Lifting like girls

Good morning everyone! This morning was RWH Circuit Lower Body. Great workout. Tonight will be GSF. Putting together a new rotation. Trying a little bit of everything. Well done, all of you!! Roz, your weights are awesome. Keep up the great work! Tom, Hope you had a great visit with the grandbabies. Lisa, how do you pick your workout everyday? How you feel, what your body is craving? Splain Lucy! Justine, how is Nia's bodyweight working for you? Sounds right up my alley.
Make it a good one!
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Good morning my iron sisters! Karen..I laughed when I read your post, and I gotta say I choose using the ADHD method!!(sorry Justine) My only common thread is trying to get 20 sets/bodypart, and destroy that part!!! .everything else is "up for grabs". Today I worked back doing chin ups,pulldowns dumbbell rows and deadlifts. I put an ADHD twist into the chin-ups and did my first 10 sets adding 12.5# using a weight belt,chain and two 5# plates. I did sets x 8 x5 x4 x4 x4 x4 x3 x3 x3 x2 (40 total) Then I took off the weight and did 2 sets x5 totaling 50 reps Next I did pulldowns 100# x10 x10 x10. I then did 3 sets of dumbbell rows using 80# x8 x8 then 70# x10. I finished the back work doing 2 sets of deadlifts at 160# x10 (conventional) and x10 (sumo), By the time I got to deads, my grip was fried, after chin-ups and heavy rows!! could save yourself some money on equipment and just slide under your car for the hip thrusts!!! way to go girl! really impressive! Had a great time with the grandkids!! We are taking them back to the airport this afternoon. My son and his wife came from St. Louis because they hadn't seen our newest addition, and it was great having all of them home! My youngest son from FL. (grandkids dad) couldn't come because he had some court cases,(he is a lawyer,not a criminal lol) and he was missed but having all the rest of them home was great!! (Lisa, I think I smelled ok after my shower, no one held their nose or left early!) Keep the iron moving ladies and have a wonderful day!!!
Tom, you sound on great form! How are you even standing up after that workout? Wow. 90 chin ups? Weighted? Blimey. Curious as to how long your workouts take. They sound quite lengthy.

Karen, you too- lwh and THEN a strength workout. Blimey.

And Roz, HOW much did you thrust? Did I read that right?

Lisa, you probably flew through some tough Cathe live, only deciding which to do at the last minute?

I've some catching up to do! I've been having somewhat blurgh workouts (honestly, that's a word). Another eastern bloc inspired gsf2 today- KB swings, Bulgarian split squats, oh presses, Russian twists, Cossack squats. None of which were impressive, but I did quite a few sets of everything. Looking forward to getting back to heavy lifting (next week). I'll need to up my calories, though. Been picking at my food recently. I go through phases of doing that. (with plenty of stuffing my face at other times!)

As to questions about Nia's body weight stuff. Yes, worth doing. Not going to make anyone heavy-deadlift type strong, but tricky-exercise type strong. Does that make sense? I certainly wouldn't do it on its own, but I'm enjoying having some shorter workouts to which I can add lwf. There's a lot of suspension trainer stuff, some of which I sub for (not keen on suspended mountain climbers for example).

Anyway, glad everyone is sounding so upbeat. Tom, having all the family together sounds wonderful.

Xx to all commandos
Justine...I only did 40 weighted..10 unweighted.....wish I could do 90!! Yours sounds much more diverse! I'm only capable of "tunnel vision" w/o's I,too have been stuffing myself and thankful for it!! Guess it's the zinc, but I have been taking in about 3000 calories/day and I definitely feel better at w/os. I would get really tired, I think I was just "under fueled".
Hi everyone!
Today I had a free moment during naptime so I did AOLIH timesaver premix with floor and disc cardio and core #1. Felt great! I wish I had more time to play with DVD workouts, but oh well.
I got a refund for Ilaria On Demand. I found the vimeo service so hard to use.

Karen, didn't you just do 2x8 unassisted chins the other day?! Way better than I can do. If that's WEAK...

Justine, have you ever maxed on hip thrusts? I think you'd be surprised how much you could lift. That goes for all of you!

Tom, Lisa, hope your week is off to a great start!

Tomorrow is tentatively DLs but they might get pushed back if I'm to rushed.

Today's workout got me excited for ICE!

