Mindy Myrlea


Has anyone received their new Mindy workouts yet? I am really interested in Bootcamp. If so, pleast let me know what you think of it. Thanks:)
I pre-ordered this one and the Gliding DVD but haven't received them yet. I thought she said the end of the month???

I read on another forum that a few people have received them this past weekend. I'm hoping mine come in any day now.
I just received Boot Camp and All about Abs today. I'm just about to preview them and then hopefully try them tomorrow and give you my impressions.
Yes...please let us know what you think of them (I'm particularly interested in Boot Camp.) I love Mindy's workouts and am anxious to hear what you think of them. Thanks.:)
I got mine today! :7 I'm going to try to do one tomorrow or Wednesday. I received the Leg DVD, the ab DVD, and the Bootcamp DVD.
Hi !
I just previewed the Boot Camp DVD and I am excited to try it tomorrow! It looks like a really good workout! And seem to be pretty tough. The first segment is with a 4 lbs. medicine ball. The second segment is with a 6 inch step and the medicine ball and the third is lead by a martial arts expert and is kickboxing. Most of the moves seem very athletic based and not dancy at all. There are alot of lunges and squats and passing/tossing the ball. Also what I would consider some interval blasts. There are also BURPEES. There is one part in the medicine ball segment where Mindy does the left side twice and they have written on the screen to do your right side because Mindy messed up and did the left side twice, which I thought was weird. Why didn't they just refilm the right side. I don't know if it will mess me up tomorrow or not. There was one guy Kevin who seemed to have a hard time following her. He had never done step or a group workout before and it showed. So don't follow him! They did have one woman showing modifications. The third section is led by Dave a martial arts expert and he mentions his club a couple of times during the workout. They make a point several times to tell you that Mindy is a novice to kickboxing which she is. She did ok but needs to work on her form. She was in the middle so there are other kickboxers with good form to watch! Like I said I'm looking forward to doing this tomorrow! I'd love to hear what others think of this workout. Now I'm off to view All about Abs!

P.S. The workout did look like it was fun! And Mindy is her usual self!
I got mine yesterday - I'm excited that several use the med ball, especially the Kick Butt Bootcamp, which is what I do in my Circuit Training class. There's a lot that I can use - she really seems to be on the cutting edge of the latest and best trends in exercise.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I just finished her boot camp and all about abs! Whew! what a workout! I'm so tired!! I really enjoyed the butt Kick boot camp, I was sweating buckets! It wasn't too difficult to follow. Once I get the routines down I will be able to put more oomphff!! into the workout, but I was sweating!!
The all about abs was tough! It has 4 sections. The first section is with the medicine ball and is about 10+ minutes long. There was alot of weaving the ball between your legs and around your body. Also lots of plank work on the ball. I felt like a weakling because after a few I couldn't even do the modifier and placed my hands on the floor. She also did supermans with the ball on the back of your legs.
The second section was with the stability ball about 15 minutes worth and right away you are doing full planks on the ball which I had a hard time keeping balanced. She also does pikes, then push ups into pikes, some ball exchanges like Cathe does, a few things Cathe has done before. Also you turn your body completely on the ball front (chest) and roll over the ball to your back. Everyone kept falling off and I really didn't see what that does your you?
The third section is just using your own body weight and is about 15 min. Again alot of plank work, side planks, side plank pushups, also some traditional ab, but slightly different.
Mindy also has a 5 min. gliding routine. Plank work, bicycle and some obliques exercises.
I like this workout, you can do one segment, or what ever you want. Some of the plank moves will give me some (alot) of goals to work towards to. Because of all the plank work I found it harder than core max.
> They make a point several times to
>tell you that Mindy is a novice to kickboxing which she is.
>She did ok but needs to work on her form. She was in the
>middle so there are other kickboxers with good form to watch!

That's funny, since Mindy did a couple of kickboxing workouts about 10 years ago! How long can one be a novice?

I admit I was very happy to hear that someone else was leading the kickboxing portion of the workout, because I had one of her earlier "Box and Bounce" workouts, and her form s@($@7d!

How intense was the cardio sections of the bootcamp? What kind of moves were in the cardio section? I'm looking for more cardio variety and I really like Mindy's workouts, so I would really like to order this workout. Thanks.:) :)
Hi Ciddy,
I thought the cardio was pretty intense at times. I would call this a cardio workout. The first segment uses the medicine ball and there are squats and you squat side to side and go faster and faster then add on to the move like adding jumping jacks. There are butt kick lunges then you work your hamstrings, power lunges, twisting with the ball, plie jumps with heel clicks, curtsey lunges then lunges to jump. Sometimes you are tossing the ball or passing the ball side to side. There are some shuffles to the side then you weave the ball between your legs, then add on with runs and hopping and jumping jacks where you turn. then she has where you pretend there are tires on the floor and you run thru them, power jumps and side to side jumps. Charlestown kicks touching the ball on the ground, burpees, push ups and planks on the ball.
The second segment is on a 6" step and sometimes uses the medicine ball. There are lunges and side leg lifts, then you jump them, then add the ball. Also some jumping on and off the step, runs, Charleston kicks Jumping jack where she calls out inside/ outside (was confusing on my first try) fast toe touches on the step. There is a segment where you jump on the step, straddle then jump a 1/4 turn, also a fast peg leg on the step. There is a very short ab on the step with plank work both on the step. The kickbox was ok,alot of jabs and cross punches some uppercuts but no hooks. Some kicks front and crescent, jumping jacks. I just love Cathe's kickboxing, to me nothing compares. But this wasn't bad for the workout. It's
about 25 min. long. I think you will get a good cardio workout.
Hope this helps.
I tried the Bootcamp workout this morning. I did section 2 with med ball and step and section 3 kickboxing. Section 2 was typical Mindy and i didnt know what to expect with section 3 but I really loved it! High intensity kickboxing that was easy to follow. I really had a great time!!:)
Can somebody tell me what size (wt) med ball did they use? Do they use one or a pair of med balls? Do you think you can subsitute a dumbell instead? Thanks.

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