Laura, Sounds like a very busy time for you, that your body just couldn't keep up. Don't worry about working out until you feel like it, get some much needed rest, then get back in a routine. Your lifestyle shift is now ingrained/set in your brain. So an active rest week might be needed. Those compliments are priceless aren't they? Good for you! Truly, your body needed that yoga. We all need to stretch in some form to elongate them.Janie you and I should have chatted on line last night as I wasn't sleeping either! I went to bed earlier than I have since I have been here and fell right to sleep, but I was woken up by another guest who is staying here at my In-laws house and couldn't go back to sleep until sometime after 5am. Yikes! Of course this morning my In-laws had a meeting early so I had to get up to make breakfast. I also have my girls and their cousin, my niece, to look after all day. We leave tomorrow so have lots of laundry to do, packing, and cleaning up the house from our stay. I am debating working out but don't think I will, feeling so run down from not sleeping that I am afraid I might over do it. If I get up early enough tomorrow I can sneak in a workout before I have to leave for the airport. Since I was planning on tomorrow being a rest day it would even itself out. Plus I am pretty happy with myself for working out as much as I have for being on vacation. I used to not workout at all so I guess it really has become a lifestyle shift for me. I haven't mentioned how many compliments I have gotten by everyone and the last time they saw me was in December so I really am making progress. Still have 20 more pounds to go though.
Power Yoga is great it is a hard DVD and I am surprised how sore my obliques are today!I have been doing all this kick boxing and that Turbo Sculpt and never had DOMS once and I do what I think is an easy day of Yoga and it wiped my out and now I have serious DOMS!! Makes me want to do a lot more Yoga that's for sure.
Deborah, How do you do it all? Wow, is all I can say. You even have time for your friends here. You never seize to amaze me, so glad you are here. I will try to get an appt. to see what this breathing thing means, but first I leave tomorrow for a wedding in Tonaskit (a small town close to the boarder of Canada) then to visit my sipplings. I miss them so, want to talk to them one on one.Hi all,
Have a very few minutes between meetings and - more meetings, and then dinner and then workout tonight. Maybe workout then dinner, actually. And yes, it is 6pm on the east coast
But I did want to say HI. I've skimmed a few posts, but will have to run before I can say much besides:
Janie, do take care of yourself and your breathing!!!
Oops, knock at the door - 'bye all!
Today will be packing day, to go to a wedding and visit my siblings. Should be gone for 7-8 days. Don't know if I will have access to a computer or not. If you don't hear from me that will be why.
I'm going to miss you guys.
I'll be here today and will check on the thread later this evening. Take care and have a great week with all your exercises.
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