KK's July Check-In

Hi Becky & Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie!:)

Today was my day off workout wise, but yesterday I actually took the day and held a little bit of a spa home day -- washed my hair, did my toenails, did a mud pack on my face -- stuff I don't normally have time to do. Ah...

Becky, how was Victoria's Secret -- that's where I shop for my bra's too. I think their bras are the best, actually. How did it go, and is there a reason why you think you're an A cup -- were you a B cup before? Before what? You mean before losing weight?

Even if that is the case, don't fret too much, as VS has those wonderful bras that give cleavage, as well.

Oh, okay, so sprint 8 if a workout from the book READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell and you're right -- it's a warm up, stretch, then sprint for 30 seconds, walk back, sprint, walk back, etc -- then cool down and stretch. Like an IMAX sort of but with sprints instead of plyometrics.

That work out you did on Sat. really sounds tough -- Low Max and then IMAX3 and KickMax -- whew! And you added onto it, as well.

Well, it was a day of heavy editing for me today -- will be tomorrow, too and then get the book printed up and sent off and then I can actually start to think of other things -- like the next book, as I need to getin the next proposal. Sigh...

Okay, so just a quick thing on what I plan to do next week:

Mon: IMAX the original

Tues: Power Hour -- might add on some cardio

Wed: Cardio and some kind and stretch -- and get my hair trimmed.

Thurs: Supersets

Fri: Sprint 8 or 10

Sat: Bootcamp or maybe a Tae Bo

Sun: Off

Oh, on Sat. I did a Tae Bo workout,and it was