Monday Chit Chat

Yes Jessica. I teach 9:30 am Mon/ Wed/ Fri (those are the classes that are most like my workouts) A cardio kickbox Monday, Lower Body Blast Wed, and Step Friday. It is a $10 guess fee per day. This covers all the classes and weight rooms in the facility for the whole day. If you need any info regarding our facility please visit our website or call 856-881-9418

Hope to see you :)

I'd love to take a class in person - is there any way to do that?
Hi Elsie!

If you are looking to get specifically conditioned for running and you are very serious about it, then it is best to work with a running coach so that the workouts you choose keep you on track for your training event.

I have a friend in the business who is excellent. His name is Jason and here is his website if you want to read his articles or even post a question to him on his website. No obligation to do so whatsoever. I'm simply offering advice that I think will help you best reach your goals. Good Luck and please do let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Awesome, Cathe. Thanks for the advice.
Hi Cathe! I wanted to ask you this question: what is your resting heart rate, and what range do you stay in when you work out? I usually start wondering this while I'm trying not to pass out during your workouts, as you are happily talking through all of them. :) Thanks!! Your workouts are soooo motivating and I really appreciate all you do.
Cathe, thank you so much for your advice. I will absolutely try it and let you know what happens. You are wonderful in your field, but I also appreciate you being so personable. It is very important to me as, I am sure, to all your other followers.

Wow, great questions and answers today! I am so proud of myself, my current rotation is very close to Cathe's ;)
can't do a full sit up

I cannot do a full sit up. I do ab exercises 3 days a week. One of your ab DvD's or ab work that is included on a weight DVD. I had a C-section 17 years ago and don't know if that is one reason why. I also have very week lower abs. I have the worst time with lower ab exercises and can't do some. I can't do the rocket ones from Body Max 2 for example. I haven't been able to do a full sit up since I was young- I'm 47. I tried and tried to strengthen my abs so I can do a sit up and gave up. Now I'm trying again and figure I'll at least get my abs as strong as they can be. The only way I can do a sit up is to pim my feet down under something. I was told not to do that because it uses the hip flexors to help the abs out.
How do I strengthen my abs so I can do a full sit up? Somehow it feels like I won't be able to. Do I do crunches instead of full sit ups during a DVD workout? Is it possible that I'm never going to be able to?
Hi Cathe! I was wondering if you have any tips on how to avoid craving desserts? I am a cook/baker and I'm around the sweet stuff all the time! I feel like a sugar junkie sometimes.

No questions at this time just want to say HI!

Well I guess more of a comment: I noticed that if I haven't done a particular DVD for a while (let's say a month) and come back to it, it's like I'm doing the workout for the 1st time again.

For example, I did Legs and Glutes off of this months rotation and I struggled through it. The last time I did it (I think last month), I didn't struggle nearly as much.... Weird :confused:
Happy Monday Everyone! I will be online for the next two hours working on the forums. If you have any questions for me please ask them right here and I will be checking back & forth to answer them. :D

Hello Cathe,
no question for you only to say that I'm in to tell happy monday to you too even if I read this only now, in Italy is tuesday morning and you probably will read this .... :confused::confused: this time zone make me crazy :p
Anyway have a great day:D
Hi Sarah! There is no way to know this answer exactly per person as it all depends on so many, age, genetics, to say the least. Quite honestly, even if you think you finally figured out that perfect formula is still has to be monitored and tweaked regularly because the body is always adapting.

[FONT=&quot]Super high levels of cardio (as in every day for a couple of hours) may interfere with building muscle because the body is always in break down mode and never able to rebuild and get stronger. But adequate levels of cardio, and again this varies per individual, is actually a good thing to help with fat loss and circulate the good nutrients and carry away the waste products. I would recommend at least three days a week at 45 minute sessions but feel you are very safe doing up to 5 to 6 days of cardio per week at 45 minute sessions a pop if you prefer a bit more cardio. That being said ….the real key is proper nutrition. You must eat a super clean, nutrient dense, appropriate caloric intake (meaning not too many or too few calories) diet in order to benefit from your weight and cardiovascular workouts and lose body fat without sacrificing muscle breakdown.

Because building lean muscle mass (as in doing STS) is what keeps your body an overall fat burning machine, you want to make sure you give your all to each of these workouts....and because doing cardio activity is what burns higher amounts of calories at the time of the activity therefore helping to burn additional calories to help with fat loss plus helps to circulate the good nutrients throughout the system, you'll want to keep doing cardio regularly too.....and because eating a super clean diet keeps the body from storing additional unnecessary high sodium, high fat, high sugar calories ( plus aids in better muscle recovery/building because of the denser nutrient rich food) you'll definitely want to eat clean! So now that you have this info, you’ll have to experiment a little to get the mix just right for YOUR body so that you are always in fat burning mode. Good Luck!

Hi Cathe, Hope your week has got off to a great start. I just wanted to ask is can too much cardio stop you gaining muscle? I`m currently doing STS but am also trying to reduce my body fat. How much cardio would you recommend doing so I lose fat but still gain muscle? Have a great day.
Hi Regina! No worries, I've got it all in check :)

All of my classes are not 100 percent cardio. For instance, Silver Sneakers is a senior class taught seated in a chair for 85 percent of the workout. Besides that, if I ever felt tired on a given day, I simply don't do the whole class with them (one of the hidden benefits of being the instructor ;))

and the other is
Hi Cathe, Just wondering- It seems like a lot of cardio especially since you teach five to six hour long classes weekly. Do you do the whole workout with each class?
Woo hoo Kitterfly!!!! Congrat's on losing 40 pounds. That is a wonderful accomplishment. I am so proud of you!!!

For more work in the areas you mentioned you can use my Legs and Glutes DVD and also my Leaner Legs DVD....the one that is coming very soon is Lower Body Blast. This one will also be very good for you.

The main thing you want to do in addition to your strength and cardio workouts is really eat a clean diet. The more nutrient dense food that goes in your body the better your muscle build/repair and fat loss will be. I really can't stress that enough....especially at a time of year when we are faced with so much temptation.

As far as a book goes….I find that when I am just learning something, I like going to the “Dummies” series to get basic knowledge and then do more research from there. Try the book Weight Training For Dummies.

Great to hear about your DH's progress too. We strong women will keep him inspired ;)

Hi Cathe. Thank you for helping me to lose 40 lbs so far.!!!! I just completed a 4 week gym style rotation with a extra day of butts and gutts every week. I would like more help with my tummy/core/thigh/bum area. What would you suggest?
Also is there a book that you would rec. that breaks down and talks more about the differences of high reps, slow heavy, and endurance workouts/lifting etc since I am just learning all this?
I just got my Dh to use your gym style arms dvds ( he just started to workout) and boy I think HE was surprised about how much you can lift!!! he he he I can even do more than him right now:p THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK !!!!!

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