Lurker Invitations July Check-In

Hello out there -

Laura - yes - that is the same Amy Bento I was struggling with awhile back - and surprisingly - it was actually - easy :eek: - as shocking as that is - I have to say it is absolutely flooring me now to think I was that frustrated with it back then ;) - well - that wasn't that long ago. :p I popped that disc in and had no trouble at all getting the steps down. Even though I say it was frustrating - I love learning complicated step routines - and I hate when I get to the point where it is easy - or it is actually boring me. What can save a step routine is if there isn't endless repeating - then it doesn't matter that I know it well - I know we will move on soon.

I also have P90x. I bought it from Ebay but didn't get any of the documentation with it - so I only have the discs and I'm not sure how the program is intended to be used. Laura - if you could fill me in - that would help - just a general outline of how it should be done.

Boat report: Yes - another report - we have bought a sailboat!!! A Catalina 22' - DH says it has everything he could possibly want and it looks perfect. This is a rather ususual purchase as we have bought the boat sight unseen - called up the seller and begged him to take it off the market once we saw the pictures. The boat is in Allentown (a good 6 hrs away) and we were going to ride up and look at it but there doesn't seem as if we have a good opportunity to go do that. Unfortunately it is bigger than I wanted and we don't have a slip for it yet but - well - this looked like an incredible find - I hope it is. DH will go pick it up in early August.

Janie - it isn't hot here at all - send the weather over my way. We have all been saying it has been a truly mild summer - no really hot days - in fact we haven't hit 90 yet and its July!!!

Michelle - not to worry - DH is more concerned with the comfort of the dogs than he is with mine. One of his primary concerns was if the boat was dog friendly and that they could safely enjoy this boat. It was one of the reasons he started looking for boats because it was an acitivity we could all enjoy together.

Shadowpup - have a good trip - we'll see you back here soon.

Oh - so I did High Step Circuit - and did what Janie has been doing - increased the weights on this intermediate workout - it was also a short 48 minutes. I will do something more challenging tonight I think.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Shoot! I posted here and it didn't save. How annoying is that? It was really good too. Well, I'll try again.

It is so hot already, it's 10:30 and already 87 degrees. It suppose to hit 104 today. Mind you, we have no air conditioning. It was really hot last night and decided to water the garden. Got bit by these nasty mosquitoes that come out this time of year and leaves their bite very swollen and ichy. OUCH! I put some honey and cornstarch on the bites for relief. It helps a lot.

We did TBS just so we can get it done with today. Very warm indeed.

Well it is an abnormally cool day here and cloudy, for those of you steaming in the hot temperatures don't be jealous, it is in the low 50's and going to go down to the low 40's tonight! brrrrrrr!:( We made a fire last night and have kept it going all day! This is JULY!!!!! But I suppose that hot weather Janie has been enduring will head our way sooner or later!

I am enjoying a lazy day. I taught my class this morning, had a very well matched group of mid- to late aged women who were all on a beginner/pre-pilates class so I was able to teach a very nice easy pilates skills and basic technique class orientated class. It really makes it easier for me to teach when everyone is sort of on the same page.

I came home and just have felt tired, unmotivated and stiff so I decided to take the rest of the day off of exercise. GS BS&B was on the schedule but just couldn't do it! I think I am just flat worn out from yesterday! That was really some hike and some tough classes later in the evening. Maybe I can pick up that DVD in the morning. I have a private client at 9 am and I think I can squeeze the DVD in before I have to take the girls down to Boulder where I can take an easy walk or jog for cardio while they are in the session.

Janie: Does it feel humid with that heat? 95 is extremely hot isn't it? I think it will be good to do P90X I have been wanting to do it so this is a great opportunity to do it and the best part is I don't have to buy it!:D:D:DI do so love Cathe & it very hard for me to think of not doing her for 90 days! Who knows maybe I will feel done after one month with Tony, but I feel like I should give his program a fair trial and commit to the full 90 days and see what happens. I found the Core Synergistics workout challenging and intriguing but still did not think he was as good as Cathe!

