KK's May Check In

BTW, Jeanette....If your DH was on the Ochoa case, which I'm assuming it was....the case was mis-trialed before it even got started. When the judge asked the defendant to stand up and introduce himself, everyone could see that he was shackled to the chair. (at least they assumed everyone could see) This is an issue of prejudice, nobody is supposed to know that he is shackled or presently in custody.
Hi Everyone!:)

Good writing day today, although it took me all day long to make my quota of pages. Am awaiting some research books on archeology -- so I can understand what I'm writing about a little better...:eek:

Am very sore from doing the shortened version of ME yesterday -- and loved the 20 minute TJ workout -- added on a walk -- was going to also add on a stretch, but didn't get to it, as I needed to get back to work.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a strength workout for me, but am still a little sore, so am not sure -- might try the scuplting workout from the TJ's and see how that one is -- I'm assuming that it's probably not as tough as Cathe's ME -- I could be wrong however.

That's so cool, Jeanette, that you were two minutes over your own time. Way to go! And it's great that you've built up to that -- have realized that I need to build up to ME and MuscleMax again -- am a little out of shape -- but just a little. It'll come back, I'm sure.

And Rhea, I didn't know that you played golf -- I don't actually play, just admire it -- it is played on such a pretty turf. I'd get frustrated, too, just waiting -- not something I'm good at -- and like you, if I don't get the dinner fixed, we don't eat, but I also love to work in the kitchen, so it works out. Plus, with all the stuff I have to do, when I wait all I can think of it what I could be doing...

Will have to check in tomorrow as I'm unsure how the workouts are going to even out. All I know is that I must get in my page counts -- I'm down to the wire on this and so must, must concentrate.

Have a super day and wonderful workouts!:7
Hi all,
Karen, that's great that you got your writing in today, and you got your workouts in. I haven't done ME for some time now but will have to revisit it soon. Glad you like the 20 minute TJ.

My workout this morning was PUB Up only premix, without shoulders and abs and then the 30 minute quickie premix from Power Yoga 4 Happiness. It's our ladies night to cycle after work so that will be my cardio.

Got back late from my haircut and DH was too tired, plus not recovered enough from his cold to do a run so we took the dogs out and we walked. We went out to a desert area near the prison and the buffalo gnats were eating my scalp up. I wondered if that would be the case so brought a kerchief to cover my head and ears. Much better, but those nasty gnats! It was nice to get out with DH.

Hope you ladies all have good workouts today. Rhea, how are the P90 workouts doing for you?

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

I have to remember to go to Jeanie's site and let her know that we've moved to the daily check in.

Have a new computer here at home that my DH bought -- and we've been working over it -- for DSL so it's faster -- but I still write on WordPerfect 5.1 and won't give it up unless I'm forced to -- and so we've been working over how to put the computer together since Windows XP won't recognize WP 5.1. But I think we've finally managed it by sectioning off the programs -- sounds complex to me -- but here I am on this new computer -- will be writing soon and so hope this all works.

Anyway, was up a little early with our eldest kittie who's having a hard time of it -- and then had a short radio interview and now am finally ready to start writing. Yea!

Have decided -- since the body has recovered a bit from ME a few days ago -- to try the scuplting video on the TJ's. This is a big step for me -- as I've not done any other workouts concerning weights or sculpting since I discovered Cathe. I've stuck with Cathe because I don't injure myself with her strength workouts -- and I was with other workouts -- so I'll take it easy -- probably stay with low weight just to check it out -- or I might chicken out (since I don't really want to have to visit my chiro) and do what I'd planned which is Supersets.

Anyway, it's bright and beautiful here today -- which is nice because it's been overcast and cloudy a lot -- and I hope that you have some wonderful workouts and a really super day.:7
Good morning!

I'm bushed today. Can't seem to wake up. Of course, I did take tylenol p.m. last night, so that may be lingering. Doens't usually linger this long though....

