My lower body has always been my trouble zone. It has definitely improved but I can never seem to tone my legs enough that I don't have a bunch of lines and pockets. I was doing STS and started bulking which seemed to make my legs worse. Now I'm cutting and doing XTrain (which I LOVE). I'm and week 6 of the 90 day undulating. I have noted that about every other day there is some plyo, tabata or blast that really works legs. Being that this is really my trouble zone, I didn't know if there is something more I could or should do in addition to tone my legs. I recently started doing the weighted hip thrusts but am not sure how often I should do it. I know muscles need a break too and I don't want to overwork them either. I would appreciate some advice as I am so frustrated with my legs at this point and don't know what to do. Thanks!