My Cat is Obsessed With Q-Tips!


Does anyone else have this problem? My cat will sit by the Q-Tips in the bathroom and cry and cry for them. I will give him one, he plays with it, and then he wants another one. He would be in heaven if I poured the entire package over him! He expecially loves the used ones, but we dont give him those!

You should see the gyrations he performs with one in his paws. It is so comical. I find little "sticks" all over the house. I dont know what happens to the cotton. Is this safe? I HAVE to give them to him or he wont be quiet.

I would be carefull, I had a puppy that was so cute and would do almost the same thing, she loved cotton untill I noticed she had some bloody stools, the stuff got caught in her intestines, we got lucky and they gave her meds to help her pass it, but they have seen some cats and dogs come in with stuff really stuck and took surgery to remove it. I know it is cute I would sit and laugh when our puppy did it.
I had a cat Hobbes, who was obsessed with Q-tips. He would even dig them out of the garbage can. He would play and roll around with them and eat the cotton tip off. We eventually got a container to put the used ones in, so when that got filled up we could throw them away. He was such a hoot! over them.

Mine is too! He is also obsessed with ear plugs. I have to seal them in a baggy bag. If not, they're history!
I too am totally cracking up! That's the funniest thing or maybe I'm just tired (it is the end of the day!)

my calico is like this but with pony beads...she moews and keeps them by her side as if they were kittens ...she's been spayed since she was 4 months old but it's just too cute.
My son and my cat are the same age. When my son was a baby and the cat was a kitten, the cat used to chew on my son's pacifiers. I was walking through the kitchen one day and felt all this rubbery wet stuff under my feet. It was gross. I looked down and she had totally destroyed his pacifier. We had to hide them or she would tear them all up. I even have the cutest picture of her with a pacifier in her mouth. She is solid white with blue eyes and the pacifier was blue. It is so cute.
That describes my cat Maggie exactly except she doesn't ask me for them, she'll go straight to the garbage bin in the bathroom and fish out the used ones herself. Yes, the used ones are her favourites. She'll chew on their ends. Gross!! I no longer put garbage in the bathroom but put the used Q-Tips in the kitchen trash. It would annoy me when I'd find so many of them stuffed underneath area rugs.
I think it has something to do with the wax. LOL! My cat prefers the used Q-Tips and like Grace's cat, will dig them out of the waste basket. I think that's why my cat likes ear plugs also. :)

I've been raised with cats all my life and we always had a cat that liked something weird. One of our cats LOVED Vick's vapor rub and another one of our cats LOVED Cheetoes.
Mine, too!!! It looks like he is always smoking a joint!?!??! (It hangs out like James Dean used to hold his cigarette) he he

You are not alone in the Q-tip battle.
How cute!
I would be careful about only allowing kitty to play with these under supervision, and keeping used ones where he can't get to them. Doesn't hurt to be safe!

One of my cats has a plastic bag obsession: she likes to lick them when she's stressed, or just out of the blue. She doesn't try to chew on them, so I just let her do it, since it seems to comfort her somehow (maybe she likes the sound?).

Cat's also like pipecleaners. You can use them straight or curl them up into a spring shape (which makes them bouncy and fun to carry).
Your kitty must be related to mine! :)
My cat will get into the bathroom cabinet to pull Q-tips out of the box. He'll get it all the way downstairs to his food dish -- He always does this in the middle of the night so we wake up to the cabinet open and 5-6 Q-tips in his food dish. Why the food dish? I have no idea. We've tried moving the Q-tips to another cabinet or drawer, but he finds them every time. He can open a cabinet with a child proof latch on it! Go figure! So we just buy him his own box and let him do his thing. Good kitty! :)

This thread is really making me laugh! I thought my cat was the only one with the Q-Tip obsession. Kathryn, like your cat mine also has a plastic bag obsession. She chews and licks the bag until it is full of little tiny teeth punctures. I have to keep all Q-Tips and plastic bags safely stored. The crazy things these cats do!
Oh boy, I got a kick out of this one too!!!

AND..... I just dumped about 20 Q-Tips on my black kittie. She looks like she may like it.....hmmm.....we are watching her for a reaction....

Hubby says he thinks she will like it!! Sheesh...another thing to keep that hairball out of!!

Natasha's fetish

My lil girl loves toothpaste! When I put my travel bag on the counter she finigles her way in and gets my toothpaste all the time(She's a pro) The worst part is when I get up in the middle of the night and step on the cap she's been chewing on--Ouch(my reminder to keep my toothpaste in the cabinet ;-)
Atleast she has good breath,not doggy breath ;-)
Our cat likes pipe cleaners....

Our 2 year old male cat just absolutely LOVES pipe cleaners - any color, straight or bent, it just doesn't matter. I bought a pack for my daughter's art project last year and put them in a small cabinet for storage. When you open the door he will come running from whereever he is and try to pull one or more out of the open pack. If you pull one out and hold it above his head, you can make him walk on his hind legs while he is trying desparately to either grab it or bite it. Not sure why he likes them, but he goes nuts for them. He loves to wad them up and shove them under doors and furniture and then fight desperately to get them back (to the point that he occasionally has scratches on his head from digging so hard under the door edges). We try to keep several out so if he 'loses' one temporarily, he has others to occupy himself with until someone opens a closet door. He will stand at a closet door and wait for you to open it and then go in only to get his pipe cleaner. Weird!
RE: Our cat likes pipe cleaners....

Maybe I should try pipe cleaners over what my cat likes. He plays with the line that you put on a weed eater. Cut to the length for the weed eater he finds one and prances around with it in his mouth. You could play for hours with him and it. Plus my cats also play in the tub. The lady who fostered our female cat used to put kittens in the tub and roll a ball around and let them play. Sooo needless to say our female calico cat likes the tub, so when we got the male we told the lady to not do that again because they want in the shower when you are taking one. Well she didn't but guess what:eek: yes, the female cat showed the male kitten how much fun the shower/tub could be and now he likes the tub too.. sigh! Couldn't win on that one:-( . They are sooo cute though playing together in the tub!! And they lick the water where it pools in the tub.:9

Cute thread!:D

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