Laura, Compared to your weather, I do believe that our world temps are changing. Kind of scary don't you think. It is such a huge difference. Sounds like you had a great pilates class today. I'm glad. When you feel like that, you did good to take a rest day. Have to listen to your body or injuries could happen. It's very abnormal to have in the 90's here for very long. Maybe at a stretch of 3 days then it goes back down and is more doable. It is extremely hot for us and abnormal. Dont' feel guilty about doing P90X, it's a great series. Very different from Cathe, but will also give you great results. I know, there still really isn't anyone better than Cathe. But it does your body good to change it around and confuse it. Enjoy your day.

Hello out there -

I also have P90x. I bought it from Ebay but didn't get any of the documentation with it - so I only have the discs and I'm not sure how the program is intended to be used. Laura - if you could fill me in - that would help - just a general outline of how it should be done.

Boat report: Yes - another report - we have bought a sailboat!!! A Catalina 22' - DH says it has everything he could possibly want and it looks perfect. This is a rather ususual purchase as we have bought the boat sight unseen - called up the seller and begged him to take it off the market once we saw the pictures. The boat is in Allentown (a good 6 hrs away) and we were going to ride up and look at it but there doesn't seem as if we have a good opportunity to go do that. Unfortunately it is bigger than I wanted and we don't have a slip for it yet but - well - this looked like an incredible find - I hope it is. DH will go pick it up in early August.

Janie - it isn't hot here at all - send the weather over my way. We have all been saying it has been a truly mild summer - no really hot days - in fact we haven't hit 90 yet and its July!!!

Oh - so I did High Step Circuit - and did what Janie has been doing - increased the weights on this intermediate workout - it was also a short 48 minutes. I will do something more challenging tonight I think.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Shoegal, A sail Boat! Aw, how wonderful! I'm sure you and hubby will have a great time with it. Do Enjoy! Wish I could send our weather over to you.:D Don't you just love what you can do with Cathe workouts when you need to fit your day?

Take care everyone,

Hi everybody. This morning I did Step Fit--that's one of Cathe's early step workouts on the CardioHits Dvd--70 minutes long and so engaging that the time just flies by. So does the sweat. I'm trying to increase my exercise time to 70 minutes a day. I've been feeling like a slacker lately--time to kick it back up.

Janie: Hot and no air conditioning. I'm not sure I'd be able to exercise. I can understand why you and Joey are exercising early in the day given the heat. Seems like the past few years, the NW has had some unusually hot weather and I know that is not normal for your part of the country. Here--hot and humid days are the norm. You learn to live with it, but almost everyone has AC.

Shoegal: oh boy, a new boat! Catalina's are well made sailboats (and that about taps out my knowledge of sailboats). Buying it sight unseen is not something my DH or I would be comfortable with, but sometimes you got to follow your gutt. Hopefully, the pictures on-line were thorough representations of its physical condition and the written information was complete. 22 feet is only 4 feet more than 18 feet--I think you will find that you are happy with the slightly longer vessel. So--what is the name of the boat? Where are you going to keep it? Time to get a BoatUS membership--time to go shopping--got to buy all that boat gear. Don't forget to get some good boat shoes for you and life vests for the dogs. Yes, I know they can swim but they can't swim forever.

Laura: 40 degrees! It is too early for cold weather. But Colorado has some strange weather days. I've looked at P90X, but I've got my heart set on starting STS on January 1. Everything between now and then is in preparation for that momentous occasion. Silly, huh?

Speaking of weather, still humid but not as hot today because it is cloudy. Supposed to get rain later on.

Enjoy your day.
So the cold,wet dreary weather is persisting!::confused: Day 3 with a fire burning in the wood stove. Well at least it takes the pressure off for hiking or biking! But seriously it is JULY for goodness sake and we have plenty of cold weather we have to put up with in the winter! But maybe we will have a long warm Indian Summer in the fall to make up for this! Time will tell.

So still feeling low energy today, must be the weather because other people are feeling the same way. Today I was able to pick up the GS BS&B which turned out to be a good thing, since I was planning on running while the girls were at their appointment in Boulder which I didn't do because it was cold and rainy even down there! Then tonight I went to the Rec. Center to do a class a co-worker teaches called Chisel and Burn that I am going to cover for a few weeks while she is on vacation. It was a fairly easy class and I went light on the weights since I had already worked out!

