Movies that made you cry the most...

"I am Sam" Sean Penn plays a mentally challenged man who faces losing his daughter. It is a fabulous movie about true love! I sob every time I watch this movie.
For me the question would be... which movies DO NOT make me cry since most do.
Some are:
The Bridges of Madison County ( a real tear jerker)
Titanic (cried for at least 1/2 hr)
The Notebook
Soul Food
A Walk in the Clouds
Breakfast at Tiffany's
You've Got Mail
Step Mom
To Sir With Love
The Champ
Born Free
The Piano (very intense movie)
An Affair to Remember
8 Below
I'm with yor Traci...I cry at everything!! My husband makes fun of me...because I'll cry at most anything..even commercials! I can't believe you brought up Born Free....I cry throughout the entire movie..I haven't watched it with my DD because I don't want her to be worried about me! My top tear jerkers that I don't think have been mentioned are:

Goodbye Girl
The Green Mile
On Golden Pond
Ordinary People
Hope Floats
Jerry Maguire (the living room scene)
Dances With Wolves (when they shoot the wolf)
Out of Africa
officer and a Gentleman
Places in the Heart
Without a Trace
Ice Castles
My Life

Plus all the previous ones listed! As you can see....there's lots!!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
The movies I remember being the biggest tearjerkers for me are:

Billy Elliott
My Life
The Cider House Rules
Definitely After the Promise with Mark Harmon. Based on a true story and I cried from start to finish.

I'm exactly like Nancy. I cry at moments of intense emotion, whether they are sad or not, just because they are moments crystallized wherein a character speaks of love or truth or something deep and meaningful. In Princess Diaries, I have tears in my eyes when she declares she will be Princess now and why....when Lindsay Lohan and Jamie lee Curtis talk of their lost father/husband in Freaky Friday and how they can maybe let another man in to, not replace their dad/husband, but maybe form a whole, new unit...

but yes, the funeral scene and the Auden poem in 4 Weddings gets me every time without fail, and so does Million Dollar Baby and so does the Gillian Andersen adaptation of Edith Wharton's novel "The House of Mirth." It gets so bad I have to stop the movie half way through to gear myself up because I know exactly how badly it ends, I know she could be saved if HE only got his act in gear and realized in time that he loves her...

Why cry at the Shawshank Redemption? That's a punch-the-air movie: have I forgotten a very sad bit?

Yes: Brokeback Mtn broke my heart too. Some films are very tough to watch. I don't think I will ever see Million Dollar Baby again. I couldn't bear it.

There are so many!

Terms of Endearment
Steel Magnolias
Murder in the First (with Kevin Bacon)
Shawshank Redemption
Million Dollar Baby
I have to admit that DH and I weep like babies every single time we see You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle or Love, Actually. And I don't want to tell you how many times we've seen those movies. ;)
I forgot another one. You MUST see it, however. Outstanding movie. In America. With Djimon Hounsou (spl?). Amazing, but will make you sob at the end.
City of Angels
Terms of Endearment

I try to avoid these kinds of movies like the plague. I don't like to cry. So, my list is short and old. I'm sure that there are movies out much newer that would pull a few strings, but I refuse to see them.
I like romantic comedies, and comedies and action, that's all the further that I will go. I know, I'm boring.


Ok, edited to add a few others that I have forgotten about.
Gorillas in the Mist
The Fox and the Hound (at least I did when I saw it at age 5)
Oh geez, and the Lion King when Mufasa dies and Simba thinks its his fault.
I am also a HUGE fan of Love, Actually, even though it makes me cry!
Armageddon does as well

When I am tired, especially on Monday nights (I get off of my 3 12 hr night shifts Monday morning), I pretty much cry at anything! Especially those darn Hallmark commercials!!!
Oh my gosh, I forgot about so many you all have reminded me of including but not limited to:
City of Angels
Steel Magnolias

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