Leg waxing info?


I'm posting this in cognito, by wearing a wig, fake nose and lensless glasses as I type . . .

Could anyone give me some good basic information on leg- or other body-area waxing? Home products? How often? Cost? How long the hair on the body area to be waxed has to be before it can be waxed? Any and all information welcome.

My cocker spaniel wants to know . . .

*you have no idea who i am*
Ok, Ms. Incognito,

I have tried to wax my own legs & bikini area. Let me just say OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUCCCCHHHH! Never again! Get that sticky stuff away from my nether regions!

I was my eyebrows. You can buy a pot of bees wax from Sally's Beauty Supply for about $12. If just doing your eyebrows, it can last YEARS--I've had mine for 10. Yes, TEN years. I bought a small non-thermostatically controlled pot heater for $25. It too has lasted 10 years. I'm almost out of wax & ready to buy a new pot. I'm buying one with a thermostat when I do. The non-thermostatic one gets so hot I have blistered my eyebrow line several times. I have learned to heat it only until the wax begins to melt & then shut it off. It only took me 9 years to learn that--seriously! I was my eyebrows every 2 to 3 weeks depending on my "schedule." If I have something to look good for I wax every 2 weeks, otherwise I can wait 3.

Oh, also when I was serious about waxing below my belly button & did it more than once, I ended up with ingrown hair worse than if I had just shaved. I hear that is not uncommon.

Good luck A-jock, I mean Ms. Incognito.
Dear Incognito,
I have been waxed and sugared. I have done even *gasp* a brazilian. The only thing I have to say is never again! I am about as hairy as a yeti, and I was really tired of shaving, but it just hurts too much. They will tell you it feels like a bandaid being pulled off. I don't THINK so! Maybe a bandaid with all my hair follicles attached. The regrowth period is a pain, and the hair has to get to a certain length and you're still hairy while waiting for the next wax. Ingrowns in the nether regions are not fun either. Maybe I didn't give it long enough. I also bled during the sugaring. Best of luck whoever you are.;-)

That's Cocker Spaniel for "Thanks for the info; I wouldn't do that if I had a gun to my head."

The Completely Anonymous Poster
Have you thought about laser? I'm doing laser on my bikini area and next I'm going to do armpits and then legs. It is quick, pretty painless and guaranteed for total hair removal. The fee for armpits and bikini area is about $180 per session, you go every three months and after 5 treatments you have a guarantee. It's worth every penny!



What results are you seeing? Are you having to shave less often? DETAILS WOMAN! This sounds like a very viable option to me!
Hello Cocker Spaniel,
I am 41 years old and spent the last almost 30 years shaving. Well, when I turned 41 last September something in my brain just clicked and I asked myself, "Why do I shave my legs and underarms?" I mean is it a law or commandment that says women are supposed to have hairless bodies? I thought for awhile and figured out that I shaved because our society brainwashes us into believing that being feminine(sp) means having legs and underarms that are hairless. We have all seen the "WE LOVE SHORT SHORTS" ads on television. And every woman on tv and in the movies has smooth legs and underarms.
So, since last September, I have not used a razor or any of the other stuff we are told we need to have silky smooth skin. I figure if God wanted women to have legs and underarms with no hair He would have created us with no hair in those places. I have hairy legs and armpits and I love it. Once it grows out you never have that stubby crap on your legs or under your arms ever again. And it is soft. It doesn't grow really long either. It is like the hair on your arms. And I never have to remember to shave my legs before I wear my shorts or go swimming. As for the the hair in the pubic area, I wear board shorts and it covers that area just fine.
And my husband thinks it is kinda sexy--cause I look like God intended women to look, instead of like our American society has told us we should look.
Well, that was my 2 cents. As Cathe would say--"Just a suggestion--take it or leave it."
Amen and Hallelujah Heather!!!!! I like you and it's not just because you have 6 kids (I'm closing in on you). I was thinking that I have stopped shaving because I have a million and one other things to do in a day and shaving just hasn't topped the list. I found the same thing to be true, the hair becomes soft and the stubble feel goes away. Now, I will concede...I am very blonde so it doesn't show up much at all, but I do have quite a bit of hair.

Just had to show some support for you Heather (and justify some of my laziness)!

I don't think we helped you much here Ms Cocker Spaniel, but I would add that Cocker Spaniels with incredible bicep veins shouldn't even worry about bodily hair, as no one will see past those awesome veins :) :) :)

My BEST advice is GO TO A PROFESSIONAL!!! Please, please, please!!
I'm a licensed Esthetician (12 yrs), and my BEST customers are the ones who tried the at home method and failed. We are trained to do it right without burning you. Make sure you go to a salon that has a licensed Esthetician (not a hairdresser who's had 5 hours of training in waxing) but someone who has had 1000 hrs of training.

When you do wax your legs it really is worth only doing the upper leg (above the knee), and shave the bottom since it will be tough to let the bottom grow out between waxings (esp. summertime). Also, ask if the esthetician will be using hard or soft wax.....you want the soft wax with the muslim strips because there is virtually no errors. Hard wax has to be applied JUST RIGHT otherwise you get a lousy wax job.

When the hair grows back (4-6 wks depending) it will grow back softer and finer, because you have pulled the hair out from the root and damaged it just a little. I've had clients who started with me very hairy and now have just a small, sparse amount of hair to remove. I tell them to just laser off the rest, but they still like coming to me.

Lastly, the upper leg and bikini area are SO worth doing!

