KK's May Check In


Had an awesome workout on my bike yesterday. I was going to do a Cardio Coach #3, but I couldn't get it to work right on my mp3 player so did my own intervals on the bike. Good workout and I ended up almost at my goal for speed on my local loop ride so I was really jazzed!!!!

Helped DH on the Bowflex/free weights and the stability ball last night. He weighed himself this morning and has lost another pound. I'm so proud of him, he's losing it slowly, which is good. He hasn't started any cardio yet, but we hope to soon.

Today's workout was Bryan Kest's Power Yoga #2. Felt good, some of the holds really work your legs and back. Have shopping and camping preparations to make after work today.

Karen, that's interesting about the fat and your skin tone. Hope you enjoyed Muscle Max. Haven't done that in a while.

Good workouts,

Hi Everyone!:)

Just a quick post before I get down to work.

Those Brian Kest's workouts sound good, Jeanette -- and glad that your bike ride was awesome. Wow!

Am so busy trying to not procrastinate and get to work that I've forgotten to include fixing the bikes as one of those things to be done -- and I really must -- I love riding, too.

That's great that your DH is losing weight and slowly -- I think that's supposed to be best. It's also so cool that he's doing the Bowflex and free weights -- it does take some discipline (as we know) so this is great.

Oh, that's right -- you two usually camp on the holidays -- what fun, Jeanette! I'll be here at home, I'm pretty sure -- trying to get in extra writing time, most likely.

Isn't that interesting about the fats? What it's doing for my skin and the fact that I'm not gaining weight -- in fact, because I feel content and full, I think I'm eating less. It's the last thing I expected, cause I've always thought I was one of those people who just couldn't digest much fat and so had to keep the intake low...

Anyway, it's a short cardio for me today and stretch -- always look forward to this.

Also, can't believe how sore I am on these full body strength workouts. I must have really not been working it well while I was gone, if that is any indication.

How are you doing Rhea? Hope all is well.

And Natalie, haven't heard from you in a while. Hope work is going well and that you are doing well, too.

Have a great day, everyone.:7
I'm here...

Just haven't had time to post....

Been busy at work. Hopefully that will slow down when the new guy gets here.

I haven't even turned in my first assignment for my independent study class. This class may take a while. Thank goodness I have a year, but at this rate, I'll have to ask for an extension. Yikes.

Been plodding along on the P90 rotation. I take liberties with adjusting the cardio since the cardio is sooooo booooring. However, I do like the power yoga. I might try to mix and match today and see what I come up with. I have a power yoga with Rodney Yee, but it is an hour long and I know I can't do that much.. I would keel over and die. I need to see if there are any premixes on it. Oh, and I ordered Kathy Smith's Project You. She has some shorter workouts that I think I'll like blending with the P90s. I've always like Kathy and she was one of the first home video workouts I did.....ages ago.

Well, back to work. Have a great day everyone!
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

So nice to hear from you, Rhea. Glad to see that you're hanging in there with the workouts. Both you and Jeanette are so creative with these workouts. I'm always impressed.

Hope that work gets better -- always tough when there's someone new coming in, huh?

Today, I took a long walk instead of the TJ's 20 minute workout I planned -- a 40 minute walk and then stretching on the ball with Cathe -- that's a good stretch, by the way. Fun.

But I think I'm going to revise my schedule -- am having trouble getting down to writing, and my schedule right now is up early and write -- and workout around noon. I think I'm going to get up, work out and then get to work -- am hoping the exercise with energize me to get more writing done. Right now, I'm struggling.

So tomorrow, I plan ME, I think and I think I'll be able to do it -- the muscles aren't screaming at me because of the workout yesterday -- so I think I'll give ME a try -- if still too sore, I will then do TJ's cardio party, I think.

Hopefully, again, this new schedule will work out a little better for me. Have a wonderful day and terrific workouts, everyone.:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie,
Today's workout was Ab Jam and then an upper body Bowflex/free weight workout. Tonite have a bike ride with my friends and then will help DH work out on the Bowflex. Went to bed early last night as this morning is my 1/2 hour early start at work (so I can go home 1/2 hour earlier due to bike ride). Good sleep.

Karen, what is your new book about? Hope working out early in the morning will get your mind back on the book. Was thinking my next computer will have a DVD reader on it so I can do Cathe's workouts in my workout room (where the Bowflex is). That way I could do workouts at different times in the day and incorporate the Bowflex with her. I'm really enjoying doing my own thing on weights right now, along with my own music. Right now listening to Alison Kraus. Oh her concert that was postponed is rescheduled for November 9th in Reno. Something to look forward to!

