That about sums up my mood after an incredible class with an incredible teacher, and more importantly, person!!
I had a MAJOR case of butterflies...more like gypsy moths...on the drive up...started to get the feeling I may be in over my head, but I wasn't about to turn back!!
made it up to the club with plenty of time to spare so I could rehearse what I wanted to say when I finally met Cathe...I never got the chance...she came up to me!!! And bearing autographed calendar!!
First thought...Cathe is shorter in person than she appears on screen...but she is no less in great shape!! I had a chance to chat with some of my classmates before we began..the majority don't even have the videos, they just know her from teaching at the club. I wasn't the only male, there was a man named Kurt or Kirk, wasn't sure, but was glad for the fellow manly man in class.
As for the was my introduction to the actual high step, had never seen one quite like it, found out from someone that it was specially designed for!!
I used the step for leg presses and tricep dips and seated tricep work, but decided to do jumping jacks during the section where the choreography was a little much for me, all the sudden Cathe yells out...don't forget to modify, Jerry...ohhh I was so glad to hear that!!!
The hour flew by..we did lots of squats with and without weights, used dumbells and barbells for upper body, and concluded with abs.
I saw this as a unique opportunity to work out with the best in the game, and was so glad I did. I sometimes tend to shy away from new things, I would have missed out on something great had I missed this!!
Cathe seemes truly honored I made the drive up to see her. As I explained to her, I have made the same distance drive for sporting events, dining events, this was a great opportunity to do something great for myself.
Those of you who have met Cathe either through road trips or classes in NJ, you know this the others who haven't had the pleasure, I sincerely hope you get the chance some day...while it was great fun...I WORKED FOR IT..and I am quite sore at work now, but grinning from ear to ear as I type this.
A day I won't forget anytime soon..and a trip I will be making again when my schedule permits!!
Thank you, Cathe, for an incredible day!