Last bit of cellulite


My legs were laden with cellulite and now I have one little section to get rid of right under my glutes. I currently wo 6x weekly and do freestyle for my legs. I do 1/2 -1 hr of intense cardio daily in addition to ub/lb weight training but it seems like the cellulite won't budge-at least not this last bit of it. Any suggestions? 90% of what I do are Cathe tapes. Do you think that running 1-2 mile in addition to what I am already doing would help?
Wow joyjoy, what an accomplishment! I'm sorry I don't have a suggestion for you but I am VERY interested in the details that contributed to your achievement. Could you tell me how long ago you started with your program, what it entailed and when you started noticing results? Would you mind saying if you're in your 20's, 30's, etc.? I know I have to add more cardio into my w/o schedule. Because of back problems right now, there isn't a lot of variety I can do. I have a stationary bike but am not that motivated to ride it because for some reason, it feels boring to me right now. *sigh*

I'm sure someone will be able to give you some great suggestions and thanks for any other info you share. Way to go, girl! :) :7

Congratulations on getting rid of most of that cellulite. Sounds like what you're doing is working.

As for that "one little section" that's left, it may just take longer, or may be something you have to accept. Do you have excess fat elsewhere on your body? Then you have a better chance of getting rid of the cellulite as you reduce your body fat. If, however, you look 'fine everywhere but there,' you more than likely may just have to learn to live with it. Much of cellulite is hereditary, and if exercise and clean eating don't hit it, you'll just have to blame mom and dad!
In Oxygen Mag. special issue called Glutes they had an article on cellulite. Nothing was said to be proven but they said swimming is good for cellulite. They said running is too high impact while swimming was a smoother motion over the thighs. I hadn't tried it I have nowhere to swim. But you might want to pick up the issue and read it for yourself.

Also in that Glutes issue of Oxygen was a diet...I think it was called the butt diet. Basically it's clean eating - And it really works! It was easy to follow, I never felt hungry, and helped me get leaner. It was amazing how simple it can be!
I am sorry that it has taken me so long to w/b. i read this at least a week ago thought I had responded then. I am 38 married with 2 daughters 5 and 3. I wo 6x weekly for 2 hours daily. I do weights daily and lower body daily. I do ub every other day or I just vary muscles. I do my triceps more than anything because that where that last bit of pudgge seems to be. About 90% of what I do are cathe tapes so I really have to give her some credit. I didn't start wo for 2 hours at a time. I started with 30 min. and just gradually increased. I am 5' 7" and weigh 158. My goal is to be 150. I wear mostly 6 and some 8s. Before I started wo this intensely the smallest I had ever been was a 10 so that was my goal size. I never even dreamed of being this size. I absolutely love wo and hope to go to school someday to get another degree in Exercise Pys. or something. I'll be going back to work in the fall (I am a teacher) and so I am realy trying to knock off this last 8 lbs before then. It is really hard when you get down to the last bit.

I do freestyle training for my lower body and it has worked well. I usually do cardio for almost half my wo and the rest is weight training and abs. I do abs daily too. I bought this 5 lbs hula hoop online and it is so much fun to do. See
Just 10 min. a day does wonders and you can do it just watching tv.
My fav. Cathe videos are Kickmax, KPC and Legs and Glutes. Pyr. UB has given me great results. I do Imax 2 but it took me an entire month to learn the moves so I prefer the less dancy ones.

Hope this helps. Tell me what your wo are like!

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