Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily grossed out!)

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

I have lost faith in MD's as well! They can not learn what they aren't taught, however, and our health care system is woefully misguided. The fact is, there are studies about the effects of healthy foods, plant-based medicines, etc. but they aren't published in mainstream medical journals. (One very good mainstream journal is the Lancet.)

As a student going into a health science related field, I look at many studies. If only people understood how poorly designed and misrepresented some of these are! And people are just blindly following the advice handed down from the top of the money chain to them through their doctors while they get sicker and sicker and don't understand why. I am at a point now in my education where I am not even sure I want to continue in this field.

Western medicine has done many amazing things. But so have other types of medicine. Wouldn't it be nice if our MD's had a broad-spectrum education, to give us the most options and the best care? I really see no reason this should not be happening as the world is ever shrinking and we are always learning from others.

One more thing- traditionally many people did do a cleansing in the spring, when the more bitter "cleansing herbs" are readily available. People of long ago knew more than we may think--our ancestors were true survivors.

Please don't tell my sister I vented! She and her DH are docs!;-)
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

"And people are just blindly following the advice handed down from the top of the money chain..."

Very well put...your entire post, actually!;-)
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

This is truly a fascinating debate. I would love to read something from somewhere reliable about maybe an analysis of what people are actually releasing during a cleanse. Someone must have done a study on this. What is all that stuff anyway? If all that black stuff on the walls of our intestines is just sloughed(sp?) off cells than what difference does it make if it's there? But, then again with all that our environment is throwing at us, pesticides, pollution, etc. Doesn't it make sense that some of that would bind to those inner walls of the bodies system, and isn't it possible that it's doing some damage there? I do question the fact that this particular cleanse is so outdated. There was so much of this kind of stuff flying around during the 70's. I have certainly encountered a fair bit of questionable publications from that time. On the other hand if it's bad, than why do people feel so much better when they've done it. The getting rid of chronic yeast infections thing I have heard from several people over the years, and that's pretty remarkable. Especially sense the allopathic route had failed for some of these women. It has to be pretty hard on the body, even if it is beneficial in some ways. I suspect there are situations where it's advisable, and some individuals where it would be inappropriate.

You just said everything that has been on my mind. A broad spectrum would be nice, talks. I do believe med schools are funded by pharmecutical (sp?) companies. That is probably why medicines are so pushed.

I am surmising...please no tomatoes :).

My medical school is not funded by pharmaceutical companies. It is funded by our tuition, grants from research done at our institution (mostly genetics, neuro, and geriatrics), and the state of Florida. No respectable medical school is funded by drug companies. In fact, we are taught to not allow their reps to even come into our offices. What a dr does when he/she practices on his/her own is up to them.


The Master Cleanser is *supposed* to regulate the natural flora of the intestine (I am not a scientist so I cannot say for sure that it actually DOES do this; however, I firmly *believe* it does). This is the main reason I did the flora was upset due to the long-term use of antibiotics. After using these drugs for about a year, I had developed a bad case of leaky gut (IBS) and was having recurring yeast infections (about every month). The Master Cleanser regulated me and flushed me out. I have been as good as new ever since I did it 7 months ago.
>My medical school is not funded by pharmaceutical companies.
>It is funded by our tuition, grants from research done at our
>institution (mostly genetics, neuro, and geriatrics), and the
>state of Florida. No respectable medical school is funded by
>drug companies. In fact, we are taught to not allow their
>reps to even come into our offices. What a dr does when
>he/she practices on his/her own is up to them.

Becky, just let it go. Trust me, I gave up a long time ago. Nothing you can say will make any difference. These people have made up their minds. They have no clue how rigorous and demanding your training is. Look at it this way, once you're out of training, it's that many fewer people keeping you from your family at night;) Good luck to you!
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

>I don't see anything, anywhere that says an oral flush is
>dangerous. All I am gathering from your links is that the
>colonic hydrotherapy, a more thorough enima is dangerous and
>the oral form is useless. There is a huge difference between
>something being dangerous and something being useless.
>One side is saying nothing at all builds up in the colon due
>to a cell turn over every few days while the other says there
>is indeed a build-up. He said, she said! Who are we to
>believe? Both have studies to back up their arguement.
>Should we believe the side that hands us a bottle of drugs for
>every ailment or the side that sends us to the health food
>Not trying to argue or debate, I really, sincerly want to

Yes, that is what I'm saying or at least that's what I've been reading. That either it is dangerous and/or useless. Either way, it's not something I would do. From what I've read, some things may in fact be dangerous (the stuff going "up"), while the other stuff is useless (the stuff going "down').

Now for my anecdotal story (so take it with that in mind). A client of mine had been doing a "cleanse" of some sort last week. Long story short, she ended up spending the night in the ER with extreme cramping and excruciating pain. I can't tell you which one she did but she did inform me that it was "all natural" (whatever that means). I can't tell you if she did it correctly or followed instructions..I wasn't there. She is a very intelligent woman though so I wouldn't be surprised if she followed directions to a "T". I can tell you that the docs who took care of her told her to NEVER again try something like that without the supervision of an MD. Anyway, just my little story.