Shoegal: the above mentioned co-worker is coming over tomorrow with the P90X program so I will fill you in with what I find out about it. I am planning on doing a rotation starting in September. Congratulations on the boat! That will be a big project/hobby for sure. It will be great fun for you guys enjoy it!

Michelle: those older step routines have a brand new appeal to me know that I have finally got a hang of step again! I really wasn't even tempted b them at all before I got all these new DVD's that have just enough step to get me interested. I also think step really shapes up those legs don't you? Right now I am content with playing with the premixes and doing longer step mixes. And I totally agree with you about STS in my mind I am only doing P90X can A. I can do it for free B. I don't have STS yet and C. to get ready for STS which will hopefully come from Santa!

Janie:so what work out is TBS? Is it Cathe? Good for you to motivate and get the workout done early it is much harder to motivate when you are already sweaty from heat!!
Hello All!

Laura, I wish we could get some taste of your weather! Texas Is HOT HOT HOT! :mad: I think you asked me about the premixes? I am following Cathe's STS rotation right now and she did all the work for me. But, I do LOVE to use the premixes. Keeps the workouts fresh all the time! Plus it keeps your body confused! :D

Janie, I know what you are going through except we do have AC.... could not survive summer here without it! Haven't had many mosquitos lately... good thing! Don't you love all the thing honey is good for? And is really yummy, too! ;)

Shoegal, the boat sounds really great! I really like HSC it's a good workout, maybe after STS! :) I kinda like a shorter workout at times.... tomorrow is C&W step only and abs from AC. Although, those new step workouts are really calling for me to break them out :p

Michelle, 20# chest press is impressive! I am struggling with some of the weights that STS is calling for me to do... 67+ pound BB presses and such :eek: !! So some of my rest periods have to be a little longer just to have the energy! But, I am really enjoying the workouts!

Shadowpup, I am behind you in Meso 2, working on Week 2 now. I am looking forward to Meso 3! But, those weights are really going to go up! YIKES!!!

I did do Legs today.... except 2 of the sets of Elevated lunges.... strained my quad (doing KM yesterday I guess) and they really hurt :(! And I really don't do calves much. Cause my calves are big enough!

We will be headed to MS for the birth of Eddy's (our) 1st Granddaughter next week. They are going to induce Wed. Laila Abigail is what they have decided to name her. It will be a real treat!

Have a good night!!!
Hi everybody. This morning I did Step Fit--that's one of Cathe's early step workouts on the CardioHits Dvd--70 minutes long and so engaging that the time just flies by. So does the sweat. I'm trying to increase my exercise time to 70 minutes a day. I've been feeling like a slacker lately--time to kick it back up.

Janie: Hot and no air conditioning. I'm not sure I'd be able to exercise. I can understand why you and Joey are exercising early in the day given the heat. Seems like the past few years, the NW has had some unusually hot weather and I know that is not normal for your part of the country. Here--hot and humid days are the norm. You learn to live with it, but almost everyone has AC.

Speaking of weather, still humid but not as hot today because it is cloudy. Supposed to get rain later on. Enjoy your day.~michelle
Michelle, Love the older step ups. It is a long workout, congratulations. You are doing so good with your "kick it up a notch".

Yesterday morning it was 75, and it was hard to exercise, but this morning is 64 and about to do a cardio before it gets too hot. Suppose to get in the low 90's. Still too hot for me, but better than the last couple of days. Enjoy your rain.

So the cold,wet dreary weather is persisting!::confused: Day 3 with a fire burning in the wood stove. Well at least it takes the pressure off for hiking or biking! But seriously it is JULY for goodness sake and we have plenty of cold weather we have to put up with in the winter! But maybe we will have a long warm Indian Summer in the fall to make up for this! Time will tell.

So still feeling low energy today, must be the weather because other people are feeling the same way. Today I was able to pick up the GS BS&B which turned out to be a good thing, since I was planning on running while the girls were at their appointment in Boulder which I didn't do because it was cold and rainy even down there! Then tonight I went to the Rec. Center to do a class a co-worker teaches called Chisel and Burn that I am going to cover for a few weeks while she is on vacation. It was a fairly easy class and I went light on the weights since I had already worked out!

