Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

I just finished Step Boss I Max 4 with the extended chair stretch, 60 minutes, heart rateaverage 112/max 161,242 calories, 4,189 steps. I spent a lot of time messing with my Fit Bit. The app updated this morning and I swear it is worse. When I was finishing up with the warm up, which is not a light warm up, it said my heart rate was 61. Then when I started into the workout during the first blast I was in the 70's. I kept moving it around and finally put it on my dominant wrist and it was a little better, but not great. I checked using met 6.20 instead of Cathe's met 7.20 and calories would have been 329 for my weight etc.. This seems more correct to me, but I just keep using what the watch says. I was hoping the update woud help. Maybe they listened to the people that said there's gave the too high of reads on the forums. I am irritated.
Zumba Strong = 60 min done. The modifier didn't modify any of the jumping jacks or high impact. He modified the rest. I ended up modifying the moves on my own. Lots of burpees, jumping jacks and high impact jumping. Way to high impact for this old girl. There wasn't anything new you haven't seen before, except the moves are synced to the music. The music wasn't bad. The instructors cuing was off. I also did 10 min abs from YT and Namaste Yoga Season 1 - Exalted Warrior.

Nice job girls. I will be back tomorrow to catch up on personals.
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This morning I created my own "Cycle and Strength" workout. I did about 3-5 minutes on the bike and then did a circuit of moves from stuff I've saved on instagram that I casted to my TV to follow along. I did one circuit of landmine legs, one metabolic dumbell circuit, another circuit of landmine legs, and other metabolic dumbell circuit and then finished on the bike for a total of 50 minutes. I will try to post links to the circuits later.

I saw that Kelly just posted her two newest DVDs to the app. I was wondering when she would do that since she is getting ready to film again.... I will be re-subscribing so I can check them out!
No workout today. I had my granddaughter over and took her in to get scanned for her Invisaligns then took her to her school. She stayed the night and the appointment was early. By the time I got back I was just not feeling it. I have been coughing like crazy. My neck is better though. I figured a rest was a good thing. I will get back at it tomorrow.
I reset my Fitbit to it's factory reset last night. I will be interested in seeing how it does for cardio tomorrow. It seems fine when I check doing different activities today. I thought I would lose everything I had set in it, but I guess syncing first helped. Most of the stuff was there when I reset and sank it again.

Belinda, good workouts.

Doreen, I saw that too. I have the dvds though :) That looks like a great way to make a circuit up and a nice time frame. I have never stopped my subscription to Kelly. With the price and as long as a do a few a month I feel like I am getting my money's worth out of them.
Today was a total BUST! I got an email from Xtrainfit that they had lowered their online subscription fee ($4 per month now of $24/year!!) They produced RIPT90 by Jody Hendrix and which is a great program and I saw they had the videos from KettlebellKickboxing on the site so I thought I would give it a try.... well - That Kettlebell Kickboxing series is not much kettlebell and not much kickboxing!! I started and stopped 3 different videos in the seires before doing the Amazing Arms workout.

This is the series (and I should have read this before doing the workouts):

There are a few other programs by other trainers in addition to the two programs RIPT90 and RIPT90FIT by Jody that I may try before cancelling my 7 day free trial. I have both those programs on DVD so if there is nothing else I like on the streaming site its not even going to be worth the $4/mo.
Hi guys,

I did RWH Low Impact HiiT 1 this morning. Started cleaning my house.

Diane - hope you had fun with your granddaughter.

I will be back later.
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Quick Fix both workouts combined, 45 minutes, heart rate 127/162, 245 calories, 4,702 steps. I also did the Bonus glutes, abs, and hips from this workout, 15 minutes, 57 calories, heart rate 113/143, 396 steps. I finished with Gentle Yoga neck and shoulders, 19 minutes, 25 calories, heart rate 86/105, 46 steps. My Fitbit Versa 2 seems to be working better after resetting it. Total time was 79 minutes, 327 calories, 5,144 steps. I used a 2# dumbbell for the bonus glutes, abs, and hips. The moves with the dumbbell are fast and I did not want to do the bow and arrow pulling move with anything heavy.

Doreen, I wouldn't want to pay even a small amount for something that I was disappointed in and not too likely to get much use out of.

Belinda, I always have fun with my granddaughter. She was hoping when we got done at the dentist that she would miss her math class LOL No such luck though as we got there in the middle of it.
Good morning,

STS W2 D6 is done.

Diane - lol, smart girl for trying to get out of math class. Nice job yesterday.