Rhea, I like Power Yoga. I just ordered Shiva Rea, Yoga Shakti. I can do an hour, so much easier than Imax2! I'm getting lazy. Actually, since toning down my workouts, I have more muscle definition, less fat (even on the bodyfat scale), and have been able to keep off a couple pounds I've lost. Hmmmm... course I'm still riding my bike for cardio, but I don't think of those rides as a workout, more fun to me.

Must go now, great workouts today ladies. It's my Friday

Jeanette:7 :7 :7
Good morning!

Jeanette - I've notice the same thing with the doing a bit less in the workouts. Maybe we were "overtraining" and not giving our bodies enough time to repair. Of course, I have totally, well, maybe not totally, but a lot, cleaned up my diet. I just ordered two yoga dvds from collagevideo.com I got the candelight one from Crunch and then an ashtanga (sp?) beginner practice. I wanted some shorter ones to incorporate and I think I will try to get my bod out of bed in the am to do yoga. Flexibility is so important and with the P90 program, using the same stretch sequence almost every day, I've notice a great increase in flexibility. Also, I think it helps with the definition and fat loss. I've notice that when I do just weights and the stretch, my HR monitor says that the little bit of calories burned was 60% fat calories. Interesting. The slow workouts burn more of your fat fuel.

Karen - I sure hope the new routine helps. I am not a good worker at home. I've always wanted to write, but unless there is a deadline hanging over my head (like a due date for a class) then forget it. I just don't have the discipline...too many other things demanding my attention. Is the new book along the same lines as the last two? With the....ooh, shoot, I can't remember....with the hero having to complete a quest so that the ancestors can be freed? I don't know if I got that completely right.

Well, today is a rest day for me. Yesterday I was pretty tired, so not a super workout. I ended up doing the stretch and the power yoga part of P90 Sweat 3/4 and then the Crunch Dance Party dvd. I also golfed a little. I was swinging the club so bad that I ended up watching dh, I got too mad and decided to not try any more.:p

Have a great day everyone!

You know, Rhea, I think what you're talking about as regards too many things in your mind is happening to me when I try to write -- have so many things going that it's hard to just concentrate.

Did get up early today and exercised first thing -- but haven't been to work yet -- however, having the workout out of the way, I can use the entire afternoon. Also, am having plot troubles, which bar the road sometimes.

Yes, this is the third book in the same series -- where a clan, having committed some terrible acts, is banished into oblivion by the Creator -- and a hero goes forth to try to undue the curse. This particular book is a sort of treasure hunt.

Jeanette & Rhea -- I've noticed the same thing as you, that if I take it easy a couple of times a week, I seem to do better in weight and in results and maybe it is just overtraining -- I also like the slower movements for weight training -- when the pace to too fast, I tend to injure myself. And shorter workouts really are good sometimes, I think. Love it when they have all these ways to do the workouts -- the premixes.

Jeanette -- interesting that you did Ab Jam this morning and then weight work -- I did TJ's cardio party -- that is such a good workout. Also got in my TJ package a leg workout by -- well, can't remember the fellow's name -- but it's only 30 minutes and I was thinking of trying it in a rotation. It might be good as an add on with some other cardio workout.

Weight was up this morning, but I think that's because I had some sort of allergic reaction last night to something -- I think it's probably wheat -- haven't eaten wheat in a while and I think I've become allergic to it now.

Anyway, it's back to work for me -- all the things taking my attention are pretty much taken care of and so I hope to now be able to concentrate.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!:7
Good morning!

Yesterday was a rest day for me. But I did hit a bucket of balls. If I hadn't had a sorority thing last night, I would have been golfing in that wind. I'm still tired today. I think the wind and the change in the weather gets me every time. I shouldn't be tired.

I have to tell y'all, animals are so funny. Chevy got fixed yesterday. She was still in heat, so the boy doggie's testosterones are still going rampent. He's a bit nerotic (sp?) since his girlfriend was ripped from his side) He was a bit wierd this tiem, he wouldn't leave her. He'd have to go back to check to see if she was till there. Males. Pfft.

However, Chevy is playing the injured victim so well. I know she's not groggy anymore, but she's doing the pitiful look, and crawl, just to get attention. :+ Of course, DH falls for it and babies her.

