually 2 hrs a day, some days 1 1/2 hrs depending on my job outside the home, I work full time ..... but the good thing is I get to take my DVD's and weights to work with me, and do them after my client goes to bed, she turns in at 8 pm.... anyway that question is always running across my mind, it almost always gets mentioned to me to be careful and don't lose to much ..... I thought I would add, I am losing about a lb a week, I started at 138 in early march ....... Rhonda :7 :7

p.s. I am 5'2"
Already....spill it! How did you get down to 117lbs? I would like to get to 120 lbs. DId you cut out junk totally and eating lots of veggies? I would probably never get that small though b/c I am not small boned.Either way, I would still like to know what you are doing.
Hi Rhonda,

I'm with Lori ... I MUST know what you are doing!! I'm also 5' 2", stuck around 133 for quite a while now. I would LOVE to get down around 115-120. PLEASE tell us your workout plan and what you're eating.:9

About your question, you would think people would just be happy for you that you're losing weight and getting healthier, but unfortunately that's not always the case. Sometimes I think they are just not thinking about what they're saying, sometimes I think there is a hint of envy in there.

I also think you're right in that people get used to seeing everyone around them overweight. When someone told one of my relatives I was losing weight, she asked "why would she want to do that - is she anorexic?" She is a sweet and sincere woman, and it was an honest question. Many, if not most people, have NO concept of health, weight loss or nutrition. But that's why we have this forum. :7

from the looks of her, I doubt Cathe would weigh 117 unless she got on the scale holding her baby! LOL!
:) Just to give you a reference to go by: If you check out my pictures, I am 5' 5" and weight 128-129 lbs and wear a size 9-10. My guess is Cathe is probably 100-105 lbs and wears a size 3-4. Just a guess, hope I didn't offend you Cathe!:*
You are probably right, but my friend is a size 1.She weighs 115lbs and is 5'4".She doesn't work out anymore so it isn't exactly compact muscle that she is carring around.She eats healthy and is just constantly chasing her 9 month old baby around.Even when she eats unhealthy and over eats she ends up losing a pound? Go figure?
So by that estimate I would think that Cathe would have to be a size 1 or even in the negatives!:p
I hope we are not offending anyone by saying any of this stuff.We are just being a little nosy! And envious.I know we all have our own shapes, sizes and comfort zones.Personnally I don't think I would ever be able to be the size of Cathe.But we do love ourselves don't we ladies????:+ :+
To start with I drink only water and lots of it, 80 oz or more a day. I stop eating between 7:30 and 8pm, this was not easy but I got used to it and I chew gum at night. I try to eat alot of protein and leafy green veggies, but I do eat other veggies. Slim fast bars help with I am in a hurry and can't eat breakfast, or lunch is a ways away.
As far as exercise I walk on a fast pace walk on my treadmill an hour a day, and my treadmill is on an incline. I lift weights ( MIS, or POWER HOUR, since these 2 are the only weight ones I have) at least 3 times a week, and I do abs 3 to 4 times a week, I do 30 minutes of AB hits and Pilates AB sculpting and the buns and thigh sculpting, they are about 20 minutes each. So on Monday, Wed, and Sat I lift weights, also on monday nights, I do Terminator(minus the step bench work). Tues, Thursday, Friday and Sunday I do ABs. On Friday I may do Terminator instead of ABs depending on my mood :p ... Anyway thats what I do, when I get to where I want to be I will slow down some ....... I am 43, will be 44 in November, and I have a 17 yr old son and another son that is 20, been married 22 yrs .... hope you find what works for you :7 ........ Rhonda
Lisa, I kind of figured the same thing, Cathe looks to be about that weight in those pictures, you can tell she is very petite, small frame, I had figured that because I am the about same height as her, but she is several lbs lighter than me in places, and me being 117 that means she would have to weight less than me, and I do know that muscle weights more than fat. I am going by appearances by what I see. ..... Rhonda :7 :7
Rhonda, yes, you hit it! I think the media unfairly criticizes women who are "too thin." Who is saying this stuff that we read and what do THEY look like? I have never thought that Jennifer Aniston is too thin; she just doesn't lose weight as proportionally as some women do. So that means that her face might look a little more drawn and her waist a a little smaller than her hips but she is by no means skinny and unhealthy looking!

When I was growing up, I was always about 15-20 lbs. overweight. Everyone, friends, family, colleagues, was used to seeing me at that size. When I finally got serious and started working out and losing weight, I dropped to 103-105 in my mid-twenties, and everyone kept telling me that I was too thin and to put on weight. But when I was overweight, I was told to loose it! It reached the point where I almost felt guilty about looking good. Although my body did look better when I put on weight to 112 (mostly due to lifting heavier weights as I was mostly an aerobics person at 105), I still got the business about being too thin.

