Long or Short (hair that is!)


How do you wear your hair and how does it affect your workouts?

I've had short hair for years and was thinking of growing it long so I could have one last shot at long hair before I am 40 (scary, huh?)

My problem is that all of my hair is going grey and wiry and I'm not sure that would be a really good look or if the proper colour would give me the sleekness I desire:p

Any ideas? It's gotta match my body, right?}(
I had long hair from the day I was old enough to make that decision for myself! I would get so incredibly tired of it's upkeep and usually only throw it up in a pony tail but refused to cut if short for fear of it looking bad. FINALLY, 2 years ago, on my honeymoon (of all places! lol), I got up the nerve to chop it. I paid $60.00 (NEVER would I normally pay that much!!!) to have my hair cut short on our cruise. I had a couple beers before the apptmnt and a beer after it to "ease the pain". :p lol Well after all of that time spent fighting the notion, I ended up LOVE LOVE LOVING it and may NEVER let it grow long again! I can STYLE my short hair in less time than it took me to put my long hair up in a stupid pony tail! I must have been outta mind mind not to cut it off years ago! :7 :7 :7

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Had it long my whole life until I was 35yo. Then had it short for 5 years and now I have it short from April till September, let it grow longer in Winter and am fed up with it again in April:)

I need to take much more care of my hair when it is longer (like now), especially cause I workout twice a day on days that I run, and my hair is always so sweaty it needs to be washed every time. Short(er) hair is much easier to maintain.

Unitl the middle of last year, my hair was almost 36 inches long! I used to put it in a high ponytail, then braid the ponytail. After I realized the braid could whip me half to death during cardio, I started wrapping the braid into a bun. All told, it took about 5 minutes to get it ready for working out.

It's now bra length and all I have to do is put it into a ponytail.

As for the grey, I have tons of it (at age 29 :( , it started going a little grey in high school). I happen to think long hair is pretty with a little grey as long as the hair is kept very well conditioned. But for a slightly younger look, henna or some highlighting might be a good idea. Long hair looks great at any age if it's properly cared for and kept neat.

Hope this helps!
I've had short hair and long hair. I prefer it long. I think it's more youthful. And there are some older ladies that look really nice with long hair. My hair is very grey. My hairdresser teases me because I've got so much of it and I'm only 37. I started going grey at 25. I've been coloring it since I was 25 also. I think the trick is to go lighter as you get older. I used to color it really dark brown, but now I use a medium blonde. It still looks brown on me, because I'm naturally brown. If you can afford to have it professionally done, that's the way to go. I do it myself with L'Oreal Excellence, which is good for grey hair.

When my hair was short, I used to wear a baseball hat when I exercised because I couldn't stand to hear the sound of the sides of it bouncing against my ears, but it was too short to put up. Now I just put it in one of those clippy deals, alligator clips I think they're called. I take it out when I'm doing ab work, though, because it's very uncomfortable to lay down with one of those in your hair. Ponytails are good too, but my side layers tend to fall out of those.
Hi Liz,

I wear my hair long(as you can see in my pics)and I am 32. I only had it short one time back when I was in High Scool. I don't think I would ever go short again. I do wear it in a pony tail or in a bun when I workout. I feel like my hair is my security..lol. It keeps my neck warm in the winter time. I have been coloring since I have been a teen as well. I honestly don't even know if I have any gray hair because I color so often. I always use some sort of pomade or anti-frizz product to keep it sleek and shiny. My MIL wears her hair long and she is very gray. She does color which keeps her staying blond. She will be 56 and looks great with long hair! I don't necessarily think age holds you back from wearing your hair long, it's how you take care of it IMO. Let it grow and see what what happens. You can always cut it of you don't like it.

Mine is shoulder length... I've been short and I've been long and I find that the middle works for me because I can put it up on days I want to look like a sexy librarian (lol) or wear it down if I am in the mood. When it was short it was actually more work for me because my hair has a natural wave that is neither straight nor curly but mostly resembles a bad perm if I don't take the time to do it. :) When it's longer it's much easier...

My hair is long blond and very thin . Most 8 year olds have a thicker ponytail then I have . LOL It goes down to the small of my back the middle being the longest . I put it in a ponytail to workout . I dont color it or anything . . even trim it myself,, I pull it to the front and one snip its trimmed ..I'm 43 . I had it cut neck length once many years ago , oh it looked cute but would not hold a cut to straight and to slippery to put a curling iron too LOL That was a night mare LOL Ummmm I will always have long hair til I die !!!!!:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
About 3 years ago, my hair was about an inch long. Bleached blonde. It was SO easy. No blow drying, just threw some gel or something in it and BOOM. And working out was a breeze.

Now I'm growing it out. It's about chin length and the bangs are just past my eyes, so it's annoying as all get out. I have to put it in a pony tail or two, and clip the bangs back, otherwise I get a big sweaty hunk of hair smacking me in the face. The only time I miss my inch-long hair is when I'm working out:p
My hair was down to my mid back until about 5 years ago. I was 45 years old and it just was not looking good. I was getting a lot more grey and thought I was looking too old.