Karen - I only pretend to golf. Last night was the first night I've ever been on the actual course. Can be frustrating, especially with the DH hovering, pointing out and just being irritating! I actually didn't do too bad. But I really need to hit a bucket of balls on the range before attempting the course.

Let's see....yesterday did the P90 circuit...which I like, weights, that go pretty fast. Slowish type reps so I can heavy up a bit. But then I added Cardio Party 3, which is one of the newest TJs. It is 50 minutes long. Today I'm supposed to do the P90 Sweat, which is incredibly boring for me...but I'll probably hang in there...

oops, gotta run, boss needs a plea form filled out...have a great day!
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

Sounds like you had a good day, anyway, Rhea -- don't have the P90 things, but they sound intense. Did the sculp TJ workout and found it was good -- it was slow so I didn't have a problem -- at least I hope not -- with injuring myself -- plus, I kept the weight down. And it's only 39 minutes long, which means that when I'm in a pinch and need a short strength workout, this one can fill the bill.

Hope you had a good ride, Jeanette. I think you were riding with the girls this evening, weren't you?

Well, have some great workouts everyone!:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

My day off today :) so I'm checking in late. I have to take one of the car's in and have the studded tires removed and new tires put on, also grocery shop some and then clean house. Looks like the lawn mower belts will be delivered today. DH has the lawnmower lifted in the garage, ready to put the new belts on. Then, I'll be set. I plan on doing much yard work today and tomorrow. Sunday will be a club bike ride around Lake Almanor, which will be lots of fun. Our ladies ride just had 2 of us last night. We climbed a pretty good, long hill and then drove to the bike club meeting. After getting home, helped DH do a Bowflex workout. He did well and is feeling better from his cold.

Today's workout was TLT's Endurance for Movement. I hadn't done it for a while, but enjoyed it. I'm enjoying hitting my body in different ways so it seems to be responding better. Today's weight was the lowest I've seen in a year. My legs are responding too (finally)!!! A few weeks ago, I dropped my calories just a little and have seen more of a weight loss, but still good energy so I'm pleased, plus I'm having more fun with my workouts. I've actually eased up and been adding in segments of yoga. LOL, it's probably temporary, but it's nice to not think I have to push all the time and still get the results I want.

Karen, enjoy the new computer, you'll get it all figured out, I'm sure. I like the Turbo Sculpt too. I've read some people don't but my thought is that it's all good and that variety is important, doesn't have to be intense all the time. Hope your kitty pulls through okay. Breaks my heart when one of our "girls" is sick or hurt.

Rhea, I golfed once with Cindy Neuenschwander and that was a long time ago (before I worked out) and we walked 9 holes. I was so tired from walking and swinging (I swung a lot of times, believe me a lot). I think I could definitely get into it, but am putting it off until later on in my life, but you never know. How's the South Beach diet going? How's your DH doing with no beer?

Must go now. Great workouts!

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie!

Gotta go to Jeanie's site -- haven't done it yet -- but I will.

Jeanette, have a great day off -- sounds like you've got the whole day planned with relaxing work -- I love yard work, actually. Something about it that relaxes me.

Have had a good day of writing today -- have already made my target of pages and so am feeling okay at present. Yesterday was our anniversary -- but we're celebrating it tomorrow -- still it was great.

Rhea, hope you're hanging in there with your work load and workouts -- at least it's the weekend.

Plan to do IMAX2 today -- don't feel quite up to IMAX or IMAX3 at the moment -- think I'm still rebuilding my strength and endurance. Got some new workout pants -- they are made from organic cotton -- expensive, but I feel like it's a good thing to support that industry.

Jeanette, I think you're right about just relaxing with the workouts and cutting the calories even if only sightly. I'm trying to do that, as well -- it worked when I was on tour -- didn't diet, just cut my calories ever so slightly and came home without any weight gain. It's been a little hard since I've been home because I'm surrounded with good food that I can eat -- and haven't had for the last 3 months -- and so it's hard -- but I have to try to cut the calories anyway -- I've gained 3 lbs since I've been home. :eek:

Anyway, long ado about the fact that I like your idea, Jeanette, to just relax with it all.