I will be back later.
This morning I did KCM Stong and Lean DVD on RAW - the newest DVDs she just uploaded. I just did the Stong workout but I LOVED it - so much that I did it twice! Great workout that way - total time 50 minutes. I may try to do the boxing part tomorrow- we'll see.
This morning I did Raw Just Step, 23 minutes, hert rate 121/147, 118 calories, 2,263 steps. My husband has changed jobs and his hours are starting at different times and the go to working all night. So, I am going to have to figure out cleaning and working out around this so we have time together. This afternoon I did Coffey Fit Raw Tabata Weight Circuits, 36 minutes, heart rate 110/160, 691 steps, 123 calories. I finished off with the Raw 5 day strength day 5 stretch, 37 minutes, heart rate 83/98, 44 calories, 83 steps. Total time was 96 minutes, 285 calories, 3,037 steps.
I went through my raw workouts that I have written up to find ones I have specifically written down no overhead presses, or shoulder friendly etc. I could not find this one at first when I was trying to pull it up. It was in the complete library, but not in one of the other sections.. I have done it quite a bit.
Raw Tabata Weight Circuits heavy medium and light weights with increases half way through the workout. Kelly starts with 8,10 and 15# She also uses a step or bench (not for much of it and I do not think it is necessary)
Rounds 1-3 are timed at 20 seconds per exercise going from one exercise right to the next
1 arm row 15# dumbbell
bench press 15# dumbbells
biceps curls 12# dumbbells
lateral raise/front raise 5# me Kelly uses 8's
triceps overhead extensions 8# dbs held together
squats 15# dbs
suitcase deadlifts 15# dbs
Rnd 4 and 5 raise the weights to 20 heavy, 15 medium, and 10 light and changes the biceps to supination curls and shoulders to just lateral raises I raised shoulders to 8# and kept the bench presses at 15#

Belinda, nice work on getting another STS workout done.

Doreen, I like that workout and the kickboxing one is fun too. Sometime I will mess with the premixes. I thought that she might not put those on her Raw channel when she named them one on one instead of 30MTF.
My workout is done. I was dragging this morning since I was still up at midnight. I did Step Boss Step Sync timesaver mix 5 Finished product done 3 times, 37 minutes, 171 calories, heart rate 114 average, 147 max, 3,673 steps. This includes all of those power boxes every time. I followed this with Coffey Fit Raw abs finisher, 21 minutes, heart rate average 92, max 127, 38 calories, 347 steps. I finished with Youtube Jessica Smith Post workout stretch, 15 minutes, 18 calories. Total time was 73 minutes, 227 calories, 4,020 steps.
Hi everyone,

I a JS walk this morning. I also did SBF Feel Good Arms & Cardio = 19 min + SBF BarreAmpetFire Sleek + Toned Shoulders = 11 min plus Fire Abs Blast = 13 min and Fire Relaxation Stretch = 12 min.

Diane - great job this morning. I am kinda dragging too this morning. Woke up at 2 a.m. couldn't sleep.

I will be back later.

I don't know if I told you my DD dog had was diagnosed with heart problems a few month ago. He is 11 years old. He is on a lot of heart meds. DD is on a business trip to CA I been watching her dog since yesterday. I been watching her dog since he was diagnosed with his heart problem.Well, today DH and I wanted to take her dog and my 15 year old dog for a short walk. Both dogs can't go for long walks anymore. My dog doesn't walk much anymore. My DD dog's collapsed in our yard. He laid there lifeless, not moving. At first, I thought he tripped over something. I waked him, called his name. He was unresponsive, lifeless, I couldn't feel his heart. I picked his little lifeless little body off the streets. I didn't felt a heartbeat, his head was flopping backward. I couldn't feel a pulse or heartbeat :( My husband preformed CPR on him.DH and I rushed him to the nearest vet. The nearest Urgent Care Vet is 25 min from where we live. The dog by them came out of it but very slowly. He laid in my arms the entire time, the dog in all this year never done that. Scary! I was siting in my lap the entire ride to the urgent care vet.The dog is usually a very hyper dog. The vet clinic took X-ray's gave him a shot for his heart. They recommended for us to take him to a radiology vet another 15 min. The dog had to stay for observation. Tomorrow he well see a radiology vet, get more test done. I am a mess. I was shaking when her dog laid lifeless in my arms. My DD called while we talk the the vet at the radiology. She is a mess, worrying about her dog. I feel so bad for both.She loves that dog. We already called a few times checking on the poor dog. I was afraid to take the dog home and something happened in the middle of the night. The dog is in good hands and on watch for the next 24 hours. The clinic let us back where the dog is staying over night. I was relieved they had a full staff watching him 24 h. I known the dog for 11 years never seem him so calm:( I am worried he had a stroke or something.
Belinda, that is terrible about your daughter's dog. I know you have to be so worried. I hope that she will be okay.