Shoegal: the above mentioned co-worker is coming over tomorrow with the P90X program so I will fill you in with what I find out about it. I am planning on doing a rotation starting in September. Congratulations on the boat! That will be a big project/hobby for sure. It will be great fun for you guys enjoy it!

Janie:so what work out is TBS? Is it Cathe? Good for you to motivate and get the workout done early it is much harder to motivate when you are already sweaty from heat!!

Laura/Shoegal, I have all the info on P90X right at my fingertips. Can I help in anyway?

Rain and drizzle sounds so nice to me! LOL:rolleyes: Bring it my way, will ya? Hope you feel more energized soon. Maybe it's a full moon? Chisel and Burn sounds like a heck of a workout to be teaching. Glad you used lighter weight. TBS is Total Body Sculpting, it's one of Cathe's. A beginners workout, but I use very heavy weight when I do it.

Hello All!

Janie, I know what you are going through except we do have AC.... could not survive summer here without it! Haven't had many mosquitos lately... good thing! Don't you love all the thing honey is good for? And is really yummy, too! ;)

I did do Legs today.... except 2 of the sets of Elevated lunges.... strained my quad (doing KM yesterday I guess) and they really hurt :(! And I really don't do calves much. Cause my calves are big enough!

We will be headed to MS for the birth of Eddy's (our) 1st Granddaughter next week. They are going to induce Wed. Laila Abigail is what they have decided to name her. It will be a real treat!Have a good night!!! Sherry

Sherry, Yes indeed I love honey! Doing legs after yesterdays KM, must have been tough! WOW!;) Oh, you are going to LOVE your grandchild. You can spoil, spoil and more spoil, then you get to return her. LOL:eek: It's soooo much fun. Laila Abigail has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Let us know how things go. CONGRATULATIONS!:D

Got to do my cardio now before it gets too hot.

Today was a weight day. Didn't feel like doing biceps and triceps so I opted for S&H Legs and Shoulders. I'm finding that I can pretty much hold my own with the weight amounts that Cathe uses on the dvd except for the squats and lunges. I can do 40 pounds on the barbell, but not 50 (at least, not yet). Also did Step works traditional abs from the Ab Hits dvd. It's nice to through in a little ab work at the end of the workout and that Ab Hits dvd is just the ticket. Lots of choices on it.

Ironlady: I like the name for your granddaughter: Leila Abigail. Very pretty. 67 pound barbell chest presses: YIKES! Good for you. I'm happy at 40 pounds--67 is pretty amazing.

Janie/Ironlady: fresh honey is not going to be too plentiful around Virginia this year because of all the rain we had in the spring. Honeybees can't do their thing when its raining. I think my dad has had one swarm all year. Just not a good year for the honey bees.:(

Laura: another day of cold weather. Ick. Have you increased your weight amounts any since you've been doing the GS series? I've found that I manage to hold the course on the GS dvds and can work on inching up my weight amounts on the Slow and Heavy series. Wondering what your experience is?

I think Shoegal is missing in action. Wonder if she and her DH went to get the boat. Hope she hasn't fallen overboard.
Last night I decided to to HSC (High Step Challenge) got me thinking that we don't talk about the High Step workouts too often and they are my favorites - anybody else's?? I decided to do the 51 minute pre mix - (slowly inching my time up) unfortunately - in the warmup - my back took a turn for the worse. :( It didn't really hurt too bad - but I simply doing the step reach Cathe does - and bam - wow - something hurt. I forged on - perhaps not the smartest thing to do but I finished and thought I would just ice my back afterward and be fine. No - wasn't fine. It hurt all night and all day. I have been resting today and icing all day - and it feels a little better and I won't be exercising. :mad::mad::mad:

We won't be picking up the boat until August - and the deal isn't completely finished. DH wanted me to clarify that when he sees the boat and it isn't what the seller represented he can still walk away and we have only paid a small deposit. I have been studying the parts of the sailboat - have a study guide DH pulled out on sailing. Seems like a lot to learn - but the guide said they have never met a person who could not manage to sail - so I'm pretty confident that I'll get the hang of this.

