Hi Ciddy,
I thought the cardio was pretty intense at times. I would call this a cardio workout. The first segment uses the medicine ball and there are squats and you squat side to side and go faster and faster then add on to the move like adding jumping jacks. There are butt kick lunges then you work your hamstrings, power lunges, twisting with the ball, plie jumps with heel clicks, curtsey lunges then lunges to jump. Sometimes you are tossing the ball or passing the ball side to side. There are some shuffles to the side then you weave the ball between your legs, then add on with runs and hopping and jumping jacks where you turn. then she has where you pretend there are tires on the floor and you run thru them, power jumps and side to side jumps. Charlestown kicks touching the ball on the ground, burpees, push ups and planks on the ball.
The second segment is on a 6" step and sometimes uses the medicine ball. There are lunges and side leg lifts, then you jump them, then add the ball. Also some jumping on and off the step, runs, Charleston kicks Jumping jack where she calls out inside/ outside (was confusing on my first try) fast toe touches on the step. There is a segment where you jump on the step, straddle then jump a 1/4 turn, also a fast peg leg on the step. There is a very short ab on the step with plank work both on the step. The kickbox was ok,alot of jabs and cross punches some uppercuts but no hooks. Some kicks front and crescent, jumping jacks. I just love Cathe's kickboxing, to me nothing compares. But this wasn't bad for the workout. It's
about 25 min. long. I think you will get a good cardio workout.
Hope this helps.