Well, gotta run. Have great workouts and a wonderful three day weekend~!
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

Well, here we are in Memorial Day weekend. Yea! Of course I plan on doing nothing but trying to catch up on my writing. I'm so far behind.

Jeanette, I'm thinking that you're probably already on the road toward having a wonderful camping trip -- hope it's simply fabulous.

Rhea, hope you're doing well and hitting those golf balls.

Natalie -- hope you're doing well -- haven't heard from you lately and am hoping all is going well with you.

It was a sprint 8 for me today with warm up and cool down and stretching -- all total about 45 minutes. Plan on ME tomorrow -- one of my favorite workouts.

Diet is going well -- put on some weight due to eating some wheat that I'm allergic to -- and so am trying to take it off -- lost only 1/2 pound yesterday -- and the allergy put my weight up 2 lbs -- but hey, it's going in the right direction. Have truly discovered raw coconut oil -- not only as an aid for losing weight -- but also for my skin. Am amazed at how it helps my skin. Wish I'd known about this when I was in high school and suffering so badly with acne.

Okay, how I do tend to go on and on when I have my writing waiting -- I think again, it's called procrastination. :+

Have a wonderful day, everyone and a terrific Memorial Day weekend.:7
Good morning ladies!

Rhea, yes, it was windy yesterday and probably again today. Just hoping tomorrow won't be so windy as I'll be doing my century ride in Greenville. It will be cold!!! Guess I'll have to bring the booties and balaclava along. Darn. Rode the loop slowly with a girlfriend yesterday. We had a pretty good tailwind going east on Richmond Rd. Hope her legs are recovered by tomorrow. She's a teacher at Richmond and rides her bike a lot to work so you may have seen her before. She did a run last Saturday and Sunday she rode her bike and her legs are still really fatigued. Hope she can do okay on the century. That's funny about your boy dog. Yep, males are the weaker sex, I am definitely convinced of that!!!! I'm sure your female will be up and at em within a day or two. Doesn't seem to keep them down for long.

Karen, you seem to be following your plan of working out early and then writing. Hope you get much accomplished this weekend. I put coconut oil/lotion on my skin each day, also that's what the lady that gives me the massages uses. I love the smell of the coconut/lavender.

Today's workout was Eoin Finn's Power Yoga For Happiness-Magically Hips premix. Love this one and it makes me feel really good. I want to have fresh legs for tomorrow so today was an easy day. I have lots to do to get ready to leave tonite for our camping trip. Glad we're taking the trailer and not tent camping as tomorrow will be cold. Sunday and Monday look to be better. We are bringing our mtn. bikes, 4-wheeler, guns, etc. We like to be somewhat active while camping.

Must go now, have a great 3 day weekend!

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

Hope your ride today was great, Jeanette. Love the sound of it -- and the places you're going. Hope your girlfriend was able to keep up, too. And Rhea, hope your day is terrific -- and that golfing is great. It's refreshing to see that you're enjoying those workouts so much, Jeanette.

Don't always post on Saturday, as the weekends tend to be busy, but have had some good things happen on this diet that I didn't expect and so am posting.

Oh, did ME today -- the full thing -- I can tell that I'm out of shape -- just by the fact that I had to really push myself on it to keep up and even went a little lower in weight than usual -- but at least I got to the end of it -- was really sweating on it.:) :)

So here's the interesting thing on this diet -- it's from the book EAT FAT/LOSE FAT -- a very similar diet to Atkins, except that one doesn't count carbs and one doesn't eat any polyunsaturated oils -- instead one take 1 tbls of coconut oil 1/2 hour before eating -- and one is only allow 3 meals a day. I don't take 1 tbls -- I cut it to 1/2 tbls before each meal. Also one takes 1 tbls of cod liver oil in the morning -- I cut that to a 1/2 too. Anyway, last night, I'd done this, had supper, and then eaten some raw cream and then my hubby made homemade raw cream /raw milk ice cream. I stuffed myself. Was afraid to get on the scale this morning cause I'd felt like a stuffed balloon last night. But I could hardly believe it -- I'd lost a pound. Apparently -- have been reading in this book -- coconut oil aids metabolism and helps one to lose weight. I wouldn't have believed it had anyone told me this -- I'd have poo-pooed it. But when it happened to me... Goodness. So thought I'd tell you about it.

I love the smell of the fresh cocnut, as well.

Well, anyway, must get going -- much to do. Have a simply fabulous weekend, everybody.:7
Good afternoon!

