KK's May Check In

Good morning you beautiful ladies!

Karen Kay, sorry to hear about your cat. My Chippie has been throwing up almost daily now, and the vet says there isn't much that can be done -- he's old (15) and his digestive system isn't what it used to be. I'm feeding him cat food for "senior" cats, but it still doesn't seem to be helping.

Jeanette, do you find that the TLT's aggrevate your back? I love these workouts, but I find that I can only do one occasionally because they seem to irritate my lower back (and I use very light weights).

Rhea, I completely forgot about you and dh doing South Beach. I do think it's one of the healthiest and do-able low-carb diets.

Have a great day everyone!

Good morning!

Jeanie - so glad to see you over here! I love the food on the SB, it just has me rethinking my menus and eating lots more veggies.

My hand is 98% better. I'm still having to take some tylenol to try and get the last bit of swelling away. At least I can hold my coffee cup now without pain.

Workout was the P90 sweat 3/4 and then the 20 min tj, so I'm back on my way through the 90 day boot camp rotation. I just need to stick with it. It does seem to work, even though the cardio ones are realllllly boring. However, they do work up your hip flexors, so I really have to do them every once in a while to keep up the strength.

Have great days everyone!
Hi Everyone!:)

Got my workout in early today -- while it's still cool -- and thought I'd log on before I get into writing -- it was a Sprint 8 for me today with warm up and cool down and stretch -- about 50 minutes all total -- but it woke me up. For some reason I woke up feeling like I'd been run over by a truck.

And am sore again from ME -- particularly in the chest area -- must not have hit the chest area properly while I was on tour.

Anyway, sounds like a fun line-up Jeanette. Love the 20 minute TJ workout and the yoga sounds fun, too.

Jeanie, am so sorry to hear about your cat -- ours is old, too -- you can feel how brittle her bones are -- we don't know exactly how old, as she came to us late in her life.

Jeanette, is that how you spell steph? Can't spell my way out of a paper bag. Thank goodness for spell check. Don't know how she got it -- and it's in her sinus's passages. But we're trying to help her and like I said, she's a fighter, so we'll see. It breaks my heart to see an animal so helpless.

Hope work is going well, Rhea, and that your hand is all healed up. Don't know if I should pass this along, but once, long, long ago, my doctor told me an old wives' remedy for infections like that and it is to soak the infected area in salt water -- warm salt water, I think he said. But it was long ago -- however, to this day, I still do that -- (I'd once stepped on a rusty nail.)

Anyway, have a great day, everyone! Wonderful production, terrific workouts and I'm off to go and write!:7
Hi ladies:

Today's workout was w/u and 2 combos from Rhythmic Step (always fun) for 1/2 hour and then upper body workout on the Bowflex and with free weights. I went heavier on everything and have a nice burn going. Still no stiff neck this morning so guess it's gone! Tonite is our ladies cycling night. Fun, fun. Think we'll do a climb up to Eagle Lake Summit. There won't be much traffic as the lake won't open until Memorial Day weekend so we'll take advantage of that fact tonite. Will be hot though.

Jeanie, glad to see you on here. No, I haven't had any problem with the TLT's. The only one I watch out for is in FYC where Susan has you put your foot on the stability ball while you are standing. It's awkward for me and I worry about my knees so I modify that one. I really pay attention and go light on some of the shoulder ones. These are great workouts. Think I'll do one of those before the end of the week.

Rhea, glad the hand is about healed up. I need to eat more veggies. I get to eating real plain and think of food more as for energy instead of enjoyment (unless it's a special occasion, like tomorrow night's BBQ with family).

Karen, hope the chest is less sore today. One of these days, I'll order the Hardcore gym styles and see what the soreness is that everyone speaks of for chest and triceps. Hope the writing is going well. I'm not sure of the spelling for staph.

Must go now, great workouts to everyone!

Good morning!

Jeanette - You will understand the soreness on the 72 pushups with the GS chest and tricep workout! I haven't done the GS series for a while. Scares me.

Karen - hope you are less sore today. How's the kittie doing?

