mesothelioma is evil


I'm a mess right now. You all might remember that I've been talking about my MIL who has been sick with cancer. We just got a call this morning at 8am my FIL was freaking out because my MIL had a really hard night and woke up this morning with blood all over her pillow. They've been married for 58 years so having to watch his life partner suffer is really hard on him. What really gets me is how this could have been prevented. She has mesothelioma (type of lung cancer) which she got from aesbestos inhalation while working for 25 years for the school district. It just seems that there are so many things out there than cause cancer and that everyone I've ever spoken to has known someone who has been diagnoised or passed from cancer. :(
I'm so sorry Janie!!! :( I can't imagine what your MIL and FIL are going through right now. (((HUGS)))
Janie, I am so sorry to hear about what your in-laws are going through. I agree that mesothelioma is absolutely evil. Hugs to you and your family.
Mesothelioma is horrific. My FIL and my brother's FIL both died of mesothelioma; they were both civil engineers who were exposed to aespestos. It's a silent killer that takes decades to rear its ugly head. My heart goes out to you and your family members.

Thanks everyone. Your words all mean so much to me. I can't express how greatful I am to have all your best wishes.
Janie, so sorry that you are going through this. Cancer is such a terrible disease. Huggs))

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