Motivation Needed!!!


Hey all,

I need some help. My list of excuses for why I can't workout is growing instead of shrinking...
- I'm getting married and have no time
- I have no room in my apt
- I'm too tired
- I can't afford a gym membership

I'm sure I can think of more as well, but you get the idea. All the excuses are real, but I know I have to fight through them, but I just can't seem to do it.

I just need to get back on track, especially with the wedding in less then 6 weeks!! I don't want to end up using marriage as an excuse and I definitely don't want to drag it over into kids (meaning that when I do have kids I use them as the excuse as to why I can't workout).

So, I'm just trying to get some ideas as to how others motivated themselves to get on track despite "life happening."

Looking forward to some good feedback!

Thanks all!!
CC first off Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! :D

I have struggled through the years with letting my workout time slip away from me...I've got the busy life too - 4 teenagers, 2 with special needs, job, house, lotta cats, aging parents, DH, and paper, oh the paper - it needs so much attention.

I think the best thing is to look at working out as something you do to keep yourself in the best possible condition to fulfill all your roles. Put yourself first because you're needed.

See this thread too which has much good advice about priorities...

And...try this....just commit to a few minutes - the shortest premixes, or 20 minutes of cardio anything. Soon you'll get that feeling back that Cathe is so good at giving us...the part where you see the twinkle in her eye that says, "I'm going to hurt you....badly....and you're gonna LOVE it!" And you respond "Ya, ok bring it!" (Before you start cursing out the tv, LOL).

Be patient. Keep trying. Fitness is a practice...I don't think you ever reach a state of perfection (who'd want to anyway). Keep practicing.

I'm off to do STS M1D3 now! I'll be cursing shortly! :p
And...try this....just commit to a few minutes - the shortest premixes, or 20 minutes of cardio anything. Soon you'll get that feeling back that Cathe is so good at giving us...the part where you see the twinkle in her eye that says, "I'm going to hurt you....badly....and you're gonna LOVE it!" And you respond "Ya, ok bring it!" (Before you start cursing out the tv, LOL).

Congrats on your upcoming wedding :)

ITA with this comment by Suzanne! Premixes are a home exerciser's best friend!

Here is a fitness quote that holds true and dear "it's not about having time, it's about making time".

Set small attainable goals first, like saying you will commit yourself to 30min 3X/week, as opposed to 60min 6X/week. You will be surprised at how much you can get accomplished in a 30min Cathe workout :eek:. Exercise can be very hard to get back into once you've "dropped-out" so to speak, but once you get the ball rolling, you will slowly but surely get hooked again. Before you know it, you'll be "making" the time to exercise. No excuses!

Good luck & all the best :)

It's helpful to schedule your workouts like you would any other appointment. That way you will be sure to do them.

As other posters have suggested, keep your workouts short (20-30 minutes) and simple. You can always fit in 20 or 30 minutes. I have actually done workouts in office at work. Sometimes I bring my kettlebell to work and I will do 20 swings and 15 push ups every hour on the hour all day.

Congratulations on your wedding!
Hey all,

I need some help. My list of excuses for why I can't workout is growing instead of shrinking...
- I'm getting married and have no time
- I have no room in my apt
- I'm too tired
- I can't afford a gym membership

I'm sure I can think of more as well, but you get the idea. All the excuses are real, but I know I have to fight through them, but I just can't seem to do it.

I just need to get back on track, especially with the wedding in less then 6 weeks!! I don't want to end up using marriage as an excuse and I definitely don't want to drag it over into kids (meaning that when I do have kids I use them as the excuse as to why I can't workout).

So, I'm just trying to get some ideas as to how others motivated themselves to get on track despite "life happening."

Looking forward to some good feedback!

Thanks all!!

CC, Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You must be thrilled!

You can have more excuses for being too busy to workout but I won't go down the list because obviously they all are important.

I think you have to treat good health as you would getting ready for a wedding. No matter what the errands would be you have to get it done or the wedding wouldn't be as nice as it could be. Or more importantly as it should be. Once the wedding vows are said and done, you continue to work on the marriage to make it a success. There's no room for excuses.

Same goes for your health. You have to be healthy in order to have energy to maintain a life long marriage. You will need it believe you me.:rolleyes: A sharp brain, a healthy body. You go get em girl!

A little humor here goes a long way,:D

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CC -

Congratulations! You have a lot of excitement/stress right now, huh?