Wish I could report on the bike ride, but it never happened for me. Here's the story: DH and I left yesterday before 6 p.m., towed the trailer out to the woods, set up camp, etc. It started raining a little, then later it turned to snow. And kept snowing. We'd heard the prediction but not that it would be that much. Anyway, when the alarm went off this morning, there was about 4" of snow where we were. I just assumed it would not be good where the bike ride was, so I didn't go. We also had problems with our refrigerator in the trailer so we loaded the food and stuff in the truck and jeep and we headed home. We left the trailer cuz we didn't think we'd be able to get it out. What a fiasco! The weather is already better now and should be warming up later so DH will go out and retrieve the trailer. We locked it up and didn't leave anything valuable in it. So that's the scoop.

Karen, very interesting about the coconut oil. Where do you buy it? Can a person get it at the health foods store?

DH and I will BBQ this afternoon (the steaks that I brought for camping) and then work out on the Bowflex/free weights/stability ball. Looking forward to it. Guess I better get busy with the vacuuming.

Good morning,

This morning was Rhythmic Step, 1st, 3rd combos and the RS Challenge. This was fun. Last night, DH and I did an upper body workout on the Bowflex. Feel good and worked there. May try for a bike ride today, but have to mow the lawns first.

It's a nicer morning than yesterday for sure. DH wants to go get the trailer, but my thoughts are that tomorrow will be better and give the roads more time to dry out. We'll see.

Must go now, shower and get a move on my day.

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!:)

Am really sorry to hear about the fiasco, Jeanette -- darn, your camping trips seem like they are usually so much fun -- I think you're right about letting it go, though, until tomorrow and give the roads a chance to clear up. We had rain here on Friday -- most of the day, and then Saturday was also rainy, but it cleared up later -- and then today -- wow -- it was so beautiful.

Hope the rest of the weekend goes well, Jeanette -- Oh, I really like Rhythmic Step, too -- haven't done it in a while, though. Did ME yesterday and boy, are my chest muscles cooked. Guess my workouts when I was away didn't really target that muscle group very well.:eek:

Coconut oil -- yes, the HF stores carry it -- just make sure it's cold pressed, since you want it raw -- the brand we get is Nutrina, I think -- I'll have to check to make sure that's the right name -- we went on line to make sure that they keep the temperature low -- and they do -- I think their highest temperature is 104 degrees. It is amazing, I must say. The book is EAT FAT/LOSE FAT, if you want to read up on it.

Anyway, so here's what I plan for this week -- today was a rest day for me:

Monday: IMAX2 -- still love this one.

Tuesday: Supersets

Wednesday: TJ's 20 minute workout plus stretch

Thursday: MuscleMax or Power Hour

Friday: Sprint 8

Saturday: TJ's cardio party or maybe one of Cathe's circuit workouts -- or even one of the FIRM's circuit workouts -- we'll see.

Sunday: Off

Oh, a friend of mine has offered to teach me Tai Chi -- he's a master, I think -- we've been helping him with his cat -- we have something we're doing that heals a cat's stomatitis -- and so he offered this in exchange, since we're just doing this as a favor to him -- his wife is one of my best friends. So am really looking forward to that.

Hope you have a good day tomorrow, Jeanette, and that the weekend brightens up. And terrific workouts.:7
Hi Everyone!

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!! Just a quick post. Did IMAX2 today and it went really well. Yea! Off to do just a bit of kitchen work in prep for dinner this afternoon.

Oh, and Jeanette the brand name of the oil that we use that you can get at Whole Foods or Wild Oats is Nutiva -- or you can go to www.wildernessfamilynaturals.com and order on line -- at wildernessfamilynaturals.com -- they really tell you alot about their coconut oil, plus they have things like coconut milk and coconut cream, and I think that their highest processing level is 96 degrees.

Off to go to the store, then back to work and prepare for dinner tonight. Have a terrific day, everyone.:)
Hi Karen, Rhea, Jeanie & Natalie:

Hope everyone is having a good 3 day weekend (4 for me as I had Friday off). Yesterday, I went for a easy bike ride with some different ladies than I'm used to riding with. They were very nice, but definitely don't ride the pace I'm used to, but I knew that going into the ride. Had time to chat with them, answer some questions, help with repairing a flat tire, teach them about road safety, etc.