Have a book signing tomorrow -- my last on this particular tour -- yea! Then am hoping to settle down to the deadline -- in truth, the settling down is happening as I'm home longer -- gee, but it's good to be home.

We're doing some natural things for the kitty since the vet doesn't really have anything he can do. She's an older kitty and so it might just be old age -- but we're still trying and she's a fighter, I think.

Hope you have a terrific day, Jeanette and you, too, Rhea and fantastic workouts!:7
Good morning ladies!

Today's workout was Bryan Kest's Power Yoga - Intensive Body Sculpting. I remember doing this one about 1 1/2 yrs. ago and it was tough then. It's still tough, but I have more endurance to hold the power holds than I did then. Great workout!!! I needed this one as I woke up stiff today. I love this video. Bryan is wonderful and gives lots of form tips.

The lawn mower belts came yesterday and DH put them on the mower. Unfortunately, the grass is soo high that I'll need to use the weed eater on some spots as the mower was having a hard time. So lots of yardwork today.

Will do a Bowflex workout tonite with DH. He'll be busy helping our daughter texture her kitchen. Beautiful day here. Bike ride tomorrow so no workout besides that.

Karen, hope the kitty is feeling better. Know you are doing the best you can for her. Rhea, enjoy the yardwork! It's warming up here.

Hi Karen,
Read your journal on the other Rotation area, just wanted to say Happy Anniversary! Hope it was a nice one! You are a special lady!

Jeanette :7 :7 :7
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

Thanks so much for your sweet post, Jeanette! You make me feel great. Decided to keep the diary going - sometimes what I put in it doesn't seem appropriate for the general forum, so it's just nice to keep it up.

Didn't exercise today -- my day off -- and the thing that was really cool is that I spent almost all afternoon shopping -- ah, how I love shopping.

So glad to see you keeping things going -- oh, and I love the new picture -- I'm going to try to see if I could post a picture -- was thinking of putting up a pict of me dancing at a pow-wow -- we'll see...

Anyway, Saturday I did the Cardio Party with TJ -- it was quite fun and I loved it. This one will probably become a favorite, I think.

Okay, so I need to post this next week's schedule:

Monday: Sprint 8

Tuesday: Gonna try and do ME again-- was really sore last time I did it, so I'll try it again this week and see if I get sore again.

Wednesday: Short cardio and stretch with Cathe -- might do the 20 minute TJ workout

Thursday: Supersets or Power Hour -- depending on my time

Friday: IMAX3 on 4" step

Saturday: Either TJ's cardio party or KPC with Cathe

Sunday: Off

Have a wonderful day, Jeanette & Rhea -- great workouts, as well, everyone.:7
Hello Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie,

No workout for me today. I'm taking a rest day and that massage after work. Yesterday's group ride had 9 of us riding a beautiful route with an absolutely gorgeous day. Lake Almanor has more water in it than I've ever seen and was a dark blue. The temp was perfect for cycling too. Great ride and great company. We did 45 miles, with about 1500' of climbing.

Returned home about 1:00 p.m. and visited with our DS, then watched the bike race, Giro Di Italia, which I enjoyed, then invited my folks over for a BBQ and watched King Kong. The end to a perfect day!

Karen, glad you enjoyed the shopping and your rest day!

Good morning ladies,:)

Karen Kay, I hope you had a wonderful anniversary! Congratulations!!!!

Geez Jeanette, sounds like you did indeed have a perfect day! By the way, I think I'm the only one I know that hasn't seen "King Kong" yet.

My workouts are going well. I'm doing mostly Turbo Jams and WHFNs (with a Firm Transfirmer video or a TLT thrown in for good measure). My eating still needs improvement, and I'm still struggling to drop some weight. I'm not looking forward to bathing-suit season this year, that's for sure.x(

My son bought me a pair of Nike Shox for Mother's Day. Any of you have these? They look pretty, but I'm a Ryka woman. I hope I like these!

