Hey guys! My most sincere and deep apologies. It has been a crazy Fall around here. Decided to sell our house in Connecticut, so I have been back and forth cleaning it out, and getting it ready to show. Yea, I know, how stupid are we? Nobody wants to walk through three feet of snow to look at a house! I wanted to get in the market last Spring, but, sometimes lighting a fire under DH is a monumental task, unless it has something to do with electrical engineering. Yea, he's a geek! So, between that, and canning salsa, (yea, I did a garden too) it's been crazy. To be honest, I don't know why anyone lives in CT, or for that matter the east coast! (I know, I'm stepping on big time toes here) It's humid as hell, and humidity just sucks the life out of me. I would rather live where everyday in the summer is like sticking your head in the oven! Hot, but dry! I am well, and can't wait to get back to my life again. Hope you are both well! Miss you guys, and love you bunches!