Morning exercisers-how early?


I know we've had posts like this before, but I'm about to embark on a morning exercise regime starting tomorrow. (I just don't have time after work to get something in all the time.) Soooo, I'm going to see how the morning workouts go, but I will have to get up at 4:30am to do it. Which brings me to this post. It would be nice to know of others that will be up that early just to workout, too. :) I feel that knowing other are up will give me some extra motivation!

How early do some of you get up to get your workout in before work?

U R not alone. 4:45 every morning before work for me. If I don't do it then, something always comes up and I can't force myself to do it after dinner/before bed.
I'm a bit of a nut.......I get up at 2:15 am every morning in order to get my full workout in, shower, eat, and commute to work.
I too have to workout early in the morning. For me it's difficult to get home from work, make dinner for the family, clean it up, someone always calls, mail.....etc.
I get up at 4 am and start working out by 4:30. I'm now doing this four times a week (this early). I usually go to be around 10 or 11pm.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I get up at 4:40, start working out at 4:50 and work out until 6:00am. Get ready, drive the 4 minute drive to work and I'm at my desk by 6:50am.

I love morning work-outs. I've tried working out in the afternoon and it just doesn't happen or it feels like a huge chore.

I am almost always asleep by 9:00pm, Sometimes earlier.
However, I don't have kids yet so it's easy to get to bed early and get up early.

You are NOT alone. I get up at 4:30 a.m. too. Actually, I set my alarm for then, but stay in bed and attempt to move my tired limbs until I jump (haha) out of bed at...4:40 a.m.! Seriously, between work and family this is the only routine that I can stick to.

I have learned to like it by thinking of it as my special time, just for me, rather than the time I have to get up. I like the quiet and uninterrupted part of it too, since my husband and 3 teens do not want to get up at that time. It's the only time in my day that no one is asking me for anything! So I think of Cathe and co. as my early morning workout buddies and I'm able to stick with it! Warning: I am no longer capable of staying up late. My body is in tume the the mornings now, so if you like late-night TV, you will miss it.

Best of luck and enjoy YOUR time.
I get up as early as I have to to get my workout in, but that usually means around 5:30 (though I don't start til after my coffee:p )

>I'm a bit of a nut.......I get up at 2:15 am every morning in
>order to get my full workout in, shower, eat, and commute to

Holy Cow 2:15 am - WOW.

I'm up from between 5-5:30 to get an hour in before work, and I thought that was pretty good. ;)

This is my first time posting! I go on the forums and read all the posts but I have never registered. Once I saw lorajc's work-out time, I just had to ask some questions: what time do you start work, how long is your commute and what time do you go to bed? 2:15 -that is amazing!

I myself just began morning work-outs, waking up at 4:50 to be done by 6:15. It is a good feeling knowing that you are done for the day and have accomplished so much so early in the day!
I have been getting up at 4:30 am for years to work out because I can come up with 1000 of excuses after work. Sometimes if I plan on a long workout I will get at 4:15 am so that I can start by 4:30.

Have to brush my teeth and put contacts in so that I can see the TV. I can not work out with glasses because they end up foggy for all the sweating and breathing hard.:)

I wish I could get up early and workout. We don't have an exercise room so some things are in the garage and others in the laundry room. The tv is in the living room which is right off the boys' bedrooms so if I was to workout they would end up waking up and then I would have cranky kids. Not worth it at this time for me to get up. Otherwise I would get up at 5 when my husband does.
I am up at 5:00 every morning. It used to be a chore to get up by 6:00, but having a baby made me decide that getting up at 5:00 made sense since I was usually up around that time anyway. Now it's just a part of my day. I like working out first thing in the morning. I used to work out after work (pre-baby) and I would find myself spending the whole day trying to think up excuses as to why I couldn't work out. This way I get it out of the way and can enjoy the rest of my day.

I get up 4:15 a.m. - 4:30am to work out. So rest assured, there are many others up and huffing and puffing right along with ya!

I have always been an early riser....though not as early as some of you here...:)...I get up between 5 and 5:30 and like Kerrie, need my coffee jolt first!!!....I am usually exercising by 6 or 6:30....:)...Carole
My alarm clock goes off at 4:15 - I snooze several times - and try to roll out of bed no later than 5am - usually sooner. I am just starting to get in the morning routine - so usually only getting in at least 30 min of cardio. And then another workout at night.

I need to get to being able to get in the full hour+ workout in the morning since baseball is starting up - and going to make my time in the evenings much slimmer....
I get up at about 4:30am. It takes me a while to get going in the morning so I have some coffee, watch the news, brush my teeth, wash my face and usually start my workout at 5:30am. I don't get much sleep anymore (typically 5 hours) -- but I'm not terribly tired throughout the day either. I do get a little extra sleep on the weekends, but not much.

It's nice to know there are other people doing the same thing!

I also get up at 4:30 a.m. and work out until around 6 a.m. Some mornings are easier to get up than others, but as long as I get a decent night's sleep, I'm good to go. I am usually asleep by 10 p.m. Also, I always plan out ahead of time what workout I'm going to do. Otherwise I'd probably stare at all my DVDs blankly trying to decide.

I get up at 6:30AM or so to get it all done before work. I am lucky that I don't have to be at work at any specific time, but near 9:00AM, and I have a *tiny* commute. I get started before 7AM, finish by 8- 8:15, and am out the door by 850 - 900AM. On days with longer workouts or earlier starting points, I just get going a little earlier.

I am usually up by 4:30 and working out about 4:40. Somedays earlier when I have a longer workout planned. Nice to know that there are others huffing and puffing right along with me!!!!

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