I have the time for personals - but I don't want to sit here any longer - it hurts too much. Oh well - hope you all have a great day.
Wanted to do something really different today, so I did Hoopnotica. All it is is hula hooping, but with a twist. Walking, moving, dancing in it...I first had to find an adult hula hoop and couldn't so I decide to make my own. It's great and now can hula hoop with the best of them. Of course I'm just doing the basic now, but there is another DVD where it is more fun and challenging. Any hoo, had a ball and did this for one hour. Got an ab workout like you wouldn't believe and burned a few calories (about 400 calories). I also have a heavier hoop because of the poly I used to make it, thus increasing the amount of calories burned. Yeah!

Last night I decided to to HSC (High Step Challenge) got me thinking that we don't talk about the High Step workouts too often and they are my favorites - anybody else's?? I decided to do the 51 minute pre mix - (slowly inching my time up) unfortunately - in the warmup - my back took a turn for the worse. :( It didn't really hurt too bad - but I simply doing the step reach Cathe does - and bam - wow - something hurt. I forged on - perhaps not the smartest thing to do but I finished and thought I would just ice my back afterward and be fine. No - wasn't fine. It hurt all night and all day. I have been resting today and icing all day - and it feels a little better and I won't be exercising. :mad::mad::mad:

We won't be picking up the boat until August - and the deal isn't completely finished. DH wanted me to clarify that when he sees the boat and it isn't what the seller represented he can still walk away and we have only paid a small deposit. I have been studying the parts of the sailboat - have a study guide DH pulled out on sailing. Seems like a lot to learn - but the guide said they have never met a person who could not manage to sail - so I'm pretty confident that I'll get the hang of this.

I have the time for personals - but I don't want to sit here any longer - it hurts too much. Oh well - hope you all have a great day.

Shoegal, Sooooooo sorry about your back. Do take care of yourself. Sounds like you are going to enjoy that sailboat. By the time you heal and are ready to sail, you'll know what to do. Enjoy studying.

Today was a weight day. Didn't feel like doing biceps and triceps so I opted for S&H Legs and Shoulders. I'm finding that I can pretty much hold my own with the weight amounts that Cathe uses on the dvd except for the squats and lunges. I can do 40 pounds on the barbell, but not 50 (at least, not yet). Also did Step works traditional abs from the Ab Hits dvd. It's nice to through in a little ab work at the end of the workout and that Ab Hits dvd is just the ticket. Lots of choices on it.

Janie/Ironlady: fresh honey is not going to be too plentiful around Virginia this year because of all the rain we had in the spring. Honeybees can't do their thing when its raining. I think my dad has had one swarm all year. Just not a good year for the honey bees.:(~michelle

Michelle, I can mostly hold my own with Cathe too. Thanks to STS. I'm using fairly heavy weight for me. Just love that, because before, I was no where near that kind of poundage.

It's so sad to here about our honey supply. I hope they find out what is causing our bees to die soon. I'd hate to see our bees gone forever. Don't they help with pollenating about 1/3 of our food supply?

Take care everyone and have a nice evening.

Good Evening Cathe Fanatics! So another cold,wet day practically rained all day here which is extremely rare for CO. Usually in July we have thunderstorms that roll through in the late afternoons/early evenings and downpours for 30 minutes up to an hour, but rarely very rarely in the 13 years that I have lived here have I woken up to rain and clouds and gone to bed with rain and clouds! I swear it is like the PNW here right now it is so lush and green. Can't wait for the sun to come out so I can go enjoy the bounty!

Today was my Pilates class at the Studio Darshan. I have this new lady who has been coming who I am having a hard time with, for what ever reason she really rubs me the wrong way. She takes up a tremendous amount of time and energy and is constantly interrupting the flow of the class wanting personal attention. She loves the class though and is trying to get me to come there to teach more often! Go figure!

Anyway came home and my P90X friend cancelled our workout date today, so no information on that for you Shoegal.:( I got involved in some projects around the house and time just got later and later. I finally motivated and went up to the yurt and did the GS C&T. Cardio only from Drill Max was also on the schedule but I haven't even previewed that workout before and I just didn't have it in me to do such a high intensity workout. I was just proud of myself for getting the GS done so late in the evening.

Janie: hooping is really big here right now. A lot of my friends are really into it. I have been wanting to try it but haven't been able to yet. I will some day. It looks like such a fun way to 'workout" and 400 calories is a lot for hooping!