Hope this helps.
I'm with Dawn on waxing. I had almost everything waxed before my wedding in 2001: face, arms, legs, bikini. I tried to keep it up, but stopped after a while. I have very pale skin and very black coarse hair, and I could not handle waiting for the hair to grow long again!?!?! It drove me completely wacky! I was always covered with awful stubble. Long story short, I'm back to shaving every day.

Oh, and don't ask about the time I tried waxing at home. Suffice to say there are floors, walls, pots, towels, etc. that will never recover. To this day, I still find bits of wax on things in the kitchen and the bathroom.

I asked around about lasar removal, but have been told by two different professionals that it hurts and it is not permanent. I've been told that electrolysis works, but since it goes slowly, large areas like legs are not feasible.
I alternate between waxing and shaving. I've used the hard wax and the honey stuff with strips. I prefer the hard wax. I only wax my lower legs, but I'm considering testing my underarms to see how they do. (I've never touched my thighs, and you can't even see the hair.) Once I start wearing shorts a lot, I shave for the rest of the summer. I've found that after waxing occasionally for several years, I have much less to shave.

I wax when the hair is about a quarter of an inch long. I use a $7 kit from Wal-Mart (the pink box- I can't remember the name), but this month I'm going to buy myself a heating pot and some wax slabs from the beauty store.
I love waxing

I only wax my bikini area. Yes, it does hurt at first, but now I have hardly any hair that grows in there and it doesn't hurt much at all.

I did it at home with the cold wax strips by Nair or Sally Hansen for a long time. I decided to treat myself to a salon wax and learned so much. I do it at home again with much better results. Who knew I could tweeze those strays? And the you can't even feel the tweezing after you wax.

I think the ingrown hair thing may be different for everyone. It hurts way too much for me to shave my pits and bikini area. I use an electric razor on my pits. I don't get too many ingrown hairs, but I will admit that I do get a bad one now and then. I read that putting solid deoderant on the area helps keep them away.

>Dear Incognito,
>I have been waxed and sugared. I have done even *gasp* a
>brazilian. The only thing I have to say is never again! I am
>about as hairy as a yeti, and I was really tired of shaving,
>but it just hurts too much. They will tell you it feels like
>a bandaid being pulled off. I don't THINK so! Maybe a
>bandaid with all my hair follicles attached. The regrowth
>period is a pain, and the hair has to get to a certain length
>and you're still hairy while waiting for the next wax.
>Ingrowns in the nether regions are not fun either. Maybe I
>didn't give it long enough. I also bled during the sugaring.
>Best of luck whoever you are.;-)

OMG this was funny - I cracked up in my office and all the people around me (supposed to be working) gave me a dirty look.

I'm with you sistah' - I'll stick to shaving.
Hey Briee,
From the looks of the rest of the posts on this topic I would say that you and me are the only 2 women in America that don't shave. But hey, when I see another woman that has hairy legs I will know that it is you. Glad you are enjoying your kids and the extra time you have because you have gone natural. I just love feeling "real". This is how I look--every day. Not just when I spend my time or money to get a certain "look". I have been set free and I will never go back to that bondage. Life is too short to spend my time worrying about hair. Thanks for your support! And you are not lazy, just enlightened to the beauty of the human body. You have chosen the road less traveled. And it is a blast!
RE: Laser?

It is definitely worth the money! I am in heaven! So far, I've only had two treatments, but already I have to shave much less often and there is much less hair in the area. No more rashes and bumps and redness!!! It takes less than 15 minutes for the bikini area.

There are certain areas that are a little more painful than others <G>, but if you use their numbing cream it is easy to get through. And I have a low pain tolerance.

My husband is having a small spot on his shoulder done and it is amazing. He has a birthmark and it's common to have hair growth with them. It used to be very noticeable, but since he's had the treatments, it is still there, but you really have to look to see it.

I wax my legs at home with a Nair kit. Results for me are mixed--I like it that the more I wax, the fewer hairs grow back. But on the other hand, I don't get more than a couple weeks without having some visible hair regrowth--it's very thin at that time and I wonder if I'm just breaking some hairs off at the surface instead of pulling them all out. I still do it because I can shave a lot less than otherwise. For me, if I pull the cloth strip off quickly and with taut skin, the pain is about the same as a mild to moderate slap. Except on bikini area--I'll never do that again... --Karen
There's a good how-to guide in the June Allure magazine on how to do a home bikini wax - definitely makes you want to go to a professional.

Laser hair removal only works for dark hair. The laser cannot find the hair follicle if the hair is light. Even then it takes several
return trips to get it all.

For facial hair Vaniqa works pretty well. It's only available by presciption however. It's too expensive to spread over a wide area like your legs or thighs. It does not totally stop hair growth, but slows it considerably.

Hi Aquajock,

I get my eyebrows waxed and oh...the PAIN...the woman I go to is good, she is an esthetician, but for safety reasons she will only wax once (rather than going back over again to pick up the hairs she missed) and then tweezes the strays OH MY GOD does that hurt. Now that is just me, I seem to be SUPER sensitive, and my skin turns bright red aftewards, everyone else I talk to says they can't feel the tweezing, me I literally have tears rolling down my face because it seems to trigger my tear ducts. YET, I still go. What is up with that? The ends justify the means I guess.

Anyway, I'm afraid to have anything else waxed and the thought of her tweezing hair out of my legs makes me go faint...

Good luck, whatever you decide.

Hear Hear ! :) Sound advice :)

But I have to disagree with the legs below the knee. I have been having mine waxed for 12 years now, and my hair growth there is minimal and patchy, and I resembled a Mohair jumper in my pre-waxing days ! :7

Anna :)

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