I actually managed a workout yesterday, but just the P90 circuit and then a bit of golf in the evening. I was tired yesterday. But I realized that I hadn't had very many carbs at all, so that's why the low energy. I'm better today, but still a little sleepy. I might have to have a nonfat, sugar free vanilla latte, just to get the carbs from the milk.

Have a great day! I'm off to the jail....oh joy. :p
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!:)

Well, was up early, but was working -- so the workout will be later -- may do KPC today -- one of the premixes -- as I may still need to let the body repair itself -- interesting that ME is doing that to me.

I'd love to try the TLT's -- I'm leery again, only because if my form is off, I can tend to hurt myself. Went to the FitPrime -- or whfn site last night and previewed their workouts, and they all look like fun. Hmmmm...we'll see...

Rhea, hope all is okay with you -- haven't heard from you much this week, but then I know that you were having lots of work -- hope the hand is all better.

Jeanette, have fun on your ride. I'll be thinking about you and the beauty and fun you'll have with your friends, even though it might be hot. Enjoy.

I'll post again later after the workout -- once I decide what I'm actually doing...

My weight is up -- but I'm sure it's because, again, I'm home and able to eat more than homemade protein bars, cheese and fruit and dried meat -- my staples while on tour.x(

Have a great day, everyone and terrific workouts.:7
Hi Everyone!:) ;-)

My second post. Ended up doing KPC workout -- 42 minutes -- it was very good. Very different from the TJ's but very effective. KPC is one of my favorite workouts -- was just too sore still to do Supersets -- I'll put it off until Saturday, I think.;)

Happy workouts, everyone.

Hope all is okay, Rhea!:)

Been working too much, so not much time to post. Also haven't had a whole lot of time for the workouts. Yesterday I hit golf balls at lunch, planning on working out while DH was at physical therapy. But they changed his appointment to an earlier time, so all I got to do was nine holes of golf. We did walk, so that it good.

Today is massage day and the housecleaner is there, so no workouts before 4:00 p.m., I'll have to hit golf balls at lunch and then after my massage, and before going to Bunco at 6:00, squeeze in a quick workout. TGIF!

Have a great weekend everyone! I'm hoping to catch up on all that laundry and the little stuff around the house.
Good morning,

My workout today was Gilad's Cardio Blast for 37 minutes, followed up with Bryan Kest's 20 minute beginner power yoga. Nice workout. Our ladies ride last night was great. There were 3 of us and our climb to the top of Eagle Lake Summit was awesome, shady along the way, a handful of cars all the way to the top. Helped DH with the Bowflex too. He just lets me pick the weights for him, pick the exercises, change the power rods, basically boss him around (which comes naturally for me LOL). He does give it his all and he said the guys at work commented yesterday that his belly is smaller.

Have lots of housework, yardwork for today and a family BBQ tonite with an uncle visiting us from Healdsburg. I'll be making the pumpkin cake dessert in a dutch oven. Also the oriental salad with cabbage, ramen noodles, almonds. DH will be BBQing pork ribs and chicken. It should be a fun time!

Rhea, enjoy your massage and having the house cleaned and Bunco tonite.

Karen, glad KPC was good for you. What does WHFN stand for? I might have to check out Fitprime.

Must run, great workouts!

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!:)

Haven't worked out yet today, but am getting ready to. It's my DH's birthday today and so I've been up and spending time in the kitchen -- just made him a spouted wheat chocolate cake -- sweetened with raw honey and stevia -- strawberries with raw whipped cream -- and "bone" chicken soup -- cooked over 24 hours so the micronutrients from the bones seep into the broth. Whew! Had to go shopping and then kitchen time -- now workout and then hopefully writing -- was planning IMAX3 on 4" step today, but may change it to IMAX the original -- we'll see.

Rhea, so good to see you. You sound incredibly busy. Have a great massage and a great weekend. Hope it's a relaxing one.

Jeanette, your workouts sound so well-planned. That's great that the ride went to well -- I'm always interested to read your posts -- as soon as I have a moment, I'm going to get my bike up and going. It just sounds like fun.

Hope you both have a good day housecleaning. As soon as I work out, I must, must write -- had a pretty good day yesterday -- but that deadline is pending -- hanging over me so much.