Shoegal: I don't have any of the HS workouts! They just haven't been on my radar for some reason. So sorry about your back I sure hope it isn't as bad as last time. Did they ever tell you what was wrong with it before when you went to the Dr.? Hope it gets better quickly.

Michelle: You know I have gone up a little bit in weight from the very first time I did the GS but not significantly and not for all the exercises. Mostly in the chest and triceps. I know press #20lbs and fly #15lbs I think when I first did it was #15/#12 for those. The Triceps I went from 8lbs on cross over extensions to #10lbs tonight for the first time and from #15ibls to #20lbs on the over head extensions. So that is good I guess. I really think STS maybe the ticket for me to lift heavier, but I am wondering if I do want to keep going heavier and heavier? Really I want to lose those stubborn last pounds to have an idea of how cut I really am underneath that layer of fat! My body is really changing shape and I am seeing significant differences in my appearance but I am not really going for a body building physique if you know what I mean muscles yes but within reason. I have a softer, robinesquie figure so it is unlikely I could really bulk up but who knows?

Ironlady: believe me I would love to send our weather your way! LOL! Hang in there our weather IS supposed to move out so it is probably heading your way. That is so nice about the rotations, I love that someone else has already done all the work and all we have to do is download it into our workout managers!~ I did a Pyramid Style rotation and now I am doing a GS & Muscle Max one, next is a Butts & Gutts one!! Love it! I am on my last week of a 4 week GS rotation and it has been great. I had been missing those workouts since I had not done them in awhile and now I am ready to put them away for awhile and try something else. Can't believe you are doing 67lbs bench presses,bet you never thought you would be doing that! Do you have some one spot you or do you have a rack?
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This morning was a cardio day. DH was feeling sluggish yesterday so we didn't head over to the boat as planned. That meant I could get in a good step workout this morning which was Step Works from the Cardio Hits dvd. I really like all 3 step workouts on this dvd. Step Works seems to give me a little more trouble with the footwork probably because it is the routine I have done the least from this dvd. So, that just means I need to do it a little more often for a while.

Shoegal: I really like the high step routines. Haven't done them for a while, but I keep thinking that I need to do a High Step workout week. I think HSAT and HSC are two of Cathe's most challenging workouts. You get to love leg presses and push-ups in those. Sorry to hear that your back is bothering you again. That's not good.

Laura and Ironlady: you guys seem to like to follow the rotations that Cathe posts. I keep thinking I've got to try that one month. And please, Laura, send some rain to the east coast.

Janie: one of my college classmates mentioned at reunion that she is into hula-hooping. There used to be an older woman who would hula hoop in the park across from my office in Alexandria. She was so thin, we all used to wonder how she kept the hula hoop up. Alas, the Army is building a huge office complex where the park used to be and we no longer see the hula hoop lady. I'll have to send my dad an email and ask him how the bees are doing this summer since the rain has let up. I hope he has had a couple of swarms.

We'll be heading over to the boat around mid-day. Sending good thoughts to everyone.
Good Evening Cathe Fanatics! So another cold,wet day practically rained all day here which is extremely rare for CO. Usually in July we have thunderstorms that roll through in the late afternoons/early evenings and downpours for 30 minutes up to an hour, but rarely very rarely in the 13 years that I have lived here have I woken up to rain and clouds and gone to bed with rain and clouds! I swear it is like the PNW here right now it is so lush and green. Can't wait for the sun to come out so I can go enjoy the bounty!

Today was my Pilates class at the Studio Darshan. I have this new lady who has been coming who I am having a hard time with, for what ever reason she really rubs me the wrong way. She takes up a tremendous amount of time and energy and is constantly interrupting the flow of the class wanting personal attention. She loves the class though and is trying to get me to come there to teach more often! Go figure!

Anyway came home and my P90X friend cancelled our workout date today, so no information on that for you Shoegal.:( I got involved in some projects around the house and time just got later and later. I finally motivated and went up to the yurt and did the GS C&T. Cardio only from Drill Max was also on the schedule but I haven't even previewed that workout before and I just didn't have it in me to do such a high intensity workout. I was just proud of myself for getting the GS done so late in the evening.

