Movies that made you cry the most...


I was wondering because I was watching "Finding Neverland" last night and cried just as much as I did the first time that I saw it, but not quite as much as:

Schindler's List (didn't see it in the theatre, thank goodness; I had to keep taking "cry breaks" at home when I saw it)
The Elephant Man (I couldn't talk for an hour after this one)
Bridges of Madison County (definitely a case of a movie being way better than the book)
Let Him Have It (sooo unfair and sad!)

which ones made you boo-hoo the most?
ET - I cried from the moment they left him and took off until the closing credits. I've never watched it again because I don't want to experience that again.

Four Weddings and a Funeral - obviously at the funeral part.

Love, Actually - when he's holding up those damn signs for Kiera Knightley's character to read, and when Emma Thompson gets the CD for Christmas.

Rumble in the Bronx with Jackie Chan - because it was so unbelievably BAD!!!:p
I forgot about ET and Four Weddings. Bawled like a baby in both. Love the Auden poem at the funeral...gets me every time.

I haven't seen Love, Actually. Hmmm...I need a good cry: Netflix, here I come.
Oh, you MUST see Love, Actually. It's wonderful. Gotta love those brilliant British ensemble cast pieces.

And yes, it's the Auden poem that gets me too.

"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good."
I don't often post here just wanted to add I love that scene and the poem my sister died not long after I orignally saw this and I found it so fitting really summed up how I felt.

Also my are oldies:

This Imitiation of Life
Silent Running
An American Tail (don't know why but I always blub during this one)

Ok that enough don't want to show my age too much.
Born Free!! I still remember seeing that as a kid, and trying to hold back the tears.

Terms of Endearment. The Debra Winger character is so aggravating and loveable at the same time... and the chemistry between Shirley Maclaine and Jack Nicholson characters was wonderful... and of course, when she breaks down at the hospital yelling "Give my daughter the shot!"

Empire of the Sun. Loved that beautiful, mournful song the little bog (Christian Bale!) sang.
The Notebook, cried like a baby

Sophie's Choice ~ great movie, better book!

Brian's Song ~ an oldie but a goodie

The Reincarnation of Audrey Rose ~ don't remember much of the movie just that it left me sobbing.

Take Care
OMG The Elephant Man gets me, especially the part where he talks about wanting children. Talk about a blubberfest. Also:

Steel Magnolias (EVERY time!)
The Color Purple


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
It's a Wonderful Life. The last scene when everyone is donating money to George I just lose it. Every year. You'd think by now I'd be able to hold it together, but I can't.
Finding Neverland and Schindler's List get me every time, too (in fact, I haven't seen Peter Pan since I watched FN because I know what it means now! ;()

Life is Beautiful
Amistad, cried for weeks afterwards
Bambi, the first movie I ever cried to
Brother Bear
Possession (I don't know why, I guess because she never knew that he knew and her daughter hated her and, oh! the lock of hair they found in his chest really belonged to... !!!)
Jeepers Creepers, because it was so cliche and terrible! :p

The Yearling - it turns into a sob fest when Jody has to shoot the deer.

It's a Wonderful Life

How The Grinch Stole Christmas - when the Grinch's small heart grows 3 sizes

Mrs. Miniver - when Carol is killed and when Lady Beldon declares Mr. Ballard's rose the winner in the annual rose show

Dark Journey - When Bette Davis goes blind

A Might Wind - at the end when Mickey and Mitch sing "A Kiss at The End of The Rainbow"

Steel magnolias


Titanic ( I flat out bawled like a baby on this one..maybe because it really did happen.)

Polar Express

Forrest Gump ( I am a wimp, I know..)
I cry so hard every time I watch Beaches!! It kills me when the friend dies and they are singing Wind Beneath my Wings.

I also bawl so hard at the end of Titanic when the lifeboats are coming back and all the people are frozen dead in the water and there is that infant baby dead. I had watched this for this first time in a movie theater with my husband when my oldest was only 2 months old. When I saw that I cried so hard that my husband was holding HIS hand over my mouth and I was blubbering and shaking. Also, the part when the mom is reading a book to her kids in the bed while the boat is sinking.

Another movie I absolutely bawled to was Of Mice and Men.

how on Earth could I forget Titanic??? I cry for that last 30 minutes of the movie every time, starting when the Irish mom tucks her kids into bed and tells them the story of the Land of Tiernan....whateveritis. ;(

Michele, I thought that I was the only person in the world who got weepy when Mitch and Mickey kissed at the end of their song! I confessed that to a friend (a woman, mind you, who will cry at ANYthing remotely sad in a movie)and she looked at me as if I were insane!!! But it was so sweet!!!

I thought of two other blubber-fests for me:

Big Fish -- when the son tells his father the story of his death!!!

The Sixth Sense -- when the kid tell his mother what his grandmother has told him. Toni Colette breaks my heart in that scene!
The first one that comes to mind is "Gorillas in the Mist" (when Diane Fossey finds the body of the male gorilla who has had his hands, feet and head cut off for sale). I wept uncontrollably in the theater!

Also: "Beaches," "Titanic," "ET." I'd heard the theme song from Titanic before I saw the movie, and liked it, but it didn't really move me, but after I saw the movie, I couldn't listen to the song (which played a LOT on the radio at the time) without wanting to cry!

Many movies about loss and death make me cry, especially the death of a father or an animal. A friend took me to see a 'comedy' once with Diane Keaton and Meg Ryan and Lisa Kudrow and Walter Matthau in. We didn't know before seeing it that it dealt alot with the father's illness and death. This was only 2 years after my father had died, so it was a real weeper for me.

Movies like "The Pianist" and "Schindler's List" make me feel so deeply sad about how human beings can be so sadistic, but I don't necessarily cry.

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