My God Cathe is so tiny!!!!

I also don't want to offend anyone. I'm only 5', weigh 124, 40 years old, and wear a size 6, sometimes size 4. I also wear a Junior size 5 relaxed fit. My goal is to wear a regular size 5 in Juniors and a size 4 in the others. If I get down to a size 3 that would be okay also. But I have pictures of me when I was a size 1 and I have to say I looked skinny. I'm only 5' and a size 1 doesn't look good on me. Could be bone structure, I don't know.
I don't think anyone needs to be apologetic for what God as given them.You have an high metoblism and you take care of yourself.You eat healthy and you exercise.Just b/c you are slim ,people (as in people who don't know what the word exercise and healthy means)think that you are probably aren't eating.
My friend that weighs 117lb and just had a baby 9 monthes ago, well let me just tell you that she is so sick and tired of people commenting on her weight.The think with her is that she use to be heavier(160's) and she dieted alot before she got pregnat.We are from a samll town and everyone and their dog knows this.So now that they see her at her slimmest they think that she is not eating.Mean while she has 3 meals, lots of snacks and eats healthy.I also remember my sister in law getting mad a few times b/c she use to be 120 and is 5"7".She hated it when people said she was skinny.SHe liked the word slim.
It does seem o.k for people to be overweight, b/c that is what we see most of the time.I guess we get use to what we see.Exspecially older people, as in grandma and great aunt bertha across the street:+ love to see people with a bit of meat on their bones.For some reason they think it is healthy.Remembering when they grew up, food was not as plenltiful and being skinny meant that someone was probably hungry.
Remember that(and I need to do this to) we need to love ourselves no matter what shape or size we are.What the tag says on the pants.If we are eating healthy and exercising then we are doing whats good for us.Who cares about what the rest oof the world thinks?
:p Lori
Hi I'm on the smaller side 5 2 112. THe only real negative that I find with being smaller is with the face. It seems to me that folks with a little more body fat look so much better in their face as they age.

I had an aunt - she was 78 lbs yes only 4'11 but God bless her looked like a walking skeleton - you could see every bone in her face. I guess as I get into the 40s that's a new focus - not having the gaunt face look.

Seems water helps - the hydrating effect.

Anyone else see this or is it just me?
yes, i agree completely... the gaunt face makes someone look so much older than they really are. when my mother died (technically from pneumonia but ultimately from bulimia), she weighed around 70 lbs. she was only 5', but my whole life she heard people telling her she looked horrible. those comments obviously did not help.

i think the problem is that when we see someone overweight, we tend to think, "awww, poor person, he/she can't help it OR it's genetic" or whatever. on the other hand, i think people assume if someone is too thin, they're *trying* to be thin. and with today's unhealthy lifestyles, if you are working out and even a little careful about what you eat, you are "trying" to be thin. of course that sort of logic makes no sense, but i think that may explain why some people are so quick to call other people skinny but never comment on obesity.
Susan -
Oh, no - please don't feel apologetic! And I did not intend to imply that you had an eating disorder! I understand how you feel. I think I have a pretty decent metabolism (now that I've returned to somewhat normalcy) and I know that some people truly struggle with slower metabolism rates. I'm trying to put on a couple more pounds as my dh and I are trying to conceive and it's pretty difficult! But I would rarely discuss this with anyone at work as they - for the most part - struggle with getting and keeping the pounds off!

ditto to what skoobie & lori said!
I think it's important to realize that we all have different frame sizes and builds. What would seem too skinny on one person, might not be on another, and vice versa.

I am 5'7" tall and weigh between 110-112 lbs. My body frame is just small. Even though I am fairly tall, I have small hips and slender wrists. I can wear a size 2, but to be honest a size 0 usually fits me better.

Believe me, I am not too thin. This is the genetics I was dealt. A good example of genetics is my son. At 16 years old, he is 5'11" tall and weighs 122 lbs. Wonder where he got that? ;-)
I do also think that people think when someone is thin, they are dieting. Which is not always true. In my above post I stated that when I was a size 1, I was too skinny. I did not mention that I was that size without dieting or anything. I was very active at that point in my life and ate like a horse. I actually had tried to gain weight at one point as I didn't like the way I looked. Once I started an exercise program, my body started take more shape and I was much happier with myself and was getting compliments from everyone. I was still small, but started putting on some muscle which made all the difference in the world. I would love to see Cathe in person. I can just imagine how she looks. Very tiny and no body fat. I'm thinking she doesn't look skinny or thin, but that she looks athletic and healthy.

I think Cathe looks great.

My only problem is when I loose weight, I loose breast. I am down to a 36B. I like being smaller but hate to have a smaller breast. What about your girls??
lol Helene,
Be thankful :+ ..... your in a B cup, some of us didn't have even that much and lost some lol. ..... Rhonda :7 :+ :7
This is my pet peeve, too. It's considered rude to comment on someone's weight, but it's ok to call a person "skinny." I hate that word as much as the person who hates "chubby."

I am a classic ecto, 5'4" with small bones. I've always been "petite." I was tormented as a child. On the rare occasion I was forced to wear a dress to school, everyone got a good laugh. To this day, I rarely wear a dress or shorts in public.

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and was very ill for a while. I lost a lot of weight at the time and, yes, I looked bad. I can't count the number of people that told me I was "too skinny" and that I should "just eat."

Sometimes it helps to remember the old adage: If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything.

I understand what you are saying. I am smaller than some of my friends and they always make comments like you are so tiny or a good wind would blow you over. I am 5/6 and weigh 130#, so tiny is not the word for me. I am height and weight proportionate. I finally told them that I have worked for this is not God given. They have nothing to be jealous of. If I was fortunate enough to be like some of these women who have posted and eat anything I want and still maintain my weight, then you can be jealous. But, I get up every morning, 6 days a week at 6 a.m. and work my but off....literally. I work for this figure. There is no magic equation. You work off what you take in...plain and simple. there is no reason why they too can't have a healthy body weight....they need to work for it. that has seemed to work. Instead of making comments about how "tiny" I am, they say about how good I look and they are noticing muscle definition in my arms. That is what I want to hear...that they are noticing all of my hard work. When people comment about how skinny someone is...especially someone who is unhealthy making this comment.....I truely think it is just jealousy coming out.

Not me I LOVE being small chested. No problems with pain when running.. you can get away with any top and never look like you are trying to be too sexy - it's great looking a lot younger than you are. Nope me I'm very happy being petite and small chested...
>Not me I LOVE being small chested. No problems with pain
>when running.. you can get away with any top and never look
>like you are trying to be too sexy - it's great looking a lot
>younger than you are. Nope me I'm very happy being petite
>and small chested...

I am in total agreement here! I too am small framed and small chested, and I love it. I wouldn't change it, even if I could.
Running is a breeze. Clothes are no problem. You can get away with any top, but I think being small is just as sexy as being larger! ;)
Oh, and the aging thing. No saggage here! :D

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