Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily grossed out!)

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Becky (2nd year med student),

I think md's are great. However, I often wonder about med schools. Just out of curiosity, have or will you study fungus and fungal diseases? I really recommend looking at I think you might find it interesting. It could be a little something you can add to your med studying. I think your future patients will benefit greatly from it!!! (as will you :)).

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

I just wanted to add the drs, microbiologists, and nurses working with say to use psyllium to clean colons and bind mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are in the food we eat...think corn, certain grains, peanut butter, antibiotics, etc. They also say to take probiotics to keep the good bacteria in your body. Your body needs this good bacteria. Just because you clean your colon does not mean you kill good bacteria. Intestines and colons are loaded with fungus and other mycotoxins. That needs to be cleaned out!!! Probiotics give one the "good" bacteria they need!!! On the other hand, antibiotics, which are overly prescribed, kill the all the good bacteria, which leads to an overgrowth of mycotoxins, fungus, and yeast. Have you ever wondered why you get a yeast infection while or after taking and antibiotic? This is due to the overgrowth of yeast. Yuk......

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Something else to think about....

The meat we eat from cows is often contaminated with mycotoxins. Cows are often injected with antibiotics to make them grow. Plus, they are fed moldy grain. I don't think people in the past gave their cows antibiotics!!!!

This is not a fad. I take psyllium, which I am sure has been around forever. I think injecting cows with antibiotics is more of a fad than cleaning your colon!!

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

"Here's one that isn't just about colon cancer(although the others did provide additional info on myths). It seems to me to be a sensible article about the subject."

This is about Colonic hydrotherapy, not the same as what Dianna and Sara are posting about.
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

I have no idea why, but for some reason this thread has peeked my interest. I appreciate the journal information that Dianna has provided, I know she did so upon request and she is very sweet to share such an extremely personal experience.

Actually, I am curious about both sides of the subject, the pro's and con's, I am not sure this is the right thread for it. But since some links to articles are posted on this thread in an effort to negate the concept of cleansing...

I guess my point is, the information provided in this thread in an effort to discredit cleansing isn't really on target with what Dianna and Sara are saying. There are several outlining the dangers of colonic hydrotherapy which isn't the same thing as a lemonade fast. The ones that speak of the lemonade fast or the like, are saying they don't ward of cancer but doesn't touch the other claims the lemonade fasters are increased energy, increased senses, etc (see above journal). I haven't seen anything that says what the lemonade fasters experienced is bull....just that it doesn't ward of cancer and an ass irrigation is unsafe, even though this thread isn't talking about ass irrigations.
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...


So glad to see you here!!!! If you have not done so, look at the website I provided. It is so interesting!!! The makers of the site do not promote lemonade fasting (that I know of), but they do recommend psyllium, probiotics, and anti-fungal meds. They do say psyllium gives the same effects as Dianne's lemeonade fast. Plus, my mother had the same effects from psyllium as Dianne did with her lemonade. So....if you are interested, look at the website :).

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

>The makers of
>the site do not promote lemonade fasting (that I know of), but
>they do recommend psyllium, probiotics, and anti-fungal meds.
>They do say psyllium gives the same effects as Dianne's
>lemeonade fast. Plus, my mother had the same effects from
>psyllium as Dianne did with her lemonade. So....if you are
>interested, look at the website :).

The "cleansing or surgery' folks also say that a psyllium cleanse (1 Tbsp whole psyllium husks and a tsp. of molasses 4 x/day) is the best overall cleanse.
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Sarah.... &ss irrigation! ROFLMAO!

BTW, in case anyone wants to know this, Metamucil is psyllium. Probably there's other stuff in it, but it is designed to be more palatable, so if you're looking for a ... softer cleanse (hehehe), that might be an option.

I don't know what I think about all of this, but I DO know that my children laugh hysterically whenever that informercial is on!


RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...


All medical schools, to my knowledge, do teach about fungi and fungal diseases. It is part of the microbiobiology course. We see lots of opportunistic fungal infections on the skin/scalp/nails/tongue, etc.

I did take a look at that site and it is not HON CODE compliant. I would be very discriminating when using information provided on it.