I have two thoughts that are pretty consistent with what everybody else has already posted.

The first is that when I'm stressed (given my life over the last few years, this is pretty much my constant state of being) it's really hard to find time to work out. I know when I'm stressed, my internal dialogue is that I'll feel more relaxed or less stressed if I take 10 minutes to read Cathe forum posts, or watch TV, load the dishwasher, answer another work email or whatever. But in reality, what keeps me sane are my workouts and it's really important that I focus on that bigger picture versus what might help me feel less stressed in the next 30 minutes. The less I work out, the more stressed I feel and the less capable I am of handling the stress (hello insomnia!). What I do now to remind myself why it matters is to consider my workouts to be the equivalent of brushing my teeth. I would never not brush and floss my teeth before going to bed, so I don't go to bed without working out, either (well, I do take rest days!). It's just a matter of fact daily self care issue. And the teeth brushing/flossing analogy works well for me because I'm incredibly grossed out by lack of dental hygiene...perhaps there's some other daily self care thing you could use as your analogy if you think this might work for you. Anyway, my overall point is that I found a mental trick that I use to force myself to work out (and thefore remain glued together) even though in the moment I'm certain I'll be better off if I do something that only seems more important because I'm not looking at the bigger picture.

The second trick I use isn't so much when I'm stressed or lack time, but it's for those days I just don't want to work out. I don't feel sick, my body isn't sending me some signal to take a rest day, I just don't want to darn it. What I do is pick a workout that fits the time I have available and force myself to start. I tell myself that if, after 10 minutes, I want to quit, I can, no questions asked, no recriminations. Sometimes I waste so much time dawdling before I put in the DVD that I could have finished the entire workout! I've played this 10 minute trick on myself countless times and I can tell you that I have never once quit after the 10 minutes are up (but for the first 5 minutes or so, I'm watching that clock because I plan to quit at the 10 minute mark). I always finish the workout and feel great afterwards. In fact, on some of these days I have even more energy than on days I just can't wait to get to my workout. Go figure! I'll also add that my go to workout on these days is Hiit DWP. It's one of my favorites and it's also only 1/2 hour long, so after 10 minutes it's pretty easy for me to keep going.

Whatever you do, be kind to yourself. Maybe the answer is to adjust the amount of time you devote to working out. I'm not in a relationship right now, so it's easy for me to work out 6 days a week (okay, not easy, but possible). I know that will drop to 4 or 5 (maybe even 3) with the next boyfriend. It just does. And there's nothing wrong with that! Health takes many forms, and relationshp health is important too. And hey, maybe you and your husband can do active things together? And when you have little ones, as I'm sure some of the women on this forum can attest, those toddlers will keep you running and that's a workout in and of itself.

The fact that you're asking these questions shows that working out is important to you and something you don't want to lose. That's a pretty good indicator that you'll continue to find a way to be active while adjusting to all the changes you're experiencing.

I hope your wedding is beautiful!
CC -

I forgot to add that I do weights in a really large area, but cardio in a small area, so I can relate to having a small workout space. Hiit, Crossfire, CCC, MMA Boxing and Afterburn are all easy to do in a small space and dont use any equipment (well, Afterburn uses some dumbells and the discs). I wish I was at home so I could see my collection to remind myself what other workouts are easy to do in my small area, but that's what I can remember off the top of my head. I have almost every Cathe cardio workout and make them all work in my small space, but some (especially non-step) are easier to adapt than others.

And there's always walking outside. :)

Good luck!

When I hit an exercise lull and/or need accountability, I do two things. First, I pick a new rotation. Second, I plug the daily workouts from my rotation into my calendar (when I'm doing Cathe rotations I use the Workout Manager). The "newness" of the rotation makes me feel excited to be doing something different and having the appointment to do a specific workout in my calendar (or the WM) gives me motivation to actually DO IT so I can check it off the list.

You could always make up your own rotation, but since you're short on time maybe Cathe has a premix or timesaver rotation that you'd enjoy? I'm pretty sure that she has put together rotations for past holiday seasons that utilize premixes and shorter workouts.

Maybe a Cathe rotation isn't possible if you don't have room at home. Can you get an inexpensive membership to the local YMCA or Rec Center? I've found lots of interesting (and free) weight and cardio workout routines online that I've followed at the gym.