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Why does ANY discussion on this board which touches upon any type of medical matter or health practice automatically devolve into accusations of shoddy medical practitioners, shady pharmaceutical companies, and the entire medical community in a conspiracy to keep us all drugged and uninformed? Really, it's so constant that it's just infuriating. I have no idea how you folks in the medical field can stand it.

Of course, I'm sure that the same folks who enjoy voicing alarmist, unsubstantiated, and uneducated opinions don't actually do so when they're ill or injured and are desperately in need of your assistance, do they?


RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

>Many women I've talked to will say going
>once or twice a week is "normal" for them.

I can't imagine this. I go once (sometimes twice) a day, usually.

> Life would be so
>much simpler if just increasing my fiber intake worked. (BTW
>I eat a very clean diet, tons of fruits and veggies, only
>whole grains....) I figure my system can't get any more
>messed up with a cleanse, and if it works, I will be a happier
>girl! :D
Have you tried prunes? They are a natural laxative (but not an agressive one). Just a few in the morning (stewed prunes with raisins is yummy, IMO) might help. Or snack on a few throughout the day. Flax meal might help as well.
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

>Kathryn, do you mean mix 1 Tbsp of the psyllium and 1 tsp of
>molasses in water 4 times a day? Just curious - I've got some
>psyllium on order.

Yes, 1 Tbsp psyllium and 1 tsp (or more, to taste) of blackstrap molasses, mixed in 8 oz. of water, followed by another 8 oz glass of water(they say to start with 1 tsp, then gradually increase to 1 Tbsp over the course of two weeks, and do the cleanse for 3 months. It's not recommended to take psyllium--or any cleanse--long term. The molasses is a bowel regulator, and can help you keep from getting constipated, which is what happens to some people when they begin psyllium, contrary though it may seem.)
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

> buttload of other meds

Quite and interesting choice of words in a thread like this.;-)
>What does this do to the natural flora in your intestine?

I'm sure some cleanses may reduce the population of good bacteria in the intestines, which is why it's good to replace them with a probiotic.

In fact, some probiotics (Inner Garden Flora is one) claim that by supplementing with 'good' bacteria, 'bad' bacteria is reduced and/or destroyed. So the probiotics themselves may do a sort of "cleanse."
Hey everyone - for those of you interested in digging deeper into the bowels of the Master Cleanser program (sorry, I couldn't help myself! :7 ) here is the link to the message board I went to back before I started my cleanse. There are over 2000 members and many of these people claim to have done this cleanse many, many times. LOTS of journals (similar to mine, above) to be found over there. There are some great resources of information and lots of nice people.

Oh, and I just saw one of the posts over there that indicates that the Master Cleanser was a featured article in the July 17, 2006 issue of "First" magazine. I haven't seen the article.
I also wanted to clarify the lemons/iron thing I mentioned above...I was incorrect - Stanley Burroughs says lemons are the most MINERAL rich food there is, he didn't specify iron. So disregard my message above, indicating that lemons are the most iron rich food there is. Sorry 'bout that.
Thank you Kathryn; I have heard pharmaceutical companies had something to do with med schools. I wasn't sure what, which is why I said I was surmising.

I guess some people will take the advice and some won't. I really don't expect a dr to agree with anything we are trying to explain. This is not what they learn. I guess it would be easier to take a drug for colon/intestine problems, but is it healthier? I don't think so....

I do think drs are very smart people who work very hard.

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Try drinking some senna leaf tea...that should get things moving within a few hours!
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...


I have been in need of med assistance during my last pregnancy. I began bleeding at 12 weeks. I bled on and off for about 6 weeks. My dr (who is a good one) had no idea what was wrong with me. She kept telling me all the bad things that might happen to the baby due to the bleeding. She prescribed antibiotics in case of an infection. Like a dummy, I took them. I did not have a bacteria infection so I did not need antibiotics. Naturally, I was very upset and cried a lot. So she tried to give me meds for depression. I was not depressed; I wanted to know what was wrong with me. My mother researched and discovered my condition was known as subchorionic hemotoma. Guess what, my dr had never heard of this....

When my oldest son was 3, he was in an accident. He was barely looked over at the eroom so I took him to his ped the next morning. He looked him over and said he was fine. Within the next 2 weeks his clavicle was sticking way out and he could not run. He was in pain. I took him back to the dr and found out he had a broken clavicle. Thank God it was healing correctly or it would have had to been re-broken. 2 drs saw him and nobody caught this.....

You may have frustrations with people blaming med and drs, but after reading this, I hope you understand my frustration with the medical field.

The facts I have given are not uneducated opinions. It is real. Nasty stuff grows in your intestines. Believe it if you want. Clean your colon if you want. But, just because somebody gets on here and says he/she is a dr does not make me change what my mother and I have been studying for the past 2 years.

I think drs are great and study/work hard. That does not mean they know everything. From my experiences, I understand that drs are people and they are not above the "uneducated" people.


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