Hey everybody! Well, I am so done, We've had more snow in the last week and a half than we've had all season. Another six inches on the driveway this morning. So, more shovel max. I'm going to add something more, I'm due for a lower body workout. My shoulders and back, are on fire. But, Solitude, and Brighton (ski resorts) have received 10 ft of snow in the last week. Probably Park City too. A couple of guys, doing avalanche control were buried in an avalanche. Found alive, and no injuries. So, lots of snow here, if anyone is interested in skiing "the greatest snow on earth!"
Lisa, I'm so excited for you and your bed. Ours has been great for the last seventeen years. When we bought it, we were told that we would never have to buy another bed. We knew that wasn't true, but it has been a good bed.
Retirement has been very good for me. Had a Dr. appt on Friday, and was told I have lost seventeen lbs. in the last year, and all my blood work, and cholesterol levels are perfect. My physician certainly isn't Marcus Welby (for anyone that remembers that tv program) I get a blood draw the week before, and she reads from her IPad, my blood work, and thyroid results. Listens to my heart and lungs, and that's about it. I'm so old, I remember when our old family doc made house calls. It's been ten years since I had a colonoscopy, so that's on the agenda. I can hardly wait. The prep is the worst part. You're asleep for the rest of it. Well, I've probably told you more than you want to hear, so.......I've been doing a combo of "Fit Body By Julia, Linda Wooldridge, and wait for it, Horizontal Conditioning." Linda Wooldridge has been very generous with her freebies on You Tube, so I decided to buy a download. I don't have it in front of me, but.....I think it's called Endurance, and it's very good. I kinda, sorta mix and match all of it, doing my own mashup. If I want to only do ten minutes of HC, that's all I do, and call it good.
That's about it! Think I'm all caught up. Lisa,hope your feeling better soon, and Tom, keep up the great work!