I remember earlier in this forum when Cathe taped Step Heat (around the time she really started to lift weights) she shared her weight of 112 lbs. Now she avoids any topic of her body weight or body fat.
I have never met her in person, but I hope her bone structure is smaller than mine to be able to maintain that tiny size! I know it would be impossible for me at the same height and similar build.

Hi Rhonda,

This is Meverllyn, I am very new to cathe. As a matter of fact,
I'm trying to figure out which dvd to buy. I need to lose about
15 to 20 lbs. From what I can see you have lost about 21 lbs. Did
you change your eating habits? Which workout did you do? Are you
very young? I have heard that the older you are the harder it is
to lose. I'm in my 40's and from pass experience, I use to workout
(back then was just walking) and I would lose weight without changing
my eating habit.But now,I workout much harder and it seem to be taking
forever to lose weight. I started exercising in Jan. and only lost
around 20 lbs. You have lost twice as fast. Maybe I need to diet, I
have always heard it is not good to diet, but I'm getting desperate.

Like someone else on this thread, I was also 'chubby' all thorough out my childhood (and can I tell you how I loathe that word). In college I got even heavier and decided in my mid 20's to really make some changes. That's when I started the Zone way of eating and got into aerobics and weight training. I have lost and have kept off for several years 28 pounds and do feel like I could drop maybe 3-5 more. I am 5'7" tall and currently weigh 133. My family is constantly saying that I am thin enough right now and that if I lose anymore I will be anorexic. Most of the time I just smile politely and inside I am sometimes offended and/or hurt. As someone who struggled for the majority of her life with weight issues, is wanting to better one's self such a horrible thing? But I also have seen the flip side. One of my dearest friends is bulimic (in recovery now for almost 18 months) and says pretty much the same things I say about my weight and appearance. For a LONG time she saw her bulimia as being part of a process to look the way she wanted to look. Obviously there were also more significant root issues at work that she is working out in therapy. Still the desire to lose just a few more pounds or to look a certain way has women, in particular, going to all sorts of extremes. So what I am trying to say is that for some women it is a thin line between being mindful about eating/exercising and wanting to be your physical best and being obsessive and ultimately self destructive. I know that at times if I've pigged out with a treat (ice cream this time of year) or neglected workouts I can be hard on myself and become overly critical. With our society's passion on being thin so evident I think it can create some strong negative esteem on accepting who I am and what I look like.

To Mervellyn (I hope I got that right), you ROCK for having lost 20 pounds!!!!!!! And the fact that you did it slowly over time means that you've made lifestyle changes that will sustain the loss for the duration. I believe that the rest will come off in time as well. Please be patient with yourself (another virtue that is not espoused in our society or in the weight loss world).

Sorry for ranting etc.
I hear all of you, I too feel the frustation. I am also 5'2" weigh about 129 and my mom is now saying that I am getting too thin, what is that all about! I would like to lose yet another 15 or so pounds, then I will be very happy. Yes, I know that I need to love myself for what I have already, and I do, but I would just like to get into a size 3-4, currently I am in a 5-6.
I have a sister in law that is 5'8" tall and wieghs about 122 and wears a 3-4 sometimes a 1-2! She looks wonderful and I don't think that she is too thin, not for her frame. But yet, I do find myself jealous at times, because she has had 2 children, where I have had only one. But I think it is genetics in this case, her brother, my husband, is the same way, tall and thin. She does workout just like all of us and I just got her the Ab hits tape and she wants to get into Cathes strength tapes very badly now. She wants Cathes arms, just like we all do!
I love that we all look at Cathe and we see the strength and how healthy she is and we are all wanting the same thing. Not to say that we aren't healthy, or strong. But we just want it to show more than it does. We just have to keep going a day at a time and keep trying. Don't give up! I know we can do it!
Hi Meverllyn, you probably didn't see it, I told all that just a few posts up, I am 43 will be 44 in November, been married 22 yrs, and have a son 17 and another son 20. I started exercising March 3rd, and just keep adding more until I got to 2 hrs a day. You can read it all up there a couple of posts :7 ...
And I wanted to thank you ladies for the encouragement, I mentioned to a few people else where that I wanted to get down to about 100 or 103 some where in there,their reaction was not what I thought it would be, more like you better be careful not to lose to much. I can see a few areas like in the glutes, and of course in the abs ..... as long as I eat right I know I am fine :7 ... I so much appreciate the encouragement, and I encourage all of you too, to keep up the good work :7 ... You can do it :7 .....thanks all Rhonda :7 :7