Congratulations on your wedding!
- I'm getting married and have no time
- I have no room in my apt
- I'm too tired
- I can't afford a gym membership

Yeah, life happens...every day!

1) How much time does it really take to get married? i suspect that the arrangements will take up all the time you let them, so it's up to you to prioritize yourself over church hall flower arrangements, or whatever. Will you enjoy your wedding more because everything (but your sanity) is perfect? Or because you are relaxed, happy, feeling energized and happy in your skin despite wedding imperfections? Exercise brings all these things. Perfection just brings stress. Ditch the perfection and prioritize YOU. DO IT TODAY!

2) others have addressed this. Actually, weight training need not take up much room either. List 2 exercises per muscle group and bang them out while the TV is on in the evening. Kills two birds. You work the body and entertain the mind at the same time. Back when I had dropped out of my PhD program, was massively depressed and unmotivated, I did this deal with myself: I was allowed to watch DVDs or TV, but only if I weight trained while I did it. I did this for an entire year. So, I got through a TON of CSI episodes on TV. You don't need much room to do barbell rows and one arm lateral rows (back); lie on the floor and do chest presses and flyes; stand back up and bang out squats, lunges, plie squats, etc with dumbbells in front of the TV; sit on chair in front of the TV and do overhead presses for triceps, then do dips off the chair front; stand up and do hammer curls and bicep curls and voila! The space needed is the space to sit, stand and lie down. That's it. No more excuses here.

3) You are too tired. Girlfriend, join the club. But, tiredness is a state of mind and the way to remove it is to get outside. Go outside and walk. NO expensive gym membership needed here. I get tired of repeating myself on these forums but I owe the bulk of my fitness, health, sanity, and self-prescribed depression treatment to powerwalking with superb music. I head out, I may be tired, pissed off, depressed as hell, angry: doesn't matter. Within minutes I am grinning like a fool, and yes, singing along! WORKS EVERY TIME AND WORKS LIKE A CHARM. People continuously underestimate the fitness and health benefits from power walking. Because of power walking I can bang out a 5 or 6 mile run at any time. And I can maintain muscle mass and definition in the lower body. It also gives me an impressive core. So, lace up, map out a route, grab your tunes and go. You don't have to feel like it: you just have to do it. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOWN-SIDE.

4) Already addressed and answered in 2 and 3 above.

We can all make excuses, every single one of us. We all have jobs, kids, a house to run and maintain, everybody else's needs to take care of, etc, etc. But: only you can prioritize you. Nobody else is going to do it. You deserve to be happy as you get married, not stressed out, feeling lumpy, de-conditioned and hating being on display.

Prioritize yourself today: because you are worth it.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

Thx all! I needed both the advice a bit of a kick. I tend to be an "all or nothing" person. If I can't do one solid hour then I view my workout as nothing. I know this is not true but I tend to pick up on the lies...probably cause I want an excuse for the moment. In the end I know I will be sorry though.

I'm starting tomorrow (or today) morning with a class cause I feel like I need some other people to get me motivated...then I think I'm going to pick a rotation. I do better with pre-scheduled things.

Ok, I will read these again tomorrow and maybe just print them up and post them on a wall to review!!

To bed I go!

Thx all! I needed both the advice a bit of a kick. I tend to be an "all or nothing" person. If I can't do one solid hour then I view my workout as nothing. I know this is not true but I tend to pick up on the lies...probably cause I want an excuse for the moment. In the end I know I will be sorry though.

I'm starting tomorrow (or today) morning with a class cause I feel like I need some other people to get me motivated...then I think I'm going to pick a rotation. I do better with pre-scheduled things.

Ok, I will read these again tomorrow and maybe just print them up and post them on a wall to review!!

To bed I go!


What a fantastic way to remember our advice. Putting them up on a wall for you to be reminded makes me feel well, special. Thank you for that.

You have a fantastic plan going. Good for you!

Good luck CC. Keep us posted on how you are doing OK?

+1 Beautifully put Clare!

Yeah, life happens...every day!

Go outside and walk. NO expensive gym membership needed here. I get tired of repeating myself on these forums but I owe the bulk of my fitness, health, sanity, and self-prescribed depression treatment to powerwalking with superb music. I head out, I may be tired, pissed off, depressed as hell, angry: doesn't matter. Within minutes I am grinning like a fool, and yes, singing along! WORKS EVERY TIME AND WORKS LIKE A CHARM. People continuously underestimate the fitness and health benefits from power walking. Because of power walking I can bang out a 5 or 6 mile run at any time. And I can maintain muscle mass and definition in the lower body. It also gives me an impressive core. So, lace up, map out a route, grab your tunes and go. You don't have to feel like it: you just have to do it. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOWN-SIDE.