Have a wonderful Monday,

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!:)

Getting a late start today -- had a friend over last night whom I haven't seen and talked to in many years and so in catching up, was up much too late. Sigh...

But at least I'm getting started. Grandfather George (who isn't really my grandfather, but it's what all Native Americans call an elder gentleman) who has been staying with us, is going back to So. Africa today. He has been taking care of my flowers and plants while he's been here -- and has been a terrific houseguest -- and he will be missed, I'm afraid.

Just a quick post before I get going on writing -- plan on a Sprint 8 today -- I might do it right now -- while it's still somewhat cool outside and then spend the rest of the day writing, instead of breaking up the day. Also today is the day that my contest ends that I've been running on my website.

It's wonderful to see you over here again, Jeanie. Have to admit that I, too, haven't yet seen King Kong, either -- so you're not alone. Although I did go and see MI3 on Saturday and thought it was quite good for an action flick.

And Jeanette, it looks as though it was a perfect day. Must've been great. Let us know how the massage goes.

Anyway, have some terrific workouts everyone.:7
Hi ladies,

Good to hear from you Jeanie! I also like the TJ's and TLT's. I did a TLT last week and it is just so refreshing to do something different. I did EFM.

This morning's workout was Ab Jam and then I did an upper body Bowflex workout. Feels great. I actually combined bowflex and free weights to hit parts better. I like free weights for shoulders better, also biceps, but like to mix it up. They are both good. I will do a Cardio Coach workout on my bike after work tonite. It's warmer out so this will be tougher but I'll keep an eye on my HRM anyway. Looking forward to it.

Karen, the massage was very, very nice and I had her work more on my stiff neck and it wasn't stiff this morning at all when I woke up, so I'm pleased with that. Glad you got to catch up with a friend, so much fun to do that.

Good workouts to all,

Good morning!

I finally get a chance to post. Glad everyone is still doing well. I'm reeling from the day from ******* yesterday. But the week is getting better.

I even ended up not working out yesterday, but partly because of my hand. I punctured it with a rose thorn on Sun and it was very swollen and stiff all day yesterday. Even warm to the touch. But today it is much better.

South Beach is going pretty well, only a fall off the wagon for me with the wine and DH didn't last too long without a beer. But at least he just has one.

Well, should have a workout today, not sure what I'll be feeling like doing. Have a great day everyone!
Wow! Don't know what happened to my last message -- got all done -- clicked post and it wouldn't post no matter what I did. Hmmm...

Anyway, so good to see you both -- and glad that things are going better for you, Rhea -- with workouts and not falling off the wagon too much. Boy, I had one of those days yesterday, too, and today looked as though it was starting out the same way, but things are going better now.

Keep us posted on your finger/hand.

And Jeanette, it really sounds like you have a good handle on the rotations -- you're so creative in putting these things together. Glad that massage went well, too. I could do with one of those.

It looks like we've found a "why" on our elderly cat's trouble--which is a staff infection -- know that's misspelled -- but hopefully you'll get the general idea. So we're doing things about that and she's doing better.;-)

Must get back to work -- have gotten alot done today and I need to keep up that trend.

Great workouts, everyone and have terrific day.:7
Good morning,

Rhea, hope your hand is healing up. Punctures can be nasty. Really clouded up yesterday, didn't it. Same today too. DH and I have grandson's little leage game to go to at 5:30. Hope it's not spoiled by lightning. Glad South Beach is going well. Heck, I like a glass of wine now and then too. Beer would be hard for my DH to give up, though he's cut back.

Did a Cardio Coach workout on my bike yesterday. Good workout, have to get used to working in the heat though. Always harder for me when the weather turns warm. Today's workout was 20 minute TJ and then 1/2 hour Power Yoga for Happiness. The hip openers have really helped me lately. Much less stiffness and my neck is great again this morning.

Karen, glad the writing is going well. How does a cat get a staph infection? Hope you're getting a handle on that one.


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