Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

I just checked in the app. It's 9.99 per month and they have some Tracy long, Jessica Smith, Chris Freytag, Cathe, KCM. But it looks like nothing new since I subscribed several years ago. The newest for Cathe was the xtrain series which is quite old for Cathe. But since I don't have any KCM it would be useful for her older stuff.

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Good morning,

D15 Cardio HiiT is done. I really liked that one a lot. I also did D14 15 Total stretch and SBF D4 UB Core Circuit.

Doreen - I found the price. That's a good price to try out other instructors.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Yesterday I did Walkstrong3 yoga and stretch after work. Keeping in mind I don't like yoga I thought it ok.

This morning I did Kick max low impact premix until I realized it was only the kick conditioning drills and I tried to switch to a different chapter and my on demand app stopped working. So I popped in KCM and did the boxing tabatas from muscle up (I think that's the name)

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This morning's workout was Tracey Long Longevity Staying Power, 54 minutes, 349 caloires, 2,669 steps, heart rate average, 123, max 162. I liked it, but think I was huffing and puffing way more than I normally would without the cold that I have. I used a 5# soft med ball for the med ball segments and 8-10 pound dumbbells for the weights. I used a 12# for one segment. She hits everything nicely in this.

Belinda, good job getting the workout in today. I guess I need to check that out too.

Doreen, do you mean Meltdown? I don't remember tabata boxing on Muscle Up.
Yes! Meltdown. I knew it didn't sound right when I typed it.

Yes- Belinda, I did the purple player downloads for WS3.

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I picked up JS WalkStrong (her first set) from the library yesterday. I had requested it before her Walkstrong 3 released but it just now came. Oh well- lots to do.

This morning I did Hitching a Ride from yesterday's Cathe Live. Nice workout of three long hill climbs.
Good morning,

Today is my 34 Anniversary. DH and I did JS WS3 D16 TB + LS Walk to the Hits party songs is done.
I will do STS D15 tomorrow, running out of time.

Doreen - I wished my library had all those workouts. Have fun with Walk Strong 2.

Have a great day and workout.
No workout today. I got up early and helped wrap presents for our churches school store purchases. I will do something tomorrow. I have another Tracey Long workout from the library that I might try that is all lower body. I am not sure though. We have been busy with adding the extra room and other things so between my cold and all the activity, I am just doing shorter workouts when I can. Normally I do not like doing this during the holidays.

Doreen, my library only has one Jessica Smith workout. They have a lot of beginner workouts and yoga stuff. Some Amy Bento, and other workouts that I already have. There is not much that I am interested in there.

Belinda, happy anniversary to you and your husband. A workout together sounds fun. I cannot see my husband doing a Walk Strong workout. He is most inclined to walk on the treadmill to Star Trek shows and lift weights. That is it.
Belinda- I get almost everything from my library's inter-library lending program. Does you library to that? I have to go into WorldCat and search and request from there so they all come from different libraries.
Today I did Tracey Long Focus Series lift higher (lower body) 33 minutes, 127 calories, heart rate 98 average, max 123, 605 steps. The first section with the heavier weights was good with a bit different movement pattern, but the rest was easy and I added the ankle weights to the floor work which it says is optional. I followed this with Fit Tower Total Body plus bonus core mix #1, 70 minutes, (9 minutes was for changing weights and writing weights down) , heart rate 106 average, max 137, 1,365 steps, 294 calories. Total time was 1 hr 43 minutes, 421 calories. If I used what Map My Fitness gave it would be 200 more calories and even more than that with what the workout manager had (Fit Tower workout).
Still not feeling much like cardio yet.

Doreen, I do not think our library system has that. They just changed their digital magazine loan app from using the Zinio app. I don't like it near as much because I cannot get current issues and they do not have as good of a selection on Fitness magazines now. Maybe sometime in the future we can borrow dvds from more than just the libraries in the Metro system.
Hi girls,

I did STS D15 + SBF TB barre + JS WS3 Boogie I.T.

DH and I had a lot of fun yesterday. We ate way too much food. Lunch was at our favorite winery, we had the entire place for ourselves. The weather was beautiful, we sat on the deck. It was so hot, we didn't needed a jacket. We had lunch and a little wine. It was perfect afternoon. In the evening we went to our favorite restaurant (last year we celebrated our anniversary there too) we had a 6 course meal:eek: each course came with a different wine. By the 2nd glass of wine, I had enough. They kept brining the wine/dessert wine/port wine you name it. The food was amazing! but way too much food! By the time they saved us course #3....I was full, lol. I told the waiter to wait to bring out the next course, lol. I told my husband I wouldn't do another 6 course meal, it's just to much food/wine :) They had a bottle of wine for over $800 on the wine list:oops:, lol!

