Lifting like girls

Abs and deads today, starting with a series of cable crunches x 20/ mountain climbers x 60 and did this 3x. Next was a 5 min plank set doing both elbows x 2min then each side x 1 min then both x 1 min bringing alt knee to chest. Next came deads, 205x5 conv 255x3 sumo 315x1 sumo, then a fail at 335 (got over it, started to pull and decided nothing good is gonna happen here sooooo, ABORT!! Dropped to 275x3 sumo and 255 x 3 conv and "dat was all she wrote"! My form is so bad I'm not sure going heavy is smart with deadlifts but I would like to bump it up a bit and get my lower back strong without ending up in traction!
Hope you all had a great weekend cause Monday looms!
Tom, you haven't scared me about Florida at all! I appreciate your insight and honesty. Most every place has both its warts and its gems. But not every place has beaches, snowfree winters, zero income tax. Fire ants don't sound pretty but scorpions sure suck too! You did a LOT of mountain climbers today. I hate to break it to you, but that's cardio!!! Good call on playing it safe with the deads. Back surgery is nobody's friend.

Hi Karen!!! Any rotation updates for us?

Yesterday was UB. Trying to soak up the last few hours of the weekend. School starts Wednesday!
Chest and tris today, 12 sets of bench and 6 sets of tris. I was looking back on my log and I am definitely weaker on bench, about where I was prior to the 6 weeks bench intensive program I did. Today was a warmup at 115x8, then triples at 155 175 and 195 and a single at 205, then 195x2 175 x6x5x5 155 x8x7 and 135x10. Tris were skullcrushers 3x8 (45s) pushdowns x8x6 and kickbacks x20 ( burnout set [35s]). I get frustrated on bench because I know I bail a little early sometimes but without a spotter I just get protective. It keeps me from loading the bar and making the kinds of gains I would like, but still feel like I work hard each session, just doesn't show. I am sure at some point age determines that maintenance is the best you can do....but screw that, gotta keep trying!! I need to stay off instagram, these people make me feel bad!!
Off to lick my wounded ego, Hopefully my lifting lady friends survive their Mondays!
Tom!!!! You're doing great. Don't under estimate yourself. How many guys your age, do you know that lift weights? Maybe some, but not many. Keep it up, you're doing great?
Today was...….wait for it, "Ripped With Hiit," Chest, Triceps and Shoulders. Forgot what a doozy this is. I think I had an out of body experience. Tomorrow I will be doing "Ripped With Hiit," Legs.
Lisa, I'm so envious. I would love a snowfree winter. An old boyfriend, well actually not a boyfriend. We've known each other since we were three years old. I guess you could say we grew up together, walked to Kindergarten together. Grew up on the same street. Anyway, he worked for NASA. Yea, a very intelligent engineer, no less. Well anyway, again. He lives in Florida, and loves it. I finally got to the punch line. So there you go.
Hey guys, it's Monday. Make it great.
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Tom, what Karen said. Also remember that instagram is fake and filtered most of the time.

Karen, those RWH workouts are fierce! Love the story of your 3 year old, now grown up, buddy. Yeah, a lot of people seem to really love FL. A lot of the engineers my DH talked to at this potential job have been at the company for 20+ years. That is SO rare in my DH's field (think San Jose where people switch jobs every 18 months). Plus, I love the idea of being on the space coast and having my kids see launches. I am a Neil DeGrasse Tyson follower and think we need to get our a$$e$ back into serious space exploration.

Soapbox done. I did legs today. I followed a Sydney Cummings YouTube workout. Went heavy. I guess I like to hurt myself on Mondays lol.

