Monday Chit Chat

Hi Hweber! My resting heart rate is in the low to mid 50's. I aim to be able to talk through 90 percent of my workouts working at a moderate to high pace :D and then 10 percent of the time I push to be anaerobic for about 20 to 40 seconds at a time with recovery before pushing again :eek:

Hi Cathe! I wanted to ask you this question: what is your resting heart rate, and what range do you stay in when you work out? I usually start wondering this while I'm trying not to pass out during your workouts, as you are happily talking through all of them. :) Thanks!! Your workouts are soooo motivating and I really appreciate all you do.
Hi Ebonynicole! That's perfect and just what you shock your system. Your body should never get too used to one particular program since your results will drastically diminish once that happens. The fact that you rotate your workouts mean that your body is always challenged because it never got too used to any one workout. Way to work it!!!!

Btw, the fact that one time seemed easier then another is often related to the factors that surround your state of mind and body at that given time....stress, amount of sleep, type of diet, previous workouts that week, etc can all effect your workout day to day :)

No questions at this time just want to say HI!

Well I guess more of a comment: I noticed that if I haven't done a particular DVD for a while (let's say a month) and come back to it, it's like I'm doing the workout for the 1st time again.

For example, I did Legs and Glutes off of this months rotation and I struggled through it. The last time I did it (I think last month), I didn't struggle nearly as much.... Weird :confused:
Hugs to you Chiara!

Hello Cathe,
no question for you only to say that I'm in to tell happy monday to you too even if I read this only now, in Italy is tuesday morning and you probably will read this .... :confused::confused: this time zone make me crazy :p
Anyway have a great day:D
Hi Iluvstartreg!

Check with your doctor to see if your abs are split (diastasis recti). This in combo with a c-section could possibly be giving you difficulty....however, please understand that I'm purely guessing here and giving you a direction to look into. I know many women who have both a split and a C-section and do fine with sit ups. I however, while not having a c-section DO HAVE diastasis recti (a full separation from pelvis to sternum) and have difficulty with v-sits, reverse crunches, and a few plank exercises. Prior to this separation (a result of my pregnancies) a 200 pound person could stand on my abs and I would be just fine if I was contracted. Now it hurts just to have a hand pressed on my abs. I've leaned to cope with it and work around it but as I read your post I couldn't help but think that you might be split.

I cannot do a full sit up. I do ab exercises 3 days a week. One of your ab DvD's or ab work that is included on a weight DVD. I had a C-section 17 years ago and don't know if that is one reason why. I also have very week lower abs. I have the worst time with lower ab exercises and can't do some. I can't do the rocket ones from Body Max 2 for example. I haven't been able to do a full sit up since I was young- I'm 47. I tried and tried to strengthen my abs so I can do a sit up and gave up. Now I'm trying again and figure I'll at least get my abs as strong as they can be. The only way I can do a sit up is to pim my feet down under something. I was told not to do that because it uses the hip flexors to help the abs out.
How do I strengthen my abs so I can do a full sit up? Somehow it feels like I won't be able to. Do I do crunches instead of full sit ups during a DVD workout? Is it possible that I'm never going to be able to?
Hi Crystal! I love sweets too and have to work hard to fight the cravings. I do find that brushing my teeth with every craving helps. It totally off sets whatever taste I was fixating on. Good Luck to you !!!

Hi Cathe! I was wondering if you have any tips on how to avoid craving desserts? I am a cook/baker and I'm around the sweet stuff all the time! I feel like a sugar junkie sometimes.

Wow! You'd never know it- watching you bang out ab work while the rest of us pant, cry and cringe trying to keep up :p p.s. look at you flying through these responses like a mad woman! Way to work it Cathe!

Hi Iluvstartreg!

I however, while not having a c-section DO HAVE diastasis recti (a full separation from pelvis to sternum) and have difficulty with v-sits, reverse crunches, and a few plank exercises. Prior to this separation (a result of my pregnancies) a 200 pound person could stand on my abs and I would be just fine if I was contracted. Now it hurts just to have a hand pressed on my abs. I've leaned to cope with it and work around it but as I read your post I couldn't help but think that you might be split.
Hi Ebonynicole! That's perfect and just what you shock your system. Your body should never get too used to one particular program since your results will drastically diminish once that happens. The fact that you rotate your workouts mean that your body is always challenged because it never got too used to any one workout. Way to work it!!!!

Btw, the fact that one time seemed easier then another is often related to the factors that surround your state of mind and body at that given time....stress, amount of sleep, type of diet, previous workouts that week, etc can all effect your workout day to day :)

Well then I don't feel so bad if I have to break more than normal. I still to limit my rest period to no more than 3 depending on the workout and try to make them short. Yes the stress and all of that is affecting my energy level for working out. I will workout regardless in which Push/Pull is my standby workout sometimes for low energy days. I did Step Blast today eventhough I really didn't have the energy. Those are aspect of my fitness program that I'm working on.

Thanks for responding Cathe :)
Hi, Cathe.
My abs had seperated from my bellybutton up to about halfway to my sternum after my first pregnancy. The doc said it would most likely never heal, or "come together" again.
It did, 1000's of crunches later. It did.

Also, I think I have a sluggish thyroid. All my Cathe workouts and totally clean food. Can't lose a single pound. Unfortunatley there are no available dr.'s where I live. Not taking new patients. Shortage of DOCS.
I am a little concerned that my RHR is only 48 BPM. I've had docs in the past say that my low RHR was a good thing. But, now I am not so sure.
I'm gonna make an appointment with a Naturopath next week (lots of them available; not covered by my medical) so I will go see one.
Anyhow, feeling sorry for myself; thought I'd say HELLO.
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