Janie: hooping is really big here right now. A lot of my friends are really into it. I have been wanting to try it but haven't been able to yet. I will some day. It looks like such a fun way to 'workout" and 400 calories is a lot for hooping!

Laura, I think we got your weather and you got ours. So weird, isn't it? No matter where I go or work, there is always at least one person that irritates me too. But, interrupting the class is not very classy. Sorry you are having a problem with her. If you like, I have all the info for P90X on hand and can help if you like to give Shoegal.

This morning was a cardio day. DH was feeling sluggish yesterday so we didn't head over to the boat as planned. That meant I could get in a good step workout this morning which was Step Works from the Cardio Hits dvd. I really like all 3 step workouts on this dvd. Step Works seems to give me a little more trouble with the footwork probably because it is the routine I have done the least from this dvd. So, that just means I need to do it a little more often for a while.

Janie: one of my college classmates mentioned at reunion that she is into hula-hooping. There used to be an older woman who would hula hoop in the park across from my office in Alexandria. She was so thin, we all used to wonder how she kept the hula hoop up. Alas, the Army is building a huge office complex where the park used to be and we no longer see the hula hoop lady. I'll have to send my dad an email and ask him how the bees are doing this summer since the rain has let up. I hope he has had a couple of swarms.

We'll be heading over to the boat around mid-day. Sending good thoughts to everyone.

Michelle, Glad to see you are enjoying the classic steps. I wonder if the lady still does hula hoop, maybe she found another place. Let me know how the bees are doing. Poor things, it's so sad.

Hi to those that follow,

Hi everyone, well this morning I must have turned my alarm off in my sleep and never even woke up! So long story short we didn't make it to Boulder for the girls tutoring session. The tutor was miffed, but what can I say?

So was going to ride my bike while the girls were in session, now I guess I will select some form of cardio to do here in the yurt. The sun is finally coming out!:cool: Will also try to motivate the girls for a hike with Maggie.

I just printed up the 1RM sheet and I was wondering how you guys tackled this? Did you start with the 5 * and work down to the 3*? Is it necessary to do below the 3*? I thought I would get a jump on this just in case I do get the STS series for X-mas. I think I recall that it took some of you awhile to get it done.

Michelle: I do like the rotations. I am just starting to use them. There are so many to choose from and it takes the guess workout out of it for me.
I think I will do a step routine today to or maybe Drill Max, since I haven't done that one yet./

Janie: Yes it does seem like our weather patterns are very unstable and unpredictable lately. What are you up today? Did the heat wave breaK yet? I heard it was 103 in Seattle the other day, hottest day on record ever!
Hello out there -

No exercise today - gee - can't catch a break - I will remember fondly those days when nothing hurt and I worked out very hard. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever see those days again.

Laura - People generally do the all the 3 to 5 star exercises of one particular body part. So you would group together the chest exercises one day, legs on another day, etc. If you do that - then you can count 1 Rep Max testing as a workout if you'd like. I have a litte done from my testing - but haven't finished - not by a long shot. This will take some time but I wouldn't think this could be completed in one day.

Janie - I was thinking of buying a pdf for the P90x to get the info from the guides. I really wish I would have bought the version that had everything - but what can I do about it now- at any rate - the pdf of the guides sells for like $2 or so - so I'll just go buy that. I can't Hulahoop to save my life - however did you do it?

Ironlady - wow - wonderful to hear you soon will have a granddaughter - fabulous - Congratulations!!! Everyone I know you has grandchildren say it is a truly wonderful thing.

Michelle - I'm afraid I'll find old step workouts to be boring. I'm a little wary of the Cardio Hits because I had some Mega Step Blast or some other old Cathe VHS and hated it because it was mostly basic stepping. How complex did you find the workouts?

Last post in July - Swoosh - the summer is just flying by!!!
ended up doing Low Max, holy cow that is one tough workout!:p:p:p I did it on a 6' step last time to learn it and this time I bumped it up to 8' and it about killed me! Awesome leg work! I had to rewind a few times to get the steps but not nearly as much and it was ok because I needed a longer break anyways!!

Shoegal: hand in there girl better days are ahead! My back is a little tight and stiff lately to. I need to take care of it as well. Thanks for the input on the 1RM.

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