Here's a hardly "way to go" to you both and have a terrific day.

Oh, Jeanette, WHFN stands for Women's Health & Fitness Network -- www.whfm.com -- it's from Anna Benson, the creator of the FIRM workouts from the 80's -- and the creator of the new FitPrime workouts.

Hi all!

Today's workout was Eoin Finn's Power Yoga For Happiness, the full version. Hips feel much better now. Will have yardwork and a trip out to the woods today to let the dogs run and find a camping spot for next weekend. Then will do the Bowflex with DH tonite. Tomorrow is a metric bike ride. Weather may not be too good, but will bring raingear just in case.

Our family BBQ was great last night, ate too much, but it was lots of fun. Karen, hope DH enjoyed his birthday. Your cake sounds good.

Good workouts today.

Hi All!:)

Took my day off today -- was up late last night and so this seemed like the right thing to do. We had a great time on my DH's birthday -- went to see Ice Age -- what a cute movie -- then home and happiness.

Some good news. Took our kitty to the vet and it appears she is almost well -- just a minor infection now -- so I'm thinking that all the work we've been doing with her has paid off. Yea!

So glad that the BBQ was fun -- I almost always overeat at these things, too. It's hard not to. The cake went over well and my DH really appreciated all that I'd done to make the dinner a good and pleasant one -- and of course that's what made it so special.

Plan on either Cardio Party tomorrow or Cardio & Weights -- at least I didn't put on a pound or two with my overeating yesterday -- once they're on, they're so hard to get off.x(

Have a great rest of the day and terrific weekend.:7
Oops! Took Sunday off, as well as Saturday, and hadn't meant to. Sigh...

Anyway need to post next week's rotation: some info is that the diet is going well -- not gaining weight -- not really losing it -- it's going up and down a few pounds almost daily. Hmmmm

But here's my plans for next week:

Monday: IMAX3 -- on 4" step

Tuesday: MuscleMax

Wednesday: TJ's 20 minute workout and one of Cathe's stretches -- might do the stretches on the ball -- it's been a while since I've done that one.

Thursday: ME if I'm not too sore from Tuesday

Friday: Sprint 8

Saturday: TJ's cardio party

Sunday: Off

Note: If too sore on Thursday, will reverse Thursday's and Saturday's workouts.

Well, hope all is going well -- that everyone had a terrific weekend -- and here's a wish that this next week will be a great one.:7
Good morning, Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

Yesterday's bike ride was good and my legs were pretty tired by the time I was done. Did 57 miles with some sprints along the way and around 3,000 plus feet of climbing. Not really ready for the century, but we're doing it anyway.

Today was 20 minute Turbo Jam with 40 minutes of yoga. Will work out with DH tonite on Bowflex.

Karen, so glad the kitty is responding to your care. We feel soo bad when they aren't feeling well. Did you get any rain? We got a little. Was afraid we would get rained on yesterday during the bike ride, but only got a few sprinkles. Stretches on the ball sound good. My DH comes in by the computer sometimes to talk to me and he'll get on my ball and stretch out his shoulder and back.

Must run, have an Indian Taco lunch party at work today for a co-worker who is moving to Tennessee. Will skip the fry bread, just have the toppings.

Good morning all!

Jeanette - say goodbye to Alene for me. Tell her will miss her at Bunco. (small town, huh?)

Karen - glad you're kitty is much better. I really like the holistic approach to everything, just don't always have the time to put in. If DH was more interested and could help more, I think it would be easier for me.

Had an okay weekend. Since it was raining yesterday went to Reno and spent way too much money, especially at Costco. But got stocked up on things. Actually did a the short circuit workout last night (believe it or not at 9:00 pm! :eek: ) Also ironed for about 4 hours, that counts as a workout, doesn't it?

Sat was a great physcial day. Did Sweat 1/2, added on the Firm's Ultimate Calorie Blaster and then went and hit a bucket of balls and golfed nine holes. I should say just walked nine holes, cause what I do may not count as golf!

Well, have a great day everyone!
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

So good to hear from you both. Your ride sounds great, Jeanette...and yummm...Indian tacos -- love them -- don't eat them often though.