I agree with Claire ....also I truly feel if you waiit for motivation then it wont come. I always tell myself I'm gonna at least do 10 minutes of walking..jogging ...dvd...whatever im gonna make myself do that I can always stop if m really not feeling it. But first step is to put the shoes on amd one foot in front of the other. If I can make time to b on computer I got time for. 10 minutes of walking ..I promise once u start moving you will keep going.
I'm saying YOU and only you make your motivation. Once You start feeling better, enjoying how your body moves how it feels to move that is when u get motivation. At leaast that is the way it is for me.. I take that first step one foot 'in front of the other.. just do it.
Ever notice no one regrets a workout they already did? But we do regret the workouts we NEVER did.
Its totally up to u. Also I have a pic on computer of a runner whom has one leg running, with a prosthetic simply says " what was your excusee?" That makes me appreciate my legs and my feet. I. Have no excuses after that.
Hope this helps u.
Also remember yoour body is the only one you will get. There isn't any other body to try on. So take care of it. It has to lasst a lifetime! ! !!!
Well, just an update....

I went in the morning and worked out on Saturday. Felt really good about myself and the fact that I followed through on something!

Then came Sunday...can you hear the dreaded music from the old cartoons? Yep. that was me. I got one of my "lite" migraines. I was down for the count for two days.

I have a cardio kb class tonight that I am going to and I know I will be there because I teach it :) Lately, that seems to be the only class I stick to. I follow that up with Wednesday which is usually a big struggle for me because I work 8am - 6:30pm but in order to get there on time I need to leave the house by 6:30 am at the latest and I usually don't get out on time so I get home around 8pm. I'm drained most of the time.

I need to keep that day as a workout day, even if I just walk. Because, for me, breaks are on the weekend, so if I break mid-week I throw myself off.

I'm committing now to workout tomorrow and use your suggestion to walk!

I'll keep you posted on how it goes!!


What about getting a pedometer to keep you motivated to fit in as much walking as you can, especially on those days when you don't have any time to do a "formal" workout?
I had a pedometer (iffy on the spl...). Seems it was more of a gadget for me then a tool...haha!

So, I didn't work out yesterday, just too tired. I felt horrible today. Then I got on the scale and saw my weight go up and OH BOY did that bring me DOWN! All day I was like the monster from the black lagoon!!

I didn't want to work out tonight either. Just wanted to drown in self pity. But I did! I did some cardio and I purchased some new DVDs to get me motivated. I was holding on on the purchase cause I told myself that I wasn't using them so I didn't deserve them. Problem was, I needed a change so I needed something new. Something to look forward to, and realized new DVDs were it.

So, I'm happy with my follow thru tonight and just wanted to post. I feel like this has become my own little accountability!


who says you don't deserve those new DVDs!!!!!????

You probably think you don't deserve them because you are not at the peak of fitness, but if you were at the peak of your fitness, you wouldn't need them! So, if you don't need them now, for inspiration and motivation, when else would be a better time? Sometimes, we just need to play mind games with ourselves, you know, whatever works!

So, good for you for working out, even though you felt like the shadow of self-hatred was dogging your heels. I go there so often, it's so not funny. But, what can you do? Gotta face down those monsters.

The key, when it gets like this, is just to do whatever is FUN. Forget what you think you "should" do. God, I really hate that word: should, should have. Pfft. Load of rubbish. There are no rules here. No dictators. You just gotta make yourself happy, move and move to enjoy the feeling of the body in space. Who cares if it means step every day for 2 weeks, or a month of nothing but weight training. Whatever brings you joy, whatever exercise you will actually do today and tomorrow, well, that's what you do. So, CC, throw away those rotations and just move because it is so thrilling when you do. It's so thrilling that it can chase away the dreaded self-hatred monsters. Yes indeed.

Keep coming back and tell us what you do tomorrow. Whatever it is, it will be good because you moved that body and smiled for a little while, right?

Revel in those new DVDs when they arrive. A bloody good idea, if you ask me, and money well spent.


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