Today I sat here looking at my plan and trying to make up my mind too long!! I ended up going with the plan of some cardio and X Train Burn Sets Chest Back and shoulders. I started with Cross Fire Time saver mix triple tabata, 34 minutes (actual 28 but I ran down stairs twice for laundry and the dog needing out) heart rate average 132, max 172, 189 calories, 2,518 steps. I then did X Train Burn sets planned, 52 minutes, 225 calories, heart rate average 101, max 132, 1,164 steps. Total time 86 minutes, calories 414. I accidentally put in the wrong dvd. Instead of burn sets I put in the other Chest, back and shoulders and did the warm up and push ups before I realized she was not starting with chest! SO, I skipped the burn set of push ups.
Weights today was kind of low since I did not want to irritate my shoulder and neck.
Dumbbell bench press 2 DB 15#,15#,15# x 10,10,14 reps
chest flies 2 DB 15#,15#,15# x 12,10,14 reps
Incline dumbbell bench press 2 DB 15#,17.5#,17.5# x 10,10,12 reps
one arm row 30#,30#,30#x 10,10,12 reps
dumbbell rows both arms, 25#,25#,25# x1 0,10,11 reps
seated rear delts 2 DB 15#,12#,12# x 10,10,10 reps
superman 24 reps
standing overhead press 2 DB 15#,15#, 15# X 10,1010, reps
single arm lateral raise 10#,10#,10# x 10,10,12 reps
aingle rear delt fly 10#,10#,10# x 10,10,12 reps
scare crows tubing.
Belinda, as long as he is eating and drinking I think that he will be fine.
Laura, sorry that you could not sleep. My heart goes out to you as I know how that is.