p.s. I am in a size 6 levis now, but I do still wear my baggy size 8's to work in lol. But I bought all new pants to wear on vacation starting next weekend, big smile :7 :7 , working on a size 4 now :7
Hi Ladies! I too am 5'2" but I now weigh 110#s (I think) b/c I only weigh myself when I'm sick at the dr's office! LOL I don't own a scale but go by clothes labels. I'm a size 2 which are now loose on me heading for size 0. I started eating 6 times a day drinking green tea, less cardio & more weight training & this is the result. I'd probably still feel like a moose if I ever get to stand next to Cathe. You can see how we perceive ourselves. I hear your dilemmas about wanting to get smaller. And for me what worked was increasing protein & fiber counts every 6 wks. & every 6 wks. lessening the carbs. HTH, Kathy :D
I'm 5'9" and weigh about 125 lbs. I know this won't be popular, but I eat a LOT (mostly healthy but not restrictive of calories) and seem to need extra calories (e.g., ice cream every night) to maintain my weight. I'm 41 with 3 children, I do Cathe strength and cardio with some yoga thrown into the mix and am starting to see more and more muscle definition. I visit my parents every summer, and this past visit, I heard a lot of comments from family, friends and acquaintances about how skinny I am (mixed in, thankfully, with comments from others about my improved muscle definition). I personally think I look fine but sometimes get aggravated and self-concious at the "skinny" comments thrown at me. Last winter at a party, a woman I didn't even know came up to me and told me, "you are TOO skinny!" I felt like slapping her! Recently, I've decided to take it upon myself to educate people about making such remarks. I say, "Would you go up to someone and tell them how fat they are? Maybe thin people don't like hearing that they're too skinny!" I wonder if Cathe hears comments from people (friends and strangers alike) that she's "TOO skinny."
I don't get this much anymore but I used to - I also am a 'recovered' anorexic (though I don't think the thought pattern ever really recovers). As an anorexic, I can promise you that people telling me I was too skinny DEFINITLY DID NOT help. Even after my weight stabilized (I'm a healthy 125# 5'5"), my parents continued to harp on me about what I was eating, whether it was enough and I'd get nutrition articles out the wazoo (which is kind of silly because with all the stuff I've read on nutrition, it should be me sending them stuff!)

I can't say that their comments were without basis, because there have been times when I was too skinny, but you're absolutely right, no one who is overweight would want people coming up to them and telling them they are too fat. For some reason, in our society, it has been accepted to be obese (and thus not seen as a major problem) while on the other hand, being too skinny is a MAJOR issue. This is not ALWAYS the case but often seems like it is. My mother being overweight was never the problem in my family growing up as my being underweight.

This is not to say that they both aren't serious problems and that people that are overweight have it made in society. That's not the case at all. And, I'm definitely not saying anyone here has an under/overweight issue.

Just that I agree - it really hurts when people say things like that. I guess you just have to keep in mind that people (for the most part) don't mean to be cruel intentionally - probably quite the opposite. They care about you and think that they are helping by speaking their mind.

And here's something else to chew on...slender women are at a higher risk for osteoporisis. (one of my soapboxes, bear with me here). so, there is something to be said for having a couple extra pounds here and there. Make sure you are getting enough calcium and other vitamins/minerals so you don't have worry about this! :)

just my humble opinion and thoughts.
Kellib, thanks for your response, but although I'm thin, I am anything BUT anorexic! I have never had a problem with eating too little -- just ask my DH as I finish off what he hasn't from his dinner plate. I eat three fairly large meals plus healthy snacks all day long with a few treats thrown in. I always eat one, sometimes two large bowls of ice cream at night. I exercise for about an hour 5-6 times a week and, as a stay-at-home mother of 3 kids, lead a fairly active lifestyle. In 1982, when I was a sophomore in college, I felt I was a little too heavy so I began watching what I ate and at the same time, began waitressing 8-9 hours a night in a big restaurant (thus practically running for all those hours). This combination of moderate calorie restriction coupled with quite a bit of unintentional exercise, melted away 13 lbs and (I have no idea why) seemed to change my metabolism or something, because I have been thin ever since. When I was nursing each of my three children, I couldn't keep on the weight no matter how much I tried. I'm not complaining - I feel fortunate I don't have to watch every morsel I put into my mouth - but I'm sick of people telling me I'm too skinny! On the other hand, I feel apologetic (guilty?) when people who struggle with weight ask me what I do to stay thin. I exercise, eat healthfully and often, take vitamins and feel energetic and healthy! Should I feel apologetic?

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