I do agree that probiotics are good, especially when on a broad spectrum antibiotic. Or, you could just eat yogurt while on is made up of bacterial cultures and chock full of calcium.

I have been searching PUBmed (a compliation of all medical journal articles) regarding colon cleansing and the general consensus is that it is only to be done under physician supervision in preparation for a colonoscopy. As mentioned before, if you suspect you have a fungal/parasitic infection, you should see your dr and have him/her do fecal tests.

Psyllium has been known to cause severe anaphylactic shock and even death in those individuals known to have various allergies. It also has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, so you have to take your pick.

I still advocate healthy eating options incorporating large amounts of fiber with lots of water in order to cleanse your system daily.

Fasting has been done throughout the centuries but drinking quarts of salt water is definately not good. After 2 days of no food, studies have shown that fasters have no feelings of hunger, so that should be normal should you decide to fast.

This is all I have to say on the subject. Except to mention that everyone who decides to do such a cleanse to make sure they inform their physicians so that no medications will interact and cause further electrolyte imbalances (blood pressure medications such as diuretics come to could have a severe potassium imbalance).

One last thought: Many other cultures have many different treatments for illness. Each individual must choose what he/she believes will cure him/her. I personally abide by the Western philosophy of evidence-based medicine. I don't want to give any advice/medication to patients that hasn't thouroughly been studied for efficacy and side effects. Good luck to you all.

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Kathryn, do you mean mix 1 Tbsp of the psyllium and 1 tsp of molasses in water 4 times a day? Just curious - I've got some psyllium on order.
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Even though it wasn't specifically about what Dianna and Sara were posting about, the article did give some insights as to why people believe they would need to "cleanse" parts of their bodies and whether or not these needs are based in science and if they truly are medically needed. It also applies because cleansing the colon, whether through taking something orally or any other way for that matter still essentially is done for the same purpose.
See the quote below:

Maybe it's human intuition that leads people to suspect that our bowels might be full of toxins that can leach into our system. Most people don't want to let a bowel movement remain in the toilet for any length of time, let alone fester in their colon. It's not a pleasant thought.

But after careful research, scientists have found that in this case, intuition is just plain wrong. Poop may be unpleasant to think about, but it's not toxic to our body. There is no scientific connection between constipation and disease. No one has proved that feces in the colon can leach toxins into the bloodstream. Most of the "evidence" that leads people to a colon hydrotherapist is anecdotal. Stories based on personal experiences do have value, but they don't yield the kind of factual data that the medical community relies on to decide the therapeutic value of a process or treatment.
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Hi Everyone,

Regarding the question of whether or not lemons contain iron, I remember that it was specifically stated by Stanley Burroughs in this "Master Cleanser" book that lemons are the most iron rich foods there is. Not wanting to use his words as my sole source for the purposes of posting here, I looked up the nutritional value of lemons on a few different sites and they all indicate that they contain iron. I was also interested to learn that a single lemon contains approximately 2 grams of protein (who knew?!) Here are the links:

If I am incorrect in my previous statement about lemons being the most iron rich food there is, please let me know! :)

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...


Thanks for the information. I am not sure of the HON Code stuff, but I assure you this website is very accurate.

I am not a firm believer in meds. I think they are over prescribed. I don't have a ton of faith in meds or mds who prescribe them for anything and everything.

My dh has degenerative disc disease. He has seen 5 mds. All they want to do is prescribe narcotics for the pain. This happens too much and nobody can tell him the cause. They don't all they do is prescribe meds.

On my can of psyllium it says this:
CAUTION: a very small percentage of individuals, particularly health care providers who have been occupationally exposed to psyllium dust, may develop a sensitivity to psyllium.

I would think narcotics and antibiotics are much more life threatening than psyllium!!!!

Also, my mother, who has been studying nutrition for over 30 years takes probiotics one day and garlic tabs the next day. She is the healthiest 59 year old I know! Oh, she takes psyllium everyday as well. Sorry to tell you (and please do not take offense), but she has lost her faith in mds as well.

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

>My dh has degenerative disc disease. He has seen 5 mds. All
>they want to do is prescribe narcotics for the pain. This
>happens too much and nobody can tell him the cause. They don't
> all they do is prescribe meds.

