This morning I did Ice Chiseled Upper Body, 48 minutes, 190 calories, heart rate average 94, max 133, 950 steps. I went heaver on the weights with this up to 15's for some things. Those discus throws I always keep at 5# though. I then did Ice Core 1 and 2, 26 minutes, 76 calories, using 8 and 10# dumbbells Total time was 74 minutes, and calories burned 266. Today is Wednesday family dinner. I had my 3 year old grandson help make cookies last night. I peeled the potatoes ahead for shepherd's pie today. I really miss having my car to run to the store.
Belinda, I don't generally have a problem with kneeling work except for on one of Kelly Coffey's older workouts where she is kneeling on a half round shaped foam wedge. I had tired my half balls that are for balance work and a foam roller. Anything I tried hurt terribly till I finally just knelt on my knees. I am not sure why the wedge. It was not comfortable to me. When I revisited those works recently I remembered how that hurt. It still does.
Doreen, Kelly Coffey's boxed set is not up for Pre-order yet. If I remember right it is shortly after they are filmed which is supposed to begin the second week of October. I think the 9th?? She has always had excellent pre-sale prices and usually free shipping in the past. It is generally such a good price I just go ahead and purchase. I am not sure how it will be being it is a boxed set and will come with nutrition plan etc.. I am sure it will still be good though.