Lifting like girls

Today was Upper Body Trisets from The Low Impact Series. I find it interesting that quite a few people on the forum thought the music from this series was awful. To be honest, when I'm working hard, I don't even notice the music, unless it's totally elevator music. This is not. It's not my favorite, but it works. My favorite is IMax2. That music just rocks!
Yesterday was a day off for me. So this week, it's 3 rest and 3.
Glad you had a great concert experience, Lisa. It's kinda fun to get out.
Tom, hope you're having a great weekend. Later guys!
I did get arms in yesterday in KC, 3 sets of skullcrushers/ db curls, 3 sets of kickbacks/ conc curls and 3 sets of inclined tri extensions/decline curls. I threw 2 sets of stab ball crunches and 2 sets of pushups in. Today was sort of a miscellaneous day, 3 sets of chin ups x10x8x6, 3 sets of sumo deads, 205x8, 225x8, and 245x5 (cut that one a little short at 5 but seemed like the smart thing to do at the time!) NO GUT SPILLAGE....that's good! I videod my deads because I feel like I am all lower back, and guess what???I AM! Gotta work on that. Not sure if I protect my knees or why I use more back than legs, but I need to correct that. May have to practice form with really light weight. Next I did 3 sets of bench and like deads nothing heavy but longer sets 135x10, 155x10, and 175x8. I feel like I am losing some ground and would like to find a way to hit each bodypart 2x/week, but it seems hard to do. This was an attempt to get a little chest and back in as well as posterior chain and abs. For abs: 3 sets of crunches, 3 sets of seated knee ins and 3 sets of cable crunches. Cold here and I don't like it...but it is December so I guess I will live! Have a great weekend!!
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It's Monday, chest and tri day here. I took yesterday off, was going to do some cardio but decided to rest instead....tough choice! It was a better chest day, did do a little work over 200 so that was improvement. 10 sets of flat bench, 2 sets of db inclines, 2 sets each of skullcrushers, tri pushdowns and kickbacks and finished with a set of pushups. DW returns from grammy work in FL so I am off to the airport....survive Monday my friends!
Karen, I am with you about music. As long as the workout itself keeps me engaged, I am good! Nice work!

Tom, glad no guts were lost! Good job getting in a workout while out of town. You are so good about doing that

Saturday was RWH Upper Body HiiT Circuit. Today was Legs on Fire Live from Oct 2016. Cathe delivered on her promise of "en fuego" legs! Now for the rest of the day my buns will be sore AND freezing...23* here right now. Make a great Monday for yourselves!
Ok, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I need to post Saturday's workout. Well it was: Low Impact Series Lower Body, and I added on a 20 minute kettlebell complex. Ten reps KB Deadlift, Pushups, KB High Pull, Pushup, Two Hand KB Swing, pushup, Goblet Squat, Pushup. Set the timer for 20 minutes, and perform as many rounds as possible, using one KB. I really like working that way.
Tonight was Cathe's Pure Strength; Back, Biceps and Abs. I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be lower body.
That's about it. Take Care!
Karen, that sounds like a heart rate kicker!! Good work. Lisa, sore backside equals hard work! good on ya. Today for me was back, bi, some shoulders and abs. Starting with chin ups x10 x8 x6, 3x10 pullovers, 1 arm cable pulls 3x8and 1 set of db rows to finish back. For bi's, 2x8 ez bar curls, 1 set of seated Arnold curls, 2x10 db curls, 2x8 conc curls and a set of 21's. I decided to do some overhead shoulder work and did 2 sets of strict press, x12 x10. To finish I did crunches x50, seated knee ins x25 and cable crunches x25. Took about an hour to do and I felt like I was "rode hard and put away wet" (redneck colloquialism used by my redneck friends). Make Tuesday all it can be my friends!
Tom, between your chins and Karen, between your pushups in that 20 min AMRAP, I feel like a slacker!!! Those are 2 moves that still slap me in the face with difficulty. ..although I am getting better at pushups, but the chins and pull ups, not so much. Seems like both of you are getting in good variety. I am having fun reading your workout combos.

Then, in contrast, boring me did UB today. Totally killed my biceps. Yay!
Legs...UGH! Every one of these is "gut check" time. 4 sets of bench squats, 3x15 gob squats, 3x15 sumo squats and finished quads with 20 kb swings.(I wasn't breathing deep here, I was GASPING!!) For calves, 3 sets of bb toe raises and 3 sets of single unweighted toe raises. Coming up the stairs I had to stop at the top to catch my breath, leg day SUCKS! The good news is IT'S OVER! Hit it hard friends.
Hey, it's like the "leg day flu" got spread on our check-in! I did legs today, too! A Fitness Blender HiiT and endurance legs w/weights workout. Karen, PS Legs is killer! Do you do the abs at the end? Cathe's headband in that series cracks me up.
Tom, you get a gold medal for powering through leg day. Try to avoid stairs for the rest of the day!

It's so cold that the ground is covered in frost that looks like fake snow. Karen, we have the same crappy air quality. Haven't seen the sun in days... :(
This morning I opened a can of serious "shoulder whoop a$$"! I found a new best friend, the seated BB military press...loved it! Took my back completely out of it, NO BELT! I was able to go heavy and didn't feel like I was going to injure anything. I loved them so much I did 15 sets! after those came 3x12 side laterals, 3x12 rear delt flys, 3x12 front raise and 1x40 db shrugs. Felt like a great day for shoulders and so happy I tried the seated militarys. I had thought about them for awhile but didn't know if my pin placement on my stands would work, but it turns out it is the same as my flat bench...yay! I know all of this glee is hard to take on a Thursday morning so I will try to curb my enthusiasm! Have a great day Ladies!
Tom, 15 sets???? Are you nuts???? Um, I think we all know the answer, lol! Excited for your success today.

Karen, never heard that version of the song before, but I am pretty sure that's what Snow White's friends meant. But wait, didn't they mine for diamonds? They should've been rolling in the dough.

Today was UB Express plus core Live. This torched me today for some reason. It was 40 mins so I added a 20 min treadmill walk.
Karen, funny you mentioned Jane Fonda. She is one of my few celebrity sightings. Saw her at the Santa Barbara Airport years ago. No headband. But her dog was with her. I left her alone but her bodyguard had to earn his pay keeping an eager older male fan away from her. My other celebrity sighting was Dennis Franz. I was in line behind him at the Santa Barbara Costco. I've never seen his work, unless he was in a Die Hard movie (?), but he's got a "look" I recognized despite the fact that he really blended in well with the crowd, unlike glam Jane
Interesting Lisa! And funny. Since I ski Robert Redford’s Sundance. I’ve seen him several times, and years ago Paul Newman. When I was 14, I was flying from San Francisco to SLC, and I was seated next to Robert Kennedy, JFK’s brother. That was interesting. How about you, Tom? Any star sightings?
Today the workout is the KB complex from last week. Wanted something short and simple today. Until tomorrow....

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