Leg waxing info?

A-nonymous, have you tried using something like Silk-epil? This is an epilator (read: a bazillion tweezer like bits) that pulls the hair out by the roots. The first use really gets your attention (as in eye-popping YEE-OW!) but subsequent uses aren't too bad. As you pull more hair out by the root, the less regrowth you have to deal with. This is pretty similar to waxing, just a different form.

As long as you keep up with it, the regrowth is slow enough that the next use isn't bad. I do my legs about every three weeks and it takes no more than 10 minutes or so. The hair needs to be about 1/8" long to get plucked by this gizmo.

It works best with thicker hair, since thinner hairs tend to break more. (One hint: someone I know used to have a couple of drinks before doing this;said it helped a lot. I don't have anywhere near that kind of pain.)

Of course, cocker spaniels may have a bit too much hair for this method ;)

Have any of you ladies tried Nads, that green gel from Australia? I swear by it for my upper lip and, ahem, side burns, and even for my arms. It's very easy because if you mess up, you can just wash it off. I've had mixed results on my legs, but for the other areas it's great. I will say, though, that one try of doing my bikini area and underarms myself taught me to stick to the professionals for those sensitive areas. Trust me, you don't want to go there yourself. Happy hair removal!
Yay, Briee and Heather!

For years I thought I was the only one who didn't shave. However, I've also been afraid for years to wear shorts in public because whenever I have, all kinds of people have said really rude things to me, and I didn't have the courage of my convictions. One time I overheard a group of teenagers talking about me when they didn't know I could hear them and they were talking about how gross I looked and my then nine-year-old heard them and felt really bad for his mom. (Now eighteen he hates make-up, shaved legs and other superficial "beauty" stuff, and his girlfriend doesn't seem to suffer from the shyness that I feel.)

To each his own I say, just why do people feel they have the right to criticize someone for this personal choice? If I didn't care for the appearance of someone's haircut, I would never put them down for it.

Right on, ladies! I'm glad you're out there!


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