Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

So I picked up the workouts and then tried to renew them but they already have holds!! They are due while we are still gone on vacation. So I did Meltdown workout 1 this evening and then took them back to the library!! I put myself back on the hold list to get them again. I bet the third one will become available while we are going. Bummer timing. But I did like Meltdown - especially the barbell work. I did a couple of the boxing tabatas but wasn't too into them.
Doreen, i still would like to try the premix from meltdown that alternates the weights with the heavy bag. I think i could use the bag and transition well if I wear my combat gloves instead of my boxing gloves. I justbwont be able to punch quite as hard as it tears up my hands. I could do it no bag though. I just think it looks like a fun way to do it.
Hey girls,

Today I finished my last workout in M1 :) Looking forward to my recovery week next week. I also did JS D3 Barefoot Cardio Core plus SBF D4 Interval 3. I really love the Jessica Smith downloads. You can also just stream them from her site without downloading purple players. The workouts are well chaptered :) This really opens up a new world for me. No more dvd storing! No clutter!

Diane Sue - did it work?

That's it for me today.I will be back tomorrow.
Today I did Kelly Coffey workout 1 and workout 2 of her Weights dvd followed by Athletic Conditioning vol 1 stretch first 16 minutes.
Workout 1 was 42 minutes including the separate warm up and writing things down. The last weight circuit was missing on the work sheet so it took me extra time. 185 calories, heart rate 97 average, 126 max. Workout 2 was 31 minutes, heart rate 109 average, 139 max, 137 calories. Stretch was 16 minutes and 25 calories.
Weights Workout #1 legs, back and chest each weight circuit done twice then a standing core recovery segment
circuit 1- 2 times
reverse fly 15# dbs 16 reps
lunges 17.5# dbs 8 reps right 8 reps left
push ups/ plank reach across 8 reps
waistline row the boat 2 minutes 8# db
circuit 2-2 times
bent over rows 20# dbs 16 reps
squat variations 20# dbs 4 squats 8 single leg 4 squats 8 single other side 4 squats
push ups 3/1 count 8 reps
waistline towel drop and reach 2 minutes
Circuit 3- 2 times
lawn mower(row twist) 16 reps left and 16 reps right 15# first set 20# 2nd set
dead lift single leg 20# dbs 8 reps (2nd set is deadlifts with a twist)
dive bomber push ups (nose, chest hips push up) 8 reps
waistline towel reach drop pick up 16 reps right 16 reps left

Weights workout # 2Biceps, triceps and shoulders each circuit done twice
Circuit #1 2 times
Hammer hesitation 4 reps 12# dbs
hammer squat hesitation 8 reps 12# dbs
triceps extensions 12# dbs 4 reps right 4 left 4 both arms dropped to 10# 2nd set
shoulders front side raise 12# dbs 4 right 4 left 4 both
waistline after 2nd circuit set side rotations with side knee up 2 minutes
Circuit # 2 2 times
biceps half curl and lift away 12# dbs 8 reps
overhead triceps extension back and front counts as 1 reps 8 each arm 12# db
lateral raise bent over 12# dbs 16 reps
core/waistline behind the neck side bend rotation crunch
Circuit #3 2 times
one arm biceps curl 15# db first time 20# 2nd 8 reps
one arm triceps kick back 15# db 8 each side reps
one arm shoulder press 8 reps each 1 up down 3 15# first set 20# 2nd
active core rest reach and drop 2 minutes 16 reps each side
Belinda, I am sure you are looking forward to your recovery week :) I will try the Purple Player again in a little while. It has been a busy day and I am just getting back here to check in.
Today I did the free Jessica Smith download walk abs, 16 minutes 88 calories, 1628 steps.
I then did Kelly Coffey Total Body Kickbox both worrkouts, 57 minutes, 365 calories, heart rate average, 130, max 177, 4,567 steps, I finished off with Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped lower body stretch, 19 kinutes, 32 calories. Total time, 92 minutes, 486 calories,
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Went shopping and forgot about it :(

Anyway, I did JS D4 TB and SBF D6 Stretch 4. I also did Less Mill Bodycombat 70. That was a sweat fest and fun. I am thinking signing up for LM.

Diane Sue - glad you got it to work. Nice step count with JS :)

Today I will do another SBF stretch and JS D5 Boogie I.T. Should be interesting. BBL!
Hi everyone,

Today I did JS D5 Boogie I.T. and 15 min Belly Fat Blaster. I also did SBF Stretch 3.

