Today I did Strong and Sweaty Ramped Up cardio timesaver mix 11, double back and chest, 45 minutes (38 actual), 228 calories, 96 average heart rate, 136 max. I then did double shoulder mix from Ramped Up upper skipping the warm up and stretch, 20 minutes, 108 average, 141 max, 104 calories. I finished off with YouTube Sarah Beth 15 minute flexibility yoga for hip flexors and hamstrings, 5 minute hip yoga, 10 minute sciatica (up the wall) which I had to finish on my own because the streaming stopped suddenly, but I knew the moves. This was 32 minutes, 75 calories. Total time was 99 minutes, calories burned 407.
back one arm row R 30# 16 reps followed by back 1 arm fly R 10# 10 reps
back one arm row L 30# 16 reps followed by back 1 arm fly L 10# 10 reps
repeat Right and Left
back-pullovers 35# DB 10 rep; 35# 10 rep rear
back rear delt flys 10# dbs 10/10 reps; 10# dbs 10/10 reps
band t rows 32/16 reps
repeat all
chest flys 15# dbs 12 reps followed by push ups pyramid 12,10,8
chest flys 15# 12 reps followed by push ups 4 reps variable movement
Shoulders overhead presses 15# dbs, 12 reps, front raise 15# db 12 reps, lateral raise 5# dbs 8/4 with pulses/8 reps
Shoulders overhead presses 15# dbs 12 reps, front raise 12 reps, lateral raise 8/ 3 with pulses/ 4 reps
shoulders lateral band circles 32 forward/32 back
shoulder band kickback rear delts
repeat all
Doreen, that one is a bit tougher than her others as it was meant for younger athletes. It has a nice stretch on it.
Belinda, I hope that they can give you the help that you need. Maybe there is a connection to all of it?