Degenerative disc disease is part of the natural aging process and pretty much everyone is affected by it to some extent. There's BOAT loads of information readily available on this topic.
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...


I fully respect what you are saying but in my case...the old saying "the proof is in the pudding" applies...or should I say, "the proof is in the toilet"?? Sorry, just a little "cleanse humor". :)

But seriously, I cannot attest to the level of toxicity of the matter I eliminated over those 10 days. I didn't take it to a lab to have it analyzed. I do not know if it was fungus, parasitic (is that even a word??) or otherwise "dangerous". All I do know is I don't recall anything as strange looking (or smelling) as that ever coming out of my body in my 33 years of living. The movie Alien comes to mind. So...all I do know from my experience is that I passed on some stuff that didn't look too good and I am thinking of it as "good riddance"! And the fact that I felt better during and afterwords, plus cured my irritable bowel syndrome and my yeast overgrowth issues makes me feel good about my experience.

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Thanks, Michelle!

Dh and I have researched this online. However, we can't get information from any mds. All they want to do is prescribe narcotics along with a buttload of other meds. It seems like all they care about is money....

I am not saying all drs are in it for the money. It just so happens that the 5 drs he has seen just want to take his money and prescribe meds. How sad. He did go see a chiro a few times. That was helpful.

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Hey Sarah,

Yes, I hear you. There is a message board forum (similar to our Cathe forum) on the subject of Stanley Burrough's Master Cleanser. There are thousands of members...I was shocked. I spent A LOT of time lurking over there (months) and finally, when I felt I was ready to try the cleanse, I started posting questions and PMing people. I got a lot of information from people who have been doing this for years, claim to have passed kidney stones, cured allergies, etc. There are also naysayers (mainly those who never even tried it) who will attempt to discredit everything the proponents are saying. This is what I used as my "pros and cons" test. After I felt I was in a comfortable place that the positive was by far outweighing the negative, I gave it a whirl (knowing full well I could stop it at any time if it just didn't "feel right"). I will post the message board forum link later on tonight when I get home, for those who may want to poke around over there.

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

>One thing we all need to remember (or learn if you have never
>heard this before) is that when searching the internet for
>health information, we always need to scroll to the bottom of
>the page and see a little blue and red box that says "HON
>CODE" which means "Health on the Net Foundation". These sites
>are reputable and their information has all been
>scientifically proven.

Thanks for this information, Becky. I had never read this before. Very helpful, especially when dealing with the vast internet.

>If one is concerned about their colon, increase your fiber
>intake and drink lots of water (drinking salt water is not
>good for you...really upsets electrolyte balance, etc) This
>will flush your colon the natural way. And always, as is
>advocated on Cathe's site, eat clean.

I wish it were that simple, at least for me. When I went to my family doctor, he prescribed more fiber plus water. After a few weeks, I felt worse, more bloated, still constipated. I saw him again, and he gave me the same recommendation (just switched brands of fiber). Again, I was miserable. I finally asked for a recommendation to a gastroenterologist (sp?), who rolled her eyes when I told her the doctor's suggestion. But she couldn't figure out my problem and get me "regular."

I'm not sure why, but this (constipation) seems to be a big issue with women. Many women I've talked to will say going once or twice a week is "normal" for them. But geez, my DH is like clockwork. And like my kids, who I assume aren't messed up internally and go once or twice a day. Life would be so much simpler if just increasing my fiber intake worked. (BTW I eat a very clean diet, tons of fruits and veggies, only whole grains....) I figure my system can't get any more messed up with a cleanse, and if it works, I will be a happier girl! :D
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

I don't see anything, anywhere that says an oral flush is dangerous. All I am gathering from your links is that the colonic hydrotherapy, a more thorough enima is dangerous and the oral form is useless. There is a huge difference between something being dangerous and something being useless.

One side is saying nothing at all builds up in the colon due to a cell turn over every few days while the other says there is indeed a build-up. He said, she said! Who are we to believe? Both have studies to back up their arguement. Should we believe the side that hands us a bottle of drugs for every ailment or the side that sends us to the health food store?

Not trying to argue or debate, I really, sincerly want to know.

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