Maximum Intensity Cardio


Active Member
I don't post much but I just finished MIC and am dying. I thought IMAX 1&2 was hard, but I just changed my opinion. When Cathe does the final blast it killed me, but I did it! Anybody else think MIC is the hardest cardio?
Until recently, I avoided this workout like the plague; however, recently, I have come to really enjoy it. Just two weeks ago I was able to complete it on a 6 inch step for the first time. I felt SO accomplished. I guess my endurance has been building while I have been using Cathe's other tapes.

I just mailed a video today that I am trading for MIC. I can't wait to try this one and hope I have it by the end of the week. So you guys think this workout is even more difficult than Imax 1 or Imax 2?! I can't wait to preview it and give it a go!}( }(

Yes, I believe MIC is the hardest video (cardio or other IMO) I have ever done. It's harder than the two IMs because there are literally no breaks once she gets going. At least in the IMs, you get breaks after the really intense stuff.

The Low Impact routine is pretty easy, and the Medium Impact isn't really too bad, but once she gets to the High, watch out because not only is it extremely intense, there are no breaks. None. The intensity is way up through the whole thing.

Then you get one little break before the Step portion. And again, the step work is extremely intense, no breaks. Then when you think you are about to keel over she throws in that five minute intensity blast at the end.

It is a KILLER. I have every Cathe workout and so far killerwise, MIC has yet to be outdone, IMO.

I'm a little worried about that Kick Punch and Crunch video coming out soon. I read where some people think it's the hardest video Cathe's ever done. If it's harder than MIC, "oh my," is about all I can say. }(

I like doing it though because it makes me feel really really STRONG to be able to do it.

And I definitely feel great after I am done.

Hope you enjoy it!

I agree that MIC is Cathe's toughest workout. I also dread this workout.

I've had MIC in my monthly rotation and has swapped it with another workout at the last minute twice. I have it scheduled for tomorrow. But this time I am determined to do it! All of it!
>I'm a little worried about that Kick Punch and Crunch video
>coming out soon. I read where some people think it's the
>hardest video Cathe's ever done. If it's harder than MIC, "oh
>my," is about all I can say. }(

I just hope it's that they are more used to step and hi-low, and that kickboxing is more of a challenge for them because it's different (One can always hope!~) (I know with the kickbox workout from CTX, Cathe has everyone put their hands down at one point to rest, and they seem like they need it, and I'm not feeling like I need the break...but I'm very used to kickboxing.)
My video should be here any day. I hope today. I really want to preview this today and give it a go next week! I should make sure that my husband is home though so he can come pick me up off the floor in case I pass out! I bet I will be hitting the pause button A LOT for a while!:eek: :7
I did the whole thing for the first time this week. It was tough, but not as hard as I thought it would be. Maybe I was having a good day?
Reading what people have said about it scared me into thinking I would die doing it. LOL! I have been running on the treadmill, so maybe that has helped.
This is the toughest video I have ever done. I was so glad to read everyone elses comments because I thought maybe I was getting soft. I just did this video yesterday for the second time and thought "make it stop". I finished the entire video but feel it today. I plan on doing this once a week until I have mastered it. I did MIS on Saturday for the first time and loved it. }(
My tape(MIC) came in the mail today! I am previewing it right now. I plan on doing it tomorrow...or should I say attempting it?! I'm totally psyched! I am following the September rotation, but I did the Imax workouts last week so I could do MIC this week! I hope I make it. I told my husband to come check on me if it gets too quiet and he never hears the shower turn on, because it means I'm plastered to the floor and can't get up!:eek:
I've only completed this workout once. When I did it, my heartrate soared past what is supposed to be my maximum. Fortunately it came down very quickly and I felt just fine.

The next time I tried to do it, I couldn't complete the ending interval blast. If I feel energetic, and have had a good night's sleep, I'll try it again, sometime this week.

However, I've often divided it up when I'm crunched for time and want a workout that counts. Thirty minutes of Cathe is better than a full hour of anyone else. The MIS warm-up works just fine if you only want to do the step portion.

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