Oh You WONDERFUL Cathletes! I love you guys! Gayle - girlfriend - for as much as I've kept this essentially quiet, thank YOU (I think) for starting this thread.
So ... sitting here "enjoying" if you will, my flank steak and dry oats at 5:00 a.m. For one who doesn't eat red meat, the fact that I've had over a pound since last night is rather gross. I scared my 55 little drill team girls half to death yesterday when I showed up at practice looking darker than mud from the spray tan - an experience in and of iteslf. And fortunately, I have lots of volunteers putting up my political signs that are allowed to go up today. Don't quite know what the voting public would do if they saw me like this. I will share pics - but probably not until Nov 4th - after the elction if that's ok.
Alright - more later -- suffice it to say this has been an incredible training journey that never could have happened without our own wonderful Cathe, all of you, and my BFFs, T-12! MWAH! SHOWTIME!