More Men(and some women) In Shiny Spandex

Oh my gosh -- there are so many... what are these men doing now? -- do you think they'll admit to squeezing into those outfits? I didn't dare look at the nether regions -- I was afraid!
did anyone notice that scott cole was in the first linked vid? check the 12 second mark when the guys are talking in the corner screen

must have been before all his tai chi days LOL


I'll never be able to do Millennium Stretch again without thinking of those gold tank tops and the "circle of pushups." Or the flex and point ab crunches.

The audience enthusiasm level really cracks me up.
did anyone notice that scott cole was in the first linked vid? check the 12 second mark when the guys are talking in the corner screen
I noticed that right away.
He was SO YOUNG.

(Anyone else look at these, and wonder how the African-American guys can NOT look gay doing this? They seem to pull it off...the others...not so much, LOL!)
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