Today's workout was my new Yoga Shakti by Shiva Rea. It's really good and has a matrix where you can preprogram (and it works, I tried it) your workout with different moves. I think this is one workout I can really grow with. Had more relaxing poses, which is what I like also. Beautiful scenery, music and Shiva is so graceful. I did the basic premix (40 some minutes I think) and then programmed the matrix to see if I could do it. I just got done fertilizing the lawn, am watering, will pick up some plants to put in a pot or two, go for a walk with DH and the dogs and tonite do a Bowflex workout with DH.

Oh yeah, DH got the trailer home this morning. I'll work on cleaning it up sometime later this week. Don't feel like it now.

Karen, don't know if our Health Foods store is open today or not, will run by and see about the coconut oil. I need to check out the book you recommended too. Is this the same idea as taking flax oil?

Karen, the Tai Chi sounds exciting. Bet you will like that. Sounds like a great opportunity for you. You'll have to share what you learn.

Must go now.

Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie, & Jeanie:

Did 1/2 hour of TJ cardio party and then did a Yoga Shakti sequence, programming the matrix (which is super easy). Very nice, I love this option and you can choose exactly what you want to do. I didn't have time to do any leg openers or forward bends but made sure I did shivasana at the end. I'm going to need it as I feel today will be pretty busy at work. I also plan on a Cardio Coach #3 workout on the bike tonite. Last night, worked on the Bowflex/free weights with DH. I did kind of a pyramiding workout for myself and actually was able to do biceps 10#, 12# and 15# (up only). I was pleased with that.

Karen, I bought some coconut oil yesterday and have added it to my oatmeal this morning. I also bought some steel cut oats to try, made a batch yesterday and heated it up this morning. It's good, reminds me of bulgar, definitely nuttier and chewier than regular oatmeal.

Hope everyone has a good day, I got some petunias planted yesterday too.

HI Jeanette & Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie!:)

This sounds like quite a workout that you've ordered -- what's a matrix, by the way? Sometimes I feel so out of it and so behind the times with the new technology.

Hope the coconut does well for you. The book really explains it all and how to do it so as to lose weight -- one generally takes the coconut 20 minutes before eating. Also on the oats -- be suer to soak them overnight. In the old days, the packags always used to recommend soaking them -- and there's good reason. Oats contain many anti-nutrients -- enzyme inhibitors and -- geez, a word I can't pronouce -- but it's something that keeps the body from assimilating minerals -- however, soaking htem overnight removes most of these (it starts the digestive process) and so are more nutritous.

Sounds like you really got alot done, Jeanette, more than I did over the holidays. But my workouts were good, at least.

Today it was Supersets for me. I really like this workout -- it's a full body workout (weights--strength) yet it's only 53 minutes and alot of the work is done on the ball -- which I'm really getting to like.

Tomorrow, I, too, plan on TJ's 20 minute cardio and then a stretch. And yes, I'm going to have to take up my friend's offer on the Tai Chi -- it could really be a good thing.

Well, have a terrific evening, a wonderful day tomorrow and happy workouts everyone.:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie,

This morning it was Bryan Kest's Power Yoga - #3 Sweat. I'll be working out on the Bowflex tonite with DH. Did Cardio Coach #3 on the bike last night after wprl. I loved this workout. You work hard with short sprints to get your heart rate up there. Total workout is less than 40 minutes, including warmup and cool down. Very doable, but taxing in a good way. Loved the music in it, though I can't hear it real good with the wind and only one earbud in for safety on the road.

Karen, thanks for the tip on the coconut oil usage. I'll have to soak the oats too next time I make them. That'll probably help also in the speed of cooking. Enjoy TJ today too!

Must go now,

Jeanette :7
Hi Everybody!:)

Quick post before I head to work.

That Cardio Coach sounds very similar to what I try to do on the Sprint 8, Jeanette -- Like Cardio Coach, the sprint 8 is not more than a 45 minute workout usually including warm up and cool down and stretch -- but boy, it gets your heart rate up there with the intervals. I love that workout, too. Anyway, that Cardio Coach on a bike sounds like a really good workout.

Talked to hubby about getting our bikes out and repaired so that we can ride them -- think it would be a good thing to do together.

TJ 20 minute workout was great today -- love that workout and 20 minutes is perfect -- then did the stretch with Cathe on the ball -- I'm really liking that ball more and more.:7

Am off to look up the definitions of archeology and anthropology, in case I have misunderstandings on them which could be holding up my progress. Have a great day and terrific workouts, everyone.:7

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