KK's May Check In

Good morning everyone!

Been too busy trying to fit everything in my day. Just so many things I want to do and get done and not enough time to do them. Plus being impatient doesn't help!

Yesterday I hit golf balls at lunch and the did the P90 ciruit workout when I got home from work. I also looked at the Yoga Burn tape I have. It is not as hard as I though it would be. Well, at least the first few minutes. :rolleyes: Then I went and hit more golf balls, drank two glasses of wine at the SandTrap Bar and Grill....wihtout dinner....and ate pretzels. What a workout! I'm very tired today...Must stop doing that kind of thing! Anyhoo, don't know if I will ever get enough energy to workout today. I'm planning on hitting balls at lunch since they close the range on Wedns at 4:15, so can't do it after work. I'll drag my booty there..

Have a great day everyone!
Hi Rhea & Jeanette, Natalie & Jeanie!:)

It's good to hear from you, Rhea. Sounds like you're really keeping up with the golf -- love the "dinner" -- again, you made me smile. So tell me, when hitting these balls and things -- is it like a workout -- please understand that I haven't played golf since I was a teenager -- maybe even younger.

Sounds like you're really running, just to keep up -- so you're probably doing just great.

Well, today, I looked up the definitions of archaeology (now I can spell it right) and anthropology and I think I finally understand them -- now I just need to find out about the doingnesses of archaeology so that I can create my heroine's career a little better. Then I discovered that my heroine didn't like her name -- didn't feel it fit her -- so I've changed that -- (characters do this -- they just take on their own personalities) -- and am hoping for a more productive day tomorrow. But over all I'm happy to have found these "bugs" -- it took me most of the day -- well, plus some research on what in the world the heroine is wearing -- first time I've written a story in the 1860's.

Anyway, have a great day tomorrow and terrific workouts!:7
Good morning,
Did CTX 10-10-10 this morning, good workout, followed up with about 25 minutes of Yoga Shakti. Have a bike ride this afternoon.

Karen, I think the coconut oil is giving me gas! Also a blah feeling in my stomach. I'm going to go without it today and see if it helps me to feel better.

Took our little dachshund to the vet yesterday. She had gotten a foxtail in her ear on Sunday. He took it out and gave antibiotic ointment for it. She also got her shots and doesn't feel well this morning. I'll keep an eye on her. Just noticed our cat is up and at em, but kind of staggering like she's got an inner ear infection. Got to check that out too, oh brother! My vet has really deteriorated since I last saw him. I believe he has Parkinson's and it was DEFINITELY apparent yesterday. I told DH that I'd be surprised if he was still practicing in another 6 months. So sad.

Must go now,

Hi Everybody!:)

Oh, Jeanette, I'm sorry to hear that the coconut oil gave you gas and a blah feeling in the stomach -- it does do that to me -- not the gas, but the "full" feeling -- and really does keep me from overeating. But I'm so sorry -- let me know how it went today -- also did you make sure to get the virgin kind of oil -- raw? Some coconut oils are hydrogenated, which isn't good for you.

Let's see -- oh, yes, your vet. That is so sad. I'm sorry to hear that he isn't doing well. But I'm glad he was able to help your dog. Yes, having animals can be really something,huh?

Workout sounds good. I was looking at the CTX series last night on my husband's computer -- I can watch some of the videos on his computer -- it does look like a good series. Also, hope the bike ride went well.

For me it was Push/Pull -- had planned Muscle Max but didn't get a lot of sleep last night and so opted for a little easier full body workout. I am so glad that I have these workouts -- Supersets and Push/Pull -- I find that I am often reaching for them. They're not as hard as ME or MuscleMax or Power Hour, but they're shorter and when you're pressed on time, they're a good workout.

Am still researching archaeology -- think I have enough info now to get on with the story... Sigh...:eek:

Have a great day and terrific workouts. Let me know how the animals do, and you, too, Jeanette.:7

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