Doreen - I will check out my library.

Diane Sue - JS Total Body is very good. You be surprised, we packs a lot into her 30 min workouts. Her newer set is different than her other ones. She sold out on Amazon. You can read reviews on VF, seems like everyone liking the new series.

That's it for me today. Have a wonderful day and workout.
I did JS WalkStrong (from the library) Total Body Sculpt, Upper Body Sculpt and Brain Booster workouts this morning. I was impressed with all three of them. Granted they solid intermediate level and I think most exercises I used at least double the weights Jessica did but both total body and Upper body were solid metabolic weightlifting workouts with different moves. Brain Booster was a walking workout with fun and sometimes tricky arm combos.
Belinda, wow on the 800 dollar wine. That sounds like a pleasant day together. It is nice to be able to go out on a weekday like that without the weekend crowds. I will have to look at reviews. I see many like the new JS workouts.

Doreen, I often use a bit heavier weights than the instructors. Cathe, not always though :) I guess you boost the brain doing trickier combos :)
Hi everyone,

I did my workouts this morning, forgot to post :( I did STS M2 D16 + JS Day 18 Metabolic Conditioning + 3 mile walk.

Diane Sue + Doreen - what did you guys do today?

I will be back tomorrow. Busy day today.
This morning I did JS Walkstrong Lower body sculpt and then did a pyramid of weighted hip bridges and then the first half of JS Walkstrong Interval mix. Both are good workouts - solid metabolic weights and easy to follow cardio with some interval bursts - not HIIT. I'm definately tempted to start Walkstrong 3 but these have to go back to the library next week so I want to give them a try.

KCM announced on her forum her RAW channel should be ready sometime after the new year.
I did Kelly Coffey Amped Up Cardio workout #1 and the first combo and drill segment of combo 2 before the grandchildren got up. That was 39 minutes, heart rate average 139, max 169, 265 calories, 3,519 steps. I got out Christmas decorations and they had fun helping set things out. They have a hard time understanding that I don't have trees to set up and that I go buy a live one. The 3 year old kept wondering where my tree was. He really wanted to put the decorations on it :) He persisted on Mary being on top of the nativity stable. My dancing and singing santa and Mrs clause got quite the workout and he covered them in hand sanitizer. (hanitizer) I had to laugh at his name for it.

Belinda, the windows around that restaurant remind me of one that we used to go to on special nights that was like that and was set out against the water. It was a beautiful view at night when the lights were shining across the water. I could not imagine paying the prices some of those wines cost. Think of what you could purchase with that money and have something substantial to show for it. What about the ones that were over a thousand on that list!

Doreen, that is great that Kelly will be getting that up and running soon. The few Jessica Smith workouts that I have tried have not been hard to follow at all.
Hi everyone,

SBF SBF Fit for Fall Day 9 Upper Core + Cardio & Weights+ JS WS3 D19 Barefoot Cardio Core + LS 2 Mile Power Express Walk all done!

I am really surprised we haven't seen any new clips for the new Fit tower workouts? Weird!

Tomorrow I am going to a spa with my daughter and Thursday I am getting my hair done in DC. I will not be back until Thursday late evening. I am kinda debating if I should do STS D18 today or play catch up when I am home? Maybe I have more energy later today?

Diane Sue - that is how we feel. Think off all the stuff you can buy? DH and I once in a while don't mind to go all out and spent some $$ on very yummy food like we did on our Anniversary. We both agreed not to buy physical gifts instead we went out for a nice romantic dinner. We don't eat out a lot anyway. Sometimes you have to spoil yourself a little :D Even if I had the $$ to spare, I wouldn't spent it on a bottle of wine. If you scroll down, they had a bottle for over $1000:oops: The food in Goodstone is amazing, I highly recommend it. Little price, but worst it, IMO! The restaurant isn't far from Mittleburg, you see people in their Rolls-Royce. Very expensive cars, lol. That place is expensive. We do like to go to the Chrismas parade and go the the little boutiques. Very cute town.

Doreen - glad you like 6WT. I like them too. I also like all her other dvd's.

I'll try to check in tomorrow, if not on Friday!
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Total Body +bonus abs, 74 minutes(10 for writing and changing equipment) , 343 calories. 1,468 steps, heart rate 109-max 158. I need to bathe Gertie and do some major house cleaning today since I think it is mostly an uneventful day till tonight when we go to my grandson's homecoming wrestling duals.

Belinda, it is nice to splurge once in awhile. It looks like you are going to have an enjoyable time with your daughter. The Christmas shops and parade sound so nice. I had not heard about new Fit Tower workouts??

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