Missed you guys!!! (Pics)


Ok, so I know most of you probably didn't know I was gone, but I missed you all regardless! Just got back from 2 weeks vacation on Saturday and am trying to adjust to being back at work this morning. :p DH and I flew out to WA and spent the 2 weeks traveling between Montana, Idaho and WA. Spent some time at Glacier National Park and thought I would share a few pics. It was absolutely gorgeous there, but a little bit of a challenge for me since I am terrified of heights. Seeing several thousand foot drops just outside my car door really made me queasy. ;) There was even a portion of the road that was down to one lane because the other lane had literally crumbled away - yikes! Anyways, enough babbling. Here are some pics.




I totally did NOT go across this bridge! Just looking at it made me sick!



Some local wildlife:


This is where the road went to one lane. We literally had to wait 30 minutes for the traffic coming the other way to pass before we could go. A lot of brave people got out and took pictures. I crawled out and took this one.



More wildlife:


Me and DH clowning around:

Looks like a wonderful vacation!
I would've been super nervous on those roads too. I probably would've shut my eyes the while time!
Glad you took some great pics!
You and DH are super cute together!
Liann, thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures! That scenery is just breathtaking, and you and your DH are so adorable!!

Our little August RT check-in fizzled out while you were gone! We missed you! :)
Awe, you guys are so sweet! ;)

Kate - I kept my eyes to the left side of the car and gripped the door handle really tight. I know I drove my DH crazy because I kept telling him to drive closer to the middle line and NOT the shoulder (if you could call it a shoulder).

Leanne - I posted a new thread today. Hopefully, we can rally the troops for the last few weeks. ;) Can't wait to meet you!!!
Love your pictures! Thanks for sharing. SSOOOOOOOOOOOoo glad you are back.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Welcome back Liann!

*I* knew you were gone on vacation and we did miss you! Glad you had a great time. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics. You and DH make such a cute couple!! See you in 2 weeks.

Welcome home Liann!! This place just ain't the same without 'cha! I love the pictures -- the scenery is beautiful! You and your DH make an adorable couple. :)

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