Hi girls,
Walked 5 mile this morning. That's it!
Good job, everyone! BBL!
Walked 5 mile this morning. That's it!
Good job, everyone! BBL!
Belinda, are you doing the rotation Cathe put out? I don't remember Low Impact Series in that one. I do think that you could use the Step workout, disc workout, and maybe even Cardio Super Sets as a cardio day. Total Body Tri-sets done as a split with one of the other workouts like Athletic training mixed into the week. Or if you are doing three strength days with the other workouts you could possibly do something like the the Strong and Ripped workout where one day is one of the metabolic type workouts or lighter weight workout days mixed with cardio and the strength days. Just thoughts.
Laura, nice work mix today. You come up with some good ones. I think Fit Bit last update added another feature to the VO2 max and heartrate calculations. I had wondered at the drop to 28 which was the high end on their chart for V02 max. I don't burn near as many calories as I used to with the Fit Bit or my Polar. What it comes down to is the results in the end anyway. But, the numbers can be discouraging sometimes and others they are motivating.
I think you could use Afterburn. It moves so very fast that you don't really use heavy weights, it is more metabolic conditioning than strength. When she uses a heavier weight she only uses one at a time.
Diane Sue, I'm trying to concentrate on how much easier and better I'm working out now. Mad about the weight thing, but menopause is kicking my rear right now. I had to read the lead article in Cathe's newsletter today about exercise and insomnia, it certainly doesn't seem to have helped us.