Have a good day
Area he back a d no day, started with chins and about rep 6 it felt like both bi tendons were gonna give so I stopped at 8 and went to 3x8 pullovers, then subbed lat pulldowns for chins 3x8, and db rows ( only did 4 first set due to sore right elbow...waited a couple of minutes then did 2x8. I stayed light on db curls and dropped to 35s and first set was 5 single arm curls and hold, then 5 with the other arm and hold then 4 etc but only got down to 2....that was tough! Next was 3x10 alt db curls and 3x8 conc curls. Even though I " dumbed it down" I was still pretty spent! Off to work, own the day friends!
My post this morning was short and to the point. I’ve been canning salsa all day. My kitchen is a disaster area. It will still be there tomorrow morning. I need a shower.
We read hieroglyphics Tom. We know what you meant

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Leg day and I killed it!!! ( ok, maybe a slight exaggeration) but I did do it so victory scored!! Another seldom sleep nite, but tried hard to not use that as an excuse and at least showed. Today was bench squats 115x5 155x3 185x3 205x3 and 225x2. 2x8 db squats (60s) gob squats 2x12 (50) rev lunges 2x8 (35s) and kb swings 2x20 (50). Calves were 2x20 standing BB calf raises (225) and 2x25 unweighted 1 leg calf raises. Sometimes ( especially after leg day) I wish my gym wasn't downstairs! Off to a meeting, have a great hump day friends!!
Karen, love the tale if your "before" and "after" kitchen situation. Have you survived the cleanup? Especially after doing RWH! Not gonna lie, the thought of your salsa makes me want some chips and salsa now now now! I bet it's better than the best

Tom, hieroglyphics? I thought your post made perfect sense, but keep in mind that I am an expert in deciphering a 6 year old's handwriting (sure, she's brilliant, but still 6...). Hooray for your leg day. You did indeed kill it!

Yesterday was Fit Body Boot Camp Live. Cathe Live has sooooo many boot camps. I can't keep up with all of them! Today was an UB Live.

Talk later! Take care!
Delts down the trap....... sort of a play on words for shoulder day! 17 sets so maybe less volume than some days but still seemed hard! Started with seated BB shoulder press 115x8x7, then had to drop to 95x13. The painful part is taking it off the rack and having clear down on the clavicles...this kills me if it is heavy and limits lotsa stuff. Next was 3x10 side lats, rear delt flys and front raises, finishing with 3x20 db shrugs I feel everything this week and have been sore and tired...kinda dig it! Tomorrow I work and it will be arms. I had to go a little light on back and bi day because the chin ups started me out badly, but gonna make it up tomorrow!
Karen, ya oughta market your salsa. I have seen Musselmans could make "Musclegirls salsa"! I'd buy that!!
Lisa, has DD1 started school yet AND has Mom reserved her seat on the "tear train"??
Y'all are both "kickin a$$" keep up the good work!
Arm day, 22 sets in about 35 min....not a lot of down time. I started with a circuit I did 4x. Skullcrushers ( 45s) ez bar curls (90) / pushdowns (80?)/ db curls (45s) all 10 9 8 7 reps.( definitely elevated HR). To finish I did inclined tri ext/ dec curls ( dropped to 35s) x2, and a burn out set of kickbacks (35s)/ conc curls (35). Loves me a good arm day and I think this was...will know later if that's true! Off to see what awaits me in " extraction land"! Happy Friday all!
Ugh, we're passing around a cold. My 6 year old got it on the last day of her YMCA Acting Camp. Of course she was over it 2 days later. The two youngest and me? Not so lucky. It's brought the Mommy Ship down! This horrible smokey air isn't helping. Today's the worst air quality level yet. No recess for the poor school kids. In good news, my DD1 is loving 1st grade. She is still an exuberant learner. I hope that she stays that way. I try to encourage my kids to "be curious" and "question everything." The question everything part definitely bites me in the a$$ sometimes, lol!

Karen, the ICE metabolic workout ain't easy! Tom, you are always good about showing your arms who's boss! Have a great weekend! Happy salsa canning, Karen!
Ever had one of those days when you didn't think it would be a good day but then it was great???.....well, this was NOT that day!! I decided to do some bench, pull ups and deads, so I did do 8 sets of bench, nothing over 185 but long sets at the lower weights and nothing less than sets of 5. Then we're pull ups....NOT! I did 2 and nothing felt right so I bailed. I Got over the bar at 205 and did a grand total of 1 conv and 1 sumo rep of deadlifts...that was it!! I think I have hit it pretty hard this week and the tank was Just empty! Some days ya got it, some days ya don't! Today was a " ain't got it day" but that's ok, there will be better ones!. Have a terrific weekend friends!

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