I got it colored, highlighted and then got a new spikey haircut. It took about 10 years off my face, IMHO. I get compliments on it all the time. That never happened with my longer hair.
I've had both extremely short and extremely long hair. I prefer its current shoulder length (my pic is a couple of years old, it's longer now) because I think it's more flattering. I started going gray in my late 20s and have colored it since.

For workouts I can't STAND having sweaty hair on my neck or face, so I pull it up into a loose knot and secure with a scrunchie. I have to wash it a little more often when I have a sweaty workout, but the inconvenience is worth it to me.
I am a hairstylist, but I don't work anymore...well.. just at home.
I'm 36 and letting my hair grow out.It wasn't real short, but it was well above my shoulders. It's a couple inches past my shoulders now. Just my opinion but.. I think most people (MOST) look older when they get their hair cut short. It is an older more mature look. SO be prepared for that. Some people just don't look good with long hair though. It really depends on your hair itself and the style you wear.
I dont' wear bangs and have long layers, my hair is naturally wavy and I straighten it out some w/ a lg. curling iron. I part it off center and my bang sorta lays over my eye a bit. Plus the biggest benefit is when I don't have time to style it, I can put it in a cute pony, or just put on a ball cap and let my hair hang out the back. I think it's cute! It's also great to have a pony when exercising or in the summer when laying out or hanging out on the beach. I think shorter hair requires more work to look good.:)
I do color my hair... just a little lighter than my natural color which is almost black and cover my greys ;-)
I would suggest going to a shop and getting color done. It will give you a much more youthful appearance and make you feel great.
I wore my hair long for almost 20 years. Then at 39, after I got separated, my hairdresser convinced me to go "short & cute". Now I'm 40 and I've got bangs and shoulder-length hair with layers at the end to give it personality - I can flip it up, curl it under or a bit of both. I love it. As for colour, I've had it highlighted for years, but now my hairdresser puts colour over the rest that is not highlighted. This covers the grey, wiry bits wonderfully.

I still put it up while working out, though.
I have long THICK hair. My stylist tells me I have one of the thickest heads of hair she has ever seen. I can braid my hair in the morning and when I take it out in the evening it is still wet. I have it highlighted with blond and red. I always pull it up when I work out otherwise it sticks to me and drives me nuts. I have cut it off but found for me it was a lot more work. I have a hard time trying to find clips for my hair though that will hold all of it or stay in because my hair is so heavy. So, I have a hard time with it long too. Sometimes I wonder what I would look like if I just cut it all off! LOL!!
I have naturally curly hair so I really don't have much choice. When it's short I get what I call the "Buckwheat Syndrome."

Definitely a ponytail when I work out. Especially at the gym--I've always been paranoid about getting my hair caught in a machine. :eek:

I have done that before and it is painful. At least it happened at home though! LOL My husband had to help me. I still ended up ripping some of it out though. Ouch!
Another reason for my short hair is I live in Central Florida. In the summer I was putting it up as soon as I got home from work and all weekend because humidity frizzes my hair. I would also put it up during my workouts or I would sweat to no end. I just got to thinking, what's the point of having it long when it's up all the time?

Don't get me wrong, I love long hair. It's just not for me anymore.

I would LOVE to have boy-short hair, but I look horrid with it. I cut it boy-short in high school, and pretty much hated it. For the past several years I've had straight shoulder-length hair, but recently started letting it grow out and it's now the longest it's been in years(about an inch or two past my shoulders). I also pull it back with one of those curved hair combs, and that makes it look much better and keeps it out of my face while still allowing me to wear it "down". This allows me to grow out my hair without the time-consumption and aggravation of styling it...and it keeps my hair looking nice all day. Before, by mid-morning, my hair would be a disaster from my having tucked it behind my ears about a hundred times.

For workouts, I either just leave the comb-thingy in my hair so that it's pulled back, or I put it up in a ponytail.
I had long hair (down to my shoulder blades) until about a year ago. I got sick of it getting stuck in the sun-roof of my car, etc.

It's now short and I LOVE it. I get it cut so it's short and spikey (clippered on the sides and cut short on top), and then let it grow out to sort of a messy look. I don't think I could go back to long hair at this point.

I can now hang my head out the car window like a Golden Retriever and not worry about it getting messed up! :D :D
I wore mine to my waist from the time I was 18 until the day a hairdresser butchered it with a razor when I wanted to go from one length to layered. I was 30ish. It ended up at chin level. (Hubby loved it and we had that unexpected 3rd child soon after! It was like I was a new woman :)) I have it cropped very short and quit dying it too. Gray at the temple and getting grayer every day. I am the only natural sister among the ten of us. I was terrible at dying it and never wanted to pay to have it done. Would always dye my brow and neck and trying to get my naturally light brown the silvery hair would turn bright copper. Looked goofy. So I went really dark and I liked it but my sister always teased me, mockingly. So I buzzed it off and it's fun. If I sleep on it wet it sticks up. I get out of the shower, flip my head and I'm ready to go. I don't need a comb. I grew it out for the husband, so attatched to the image of the big haired girl he married but it ended up in a ponytail and was SO big when I wore it down, I thought it was trying to take over the world. I am going to shave it close and just a little longer in the front for summer. I have a long narrow face and small features and short works on me and there's no fuss involved. It's getting close to two inches and that's too long. I love it!
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Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

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