The results are/were inconclusive. Everything but the heartworm results came back, I'll know those tomorrow. The chest Xrays were fine. The blood work was normal, except elevated white blood cell counts, which just indicates an infection, but nothing specific. She thinks he just has a doggie cold or flu. She sent us home with some antibiotics to get him started on. Nothing strenuous for him for the next week. No walks, no fetch ball. And we are supposed to bribe him to eat, chicken broth in the dry dog food (it seems to be attracting the cat) and wet food as well if he still won't eat. Make him think he's getting something special. I did get a big tail wag and doggie smile when I picked him up, which I haven't seen all weekend, so at least he's not totally messed up. Hopefully he'll sleep tonight, I can't deal with another night of coughing and not being able to breathe. I found a website that is similar to WebMD, but for pets - I shouldn't have been messing around on there today. I was one paranoid doggie momma. Hopefully the heartworm will come back negative and all will be back to normal in a few days.