Good job, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.
Belinda, how are you liking the Jessica Smith workouts. You do get a nice step count with her workouts. Is her mother in the newer ones too? The 16 minutes was nice for a warm up for the rest of my workout. What is the Les Mills Body Combat? It's not one of the Combat series or Pump series workouts. I have though I would like to try signing on to the Les Mills streaming. I have looked at the site.
Diane Sue - before you buy any of Jessica's workout, try some on YT and see if you click with her style.I like Jessica's new workouts a lot. I own all her workouts, they are different than Cathe's which I like. I fell worked out but not wiped out with her workouts.You get a nice step count with her workouts without the high impact. I don't need to own all puke in the buckets workouts.
and millions of jumping jacks :( Yes, it was Les Mills Body Combat 70. Yesterday they offered 6 or 8 workouts for free on YT for one day. They took them down already. I probably will sign up for there streaming soon. Love the music and workouts.
Today I did Kelly Coffey's Trim Down combined workouts, 58 minutes, 370 calories, heart rate 133 average, 170 max, 3,362 steps. I used 8's for the lights and 10's and 12's for the heavy weights. I like the way this one is fast paced and a metabolic type of workout. I then added on the Kelly Body Design Cardio light weight segment with the cool down, 15 minutes, 99 calories, heart rate average 122, max 138, 910 steps. Total time was 73 minutes and calories burned 469.

Belinda, I will have to check out more of Jessica Smith on You Tube. I have done several and like the step count. I guess I am just so used to the tough exhausting workouts. I have always enjoyed the music in the Les Mills workout. They always seem fun. I like the yoga flow workout on the pump workout and the stretch and strengthen on the combat workouts. They have good music as well.
Hi ladies,

Today I did SBF D8 Lower Body BC Barre + JS Tone + Flow. I also walked 5 miles.

Diane Sue - I get a better step count with Jessica's or Leslie's walking workout than any other workouts/or instructors without all the high impact.Plus, I like the step count. This morning I did Leslie 5 Boosted miles, got over 7000 steps. I am tired of the tough exhausting/wiped out workouts. It's not good to beat your body up like this every day, IMO! I really like the variety of JS workouts. It's a well balanced and well rounded program without being exhausted. My goal for next year is, not to beat my body up with those exhausting workouts. Be kind to my body. That is why I love SBF and JS workouts.

I will be back later.
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No workout yesterday. I was just way to busy.
Today I did the first Firm workout with Susan Harris, 63 minutes, 348 calories, 1,893 steps, heart rate 114 average, max 152. This is still a great workout. Getting a chuckle out of the outfits and wonder how they talked the guys to doing those hip tucks and rotational dance looking moves. It was fun doing it. I was surprised how hard those upper lower combos seemed. Granted I did start with way heavier weight and was soon dropping some poundage. I need to get going on cleaning and food prep. I am so behind on getting things read.

Belinda, I sometimes don't think I get near as many steps as I feel I should for those high impact workouts.
Hey guys,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I did got all my workouts in. Today I did Total Body Cardio HIIT = 40 min. That was a tough one :) i also did JS D8 Cardio interval Sculpt.

Diane Sue - neither do I :( That is why I walk to get all my steps in.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I am hoping for a little cardio this morning. I did lots of prep work last night.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving:)
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Kick Step boxing, 70 minutes, 448 calories, heart rate average 137, max 166, 5,912 steps. I rolled the mat up to kneel on for the kneeling punches and core work and used 3# dumbbells. Showering and getting back to cooking. I have the turkey breasts lined up in a large pan. I was lucky I managed to get 16# of turkey breast in one pan because two pans would not fit in the oven. It smells yummy :D I put checked my calories burned app with this workout this morning and it gave me 611 calories using 28 as my vo2 max which is considerable less than what Fitbit gives me. If I use what Fit Bit gives me the calorie burn would be even higher.

Belinda, I have been so busy I have had a harder time getting on here and posting the last few days. One day, I guess I thought I posted and when I came back I saw I never posted it. It was just sitting there.
Hi everyone,

Sorry for not posting my workouts for the last few day's, I did all my workouts :) Today I did SBF D12 Total Body Barre 2 = 45 min and JS D10 Upper Body.

Diane Sue - this happened to me a few time. I didn't post my workouts either :( We all had a good excuse for not checking in. Hope you had a great TG yesterday.

Anyone going shopping today? The only bought a few workout clothes from Fablatics :)

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout everyone.
I wasn't feeling real well yesterday and have come down with a cold. Today I did not workout. Maybe tomorrow I will.

Belinda, no shopping here. I haven't even looked online today. Usually I have Christmas shopping done before black Friday , but not this year.
Good morning,

I'll better check in now before I forget later. JS Yoga/Pilates + 5 mile walk + SBF stretch 5 is done. I already had 10 K at 9 a.m :eek:

Diane Sue - I only bought a few workout pants/shirts. Everything at Fablatics is 50% off.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

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