This morning I did Coffey Fit Raw Weights Circuit. Kelly now has work sheets for some of the Raw weight workouts on her website. This was 31 (28 actual) minutes, heart rate 102/144, 689 steps, 79 calories. I figured I would get some work in today since Thursday I have the surgical procedure and will have a rest day. Not sure from there.
Workout was done in circuits with a few changes each circuit, timed at 30 sec each move
Kelly uses 12.5 # dumbbells, 7 # dumbbells, and a barbell which I think she said is 25#
circuit 1
chest flys 12# dbs 11 reps
skull crushers 12# dbs 11 reps
alternating pledge curls 12# dbs 16 reps
alternating shoulder press 5# dbs 16 reps
alternating bent over rows 12# dbs 12 reps
triceps kickbacks 8# dbs 8# dbs 14 reps
deadlifts barbell 35# 10 reps
deadlift squats 35# barbell 9 reps
Circuit 2
chest flys 12# dbs 10 reps
skull crushers 12# dbs 10 reps
alternating pledge curls 12# dbs 16 reps
alternating bentover rows 12# dbs 12 reps
lateral raise 8# dbs 11 reps
deadlifts barbell 35# 8 reps
deadlift squats 35# barbell 8 reps
Circuit 3
bench press 12# dbs 8 reps
tate press 12# dbs 10 reps
hammer curls 12# dbs 9 reps
alternating shoulder press 5# dbs 10 reps
bentover row barbell palms forward 35# 10 reps
alternating single leg deadlift 35# barbell 12 reps
deadlift squats 35# barbell 9 res
Circuit 4
bench press 12# dbs 11 reps
tate press 12# dbs 9 reps
alternating lateral raise 5# dbs 10 reps
alternating back row 12# dbs 9 reps
alternating single leg deadlift 35# barbell 8 reps
squats 35# barbell 8 reps
circuit 5
chest flys 12 # dbs 10 re[s
alternating bentover row 12# dbs 10 reps
Diane - I will have to check out the RAW weight sheets - that would be helpful.

Belinda- goodness- sooooo scary. I hope they find the issue with your DD dog!

This morning was KCM Weights DVD (on Raw) workout one - legs, back. I did KB swings instead of her active rests. I just wanted a little more than what she was doing on those active rest moves.
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I am getting ready to work out. Wondering how JS 4 mile power walk is. Also, what about Leslie Sansone? I have never done her stuff. I would like something upbeat and fun in that category.

Doreen, I sometimes do stuff to kick up the intensity of those types of workouts too.
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Yesterday DH and I been in the vet clinic all night long. We got a call Pootcho took a turn for the worst. He had heart failure last night again, he was turning purple. They had to revive him. The cardiology got him stable, but he is still in critical condition. His blood presser dropped to 30, they got it up to 80. Preferably, they would like to see this blood pressure up to 100. He also turned purple last night.They got him on oxygen and changed this heart medicine. He needs to be monitored another 24 hours. He got a ruptured valve in this heart. Bootcho has degenerative Heart disease. His heart is enlarged and pushing on his ribcage. Which probably caused the ruptured valve in his heart. They are trying to stop the bleeding in his heart. The Cardiologist was very honest with us this morning. Her dog had the same problem. She said it's very common in small dogs. The Cardiologist said he probably will have another ruptured valve in less than 4 month. She also said, he could run the risk of kidney failure. It's heartbreaking to watch him like this. There isn't anything anyone can do for degenerative heart disease. Bootcho has been on heart medicine since last year. My DD's vet already increased his heart medicine. DD's vet didn't sugar code anything, told us what is going on. DD even took her dog to a holistic doctor with the approval of her vet. My DD is taking it really hard. DD bottle-fed Bootcho. She had him since he was a puppy. The cardiology is one of the best in the country. I know he is in good hands.

Thanks everyone for your prayers! I really appreciate it.

I am sorry for no personals. DH and I getting ready to drive back to the clinic to see Bootcho. I hope Bootcho is stable enough until my DD comes back from her business trip on Friday. They took him of the oxygen.

I am so tired and beat.
Belinda- Hoping for the best this morning for your DD Bootcho - since you normally check in before me I'm worried about you!!

This morning was the new RAw 7 Strength. This is a fabulous workout. 7 moves, 7 reps, 7 rounds. The last 2 rounds she goes to just using the barbell for all the moves and I kinda wish she had done barbell for all 7 rounds.

Moves are:
One arm Row Left/Right
Power curl and press
Bench press
weighted hip thrusts
weighted dips
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