Justine, thanks for the review on Nia's bodyweight program. That totally makes sense.
'See' you all tomorrow!
Hi everyone!
Today was the second day of GSF1 Phase 2. I'm really enjoying it to far -- much more than GSF2 Phase 2. I think I mentioned to Lisa that I almost skipped the fourth week. It's great work, I just wished I had KBs and I just wasn't as pumped about the workouts as I was in Phases 1 and 3. But again, Justine and Karen, I know you have KBs so I think that will make Phase 2 way more enjoyable.
Anyways, today was chin-ups -- something like 5x5 then maybe 4-5 sets in the 3-4 range. Then 12x3 barbell cleans (from a 4" deficit) starting at 95# working up to several sets at 120#. Finally, a superset of BD bench press (I think 2x30# for x15, x12, x10 and 2X22# for x20) and hanging leg raises for 4X15. Felt great, I love the cleans. After phase 2 I'm going to have a new superhero identity! Latwoman!

Liz, Jen Sinkler has some great metabolic conditioning workouts in Lift Weights Faster 1&2. I think she has some free sample LWF workouts on youtube. They're fun and effective.

BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing, Karen! :) We got out for a walk today, it was lovely.

Thanks to EVERYONE for your foot/orthotic thoughts. I can't go barefoot for everything, but I think I'll selectively take off my shoes for a few moves.
Lisa, I keep my DD in a chair/playpen/something while I'm lifting, but she can get bored after a little while and I'd rather not listen to her complain while I workout. She's really into doing planks with me, though... I'm sure you can imagine what that looks like! :D

Thanks, Tom! It's annoying, but not incapacitating (except for contraindicating lunges -- and I'm not really whining about that). I hope so, too.


Oh, it's awful. I just ask myself, where are they coming from? What's going on with them that makes them say things/have these attitudes? Doesn't being strong feel AMAZING?
Happy wishes for a great weekend to all my strong friends,
I cant stand it....what the heck is gsf, hoco moco and all the other abbreviations you use?

GSF (get stronger faster) by Dave Dellanave, Jen Sinkler's husband. Heavy weight, compound exercises. HoCo (Horizontal Conditioning) by Sandra Koulourides is a great total body, core intense workout. As Justine stated in another thread. A teeth gritted workout. Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, just ask. Better yet, join our check-in. Love to have you here.
Good Monday afternoon to you all!

If any of you want to feel good about your chins, just watch me go for some chins. And by "go for" I mean watch me hang there, flailing like a scared cat hanging from a roofline. I am all about the assisted chins, as much assistance as possible thank you very much!!!

Ricky, er Karen, I wish I had an Ethel to help me with my workout shenanigans (I guess I do, her name is Cathe). I try to make a loose plan for my week in my brain then adapt accordingly. Sometimes it looks like I imagined and others not so much. Last night I went to bed with dreams of GS Legs but I slept horribly so I canned that and did X10 Low Impact + LIHI CST. Since I did this, I'll do LIHI BSB probably Wednesday, get in a leg day somewhere in there, and some cardios, maybe a metabolic or total body. Right now my goal is to have a balanced routine and have fun. When I'm past the baby stage I will probably get more serious like the rest of you. Nice work out RWH Legs. I haven't done that one yet. Did you ever do an RWH rotation? I think it would wipe me out.

Tom, oh yeah I got the workout ADHD too. I think between the two of us we give Justine hives from our lack of planning. ;) Hey, Tom do you have a home gym or do you go to a gym? I know the rest of us have a well equipped room at home, what about you?

Roz, yay you had time for Cathe! AOLIH is a goodie. It gave you the ICE itch but did it also make you miss Cathe Live?

Justine, we're entering 'eating season' so you'll have plenty of opportunities to up the calories without even trying! Is this a recovery-type week for you before you get back into heavy lifting?

Lisa..I have a good set up, but on a concrete floor..thank goodness, I use that to justify NOT doing some stuff hahaha! I have powerblocks Olympic bars and plates, an Olympic ez curl bar, and an old soloflex (chin up bar) Ain't pretty, but gives that "Spartan feel"!!
Good one, Lisa! Thought no one would know what I was talking about.

Karen, my mom is a die hard Lucy fan and passed it on to me. She had taped every single episode on tape onto her VCR and I grew up watching them. I have seen every single episode countless times and have a lot of the dialogue memorized. So, yeah, a Lucy reference isn't lost on me. You start referencing quantum physics or 12th Century history, and I'm toast.
Good one, Lisa! Thought no one would know what I was talking about.

I don't!

Karen, my mom is a die hard Lucy fan and passed it on to me. She had taped every single episode on tape onto her VCR and I grew up watching them. I have seen every single episode countless times and have a lot of the dialogue memorized. So, yeah, a Lucy reference isn't lost on me. You start referencing quantum physics or 12th Century history, and I'm toast.

I still don't! ( quantum physics, I'd be ok. 12th century history? Lost again)

Briefly popping by to say I'm off to try some heavy thrusts. Roz, you knew I wouldn't be able to resist, eh? It's 6:20am here, and I've a day's walking ahead of me, but going to sneak in a bw w/o and those thrusts....will report back this evening.

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