Good to hear from you, Rhea. I think 4 hours of ironing counts for something -- I think I might do 1-2 hours total for a year.:eek:

I hear you on spending way too much money -- I've been spending it since I got home -- catalogue shopping and online shopping. Goodness!

It did rain here -- last night and this morning -- well into the afternoon -- I have to get my tail to work, however, as I'm way behind.

Did IMAX3 on the 4" step -- and that's hard for me -- the 6" step is way too much for me right now. It's a good workout -- not my fav -- but it's good.

Diet is going okay right now -- am really watching what I eat and everything. Have a really great day, everyone.:7
Good morning ladies!

Last night's workout on the Bowflex didn't materialize. DH was doing a welding repair on someone's log splitter so he didn't come in the house until late and I just kind of crashed on the couched when I got home from work. Probably from the bike ride the day before, but I felt I needed some rest so that's how it went.

Today was MIC hi/lo, 1/2 hour of it anyway and then a Bowflex/free weight upper body workout. I've got to say, I just love our Bowflex. I like putting my own music on and challenging myself to lift a little heavier. Most of the time, with my Cathe DVD's, I'm afraid of not being able to finish with her so I don't up the weight when I probably should. Silly, huh, but doing my own workout (for a while anyways) is helping me challenge myself to lift heavier. Also did some supermans on the ball and some plank work.

Rhea, small world, huh? Alene is so funny at work. She soooooo wants to be in Tennessee right now. I do worry about the weather there. We will miss her so much. Yep, ironing is a workout. Golf would be a workout for me, all that swinging and such.

Karen, glad you got to finish Imax3. So glad the kitty is better too. Hope your day is productive today.

Hi Everyone!:)

Logging on just a little early this morning. Haven't worked out yet -- but plan MuscleMax -- shortened version.

That is so cool, Jeanette, that you can challenge yourself like that. I must admit that I'm almost the opposite -- when I work out by myself, I tend to skimp, thus, doing the videos really helps me stay in there. But it would be fun if I could challenge myself -- I, too, like to work out to my own music. I used to do it when walking all the time.

Oh, almost forgot, Rhea, the golf sounds like good exercise, too. One thing about golf is the beauty of the courts.

Anyway, just a check in to say "hi" and wish you all good workouts today. Plus, I think I'm procrastinating. Sigh...:+

So now I must force myself to get down to work. It's really important -- gotta keep telling myself that.

Have a great day, everyone!:)
Hi Rhea & Jeanette & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

My second post today...

Finally did Push/Pull today, along with a walk. Really wanted to get out in the beautiful weather we've having here today.

It was quite good -- love that workout -- plus it's somewhat short -- only 44 minutes.

Work is again falling behind and so I need to make this short, but thought I'd log on again to say "hi."

Happy workouts everyone and have a super day.:7
Hi everyone!

Wow! Another post -- this is #3 today.

Little note on diet. In my constant search for better nutrition, I just keep reading and reading and have run across something that I never thought would be me. And that's fats. Have discovered that if the fat is in it's raw state or cold-pressed so that it's not heated over 104 degrees, that not only can I eat more fat than I thought I could, but it's doing things for the body that I like. The fats I'm eating are cold-pressed coconut oil, cold-pressed olive oil, raw no salt added butter, raw no salt added cheese and cod liver oil. But what I've noticed is a change for the better in my skin. I've had acne scars since I was a teenager and so haven't really paid my skin much attention, giving up on it long ago. But since I've been eating more fats, my complexion is getting better -- even the scars and wrinkles on my face look better. Plus, I'm not gaining weight -- which I thought I would.

Just an interesting note on diet. Have just finished the book "WE WANT TO LIVE, THE PRIMAL DIET" and "NOURISHING TRADITIONS" and am starting another book -- along with writing and reading my books on archeology -- I sure have much reading material -- seem to be rich in it.

Production wise, I need to get more accomplished each day -- for some reason I think the electronics in my workroom all not right for me. Was tired today and shouldn't have been -- have been working with two towers, cause I still write in WP 5.1 DOS.

Anyway, have a wonderful day, Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie, too! And some really super workouts.

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