Movies that made you cry the most...

There's an old Kevin Costner/Madeliene Stowe movie called "Revenge" that just brings me to tears! I'm just bawling at the end. Wonderful movie, though.

Another Madeliene Stowe movie that makes me sob like a baby is "Last of the Mohicans". Another great movie!

The final chapter of Star Wars (Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith) found me bawling my eyes out as the Empirial forces begin to turn on the Jedi and the wookies...I pretty much cried during the whole last 30-45 minutes of the movie. I don't know if I was crying because a lifetime of the Star Wars saga was coming to an end or because of the story itself...maybe a little of both.

"Memoirs of a Geisha" and "Joy Luck Club" get the waterworks going, too.

"Gladiator"! What an awesome movie! Very emotional at the end.

And I remember having to reach for the napkins I got for my popcorn so I could dab at the tears that were running down my cheeks as I watched "Meet Joe Black".

The Erin Brockovich movie made me cry, too. All the pain those people endured at the hands of big corporate America made me hurt inside. Knowing this was a true story drove the emotion home for me.

I love powerful, epic movies with strong stories. It's not the love stories that make me cry.
Just thought of another one: "Phar Lap"

It was a true story about an amazing race horse. This is a movie I almost can't watch because it absolutely tears me up! Give me the box of Kleenex. I'm tearing up now just thinking about this movie.

Oh, and "The Bridges of Madison County"! This movie reminds me of a situation I was in once. I fell in love with someone I couldn't have. And he was in love with me. But we couldn't do anything about it because he was married. Our story resembled this one so similarly that I can't watch this movie without thinking about him still to this day. I've moved on with my life, and so has he, but I know that neither of us will ever forget the other. We were so in tune with each other that we literally could reach each other's mind - it was the kind of magical relationship I think every person should have at least once. I can't explain it any better than to say that it was like we shared the same mind. I even know to this day when he's thinking about me. Back then it got to the point where we just accepted it as a fact of life: He'd call me after a year or two of us not talking to each other and I'd say, "I knew you were going to call me because I've been thinking about you." He'd laugh, "I've been thinking a lot about you, too." And I'd just say, "I know."

I could go on and on with the "mind reading" stories, but I digress. Sorry. Not trying to sabotage the thread...just took a momentarily stroll down Memory Lane with the mention of that movie.
Hey Debra

Can't believe there is someone who cries as much as me (... commercials!! :) :) )
I cry for comedies, action movies, romantic comedies, animated movies, animal movies... everything !!
And everytime I hear the theme song for Born Free I feel extremely sad.
Oh boy....

Steel Magnolias - my husband thinks I must be out of my mind to still cry everytime I see it....

Madame X - Lana Turner - an absolute tearjerker

Imitation of Life - Lana Turner - ditto from above

Back Street with Susan Hayward - I choke up thinking about it!

the last scene of "Miracle on 34th Street" - ok, so I'm out of my mind but this scene gets me everytime. Yes, I still want to believe in Santa Claus!

Wow! What a cool thread!

There are so many movies that make me cry that I can't think of alot of them, and alot of them have been listed. Except for Turner and Hooch. I know that is kinda unusual, but I am a dog lover and treat mine better than DH! Anyway, when Hooch dies, I lose control. When we lost our first dog almost 2 years ago, watching Turner and Hooch is like a chore now. So it would have to be the one that makes cry the most.

The Little Princess. I had forgotten all about this movie until it ran on TCM last night. I'm talking about the 1939 version with Shirley Temple:+

I just hate that old biatch, Miss Minchin--lol!
>Schindler's List (didn't see it in the theatre, thank
>goodness; I had to keep taking "cry breaks" at home when I saw

Me too. My husband took me to see it on my birthday and I bawled like a baby from beginning to end. I also cried at the end of Terms of Endearment when the mom was dying. I was fine until the little boy started crying. I hate seeing kids cry! I also cried during Bastard Out of Carolina because my heart bled for that girl and the horrible abuse she had to endure.

"Where there's a will, there's a way."
>Six-Message in a Bottle
>Starring Kevin Costner and Robin Wright Penn, Message in a
>Bottle is the type of movie that has everything in it from
>humor, to a little bit of mystery, respect of one’s past love
>and fear of one’s future love. In this 1999 movie, Kevin
>portrays a man who is not ready to let go of the love he still
>holds for his deceased wife. Robin plays a newspaper person
>who finds a love letter in a bottle and publishes it, then
>searches for its author. I cried so hard when at movie’s end,
>Kevin realizes that he is finally ready to love again but is
>tragically killed in his boat while valiantly helping to save
>other boaters caught in a terrible storm!

Hi Janie,

I saw this movie and did not cry when Kevin Costner's character died. I got really angry that I had wasted 2 hours and there would be no happy ending. ;( I was really rooting for those two people to come together. I enjoyed the movie but I've never watched it again. I hate movies with bad endings. The Village is another movie from recent memory where the ending ticked me off. Their whole life is a lie but they decide to continue the lie. Ugh!

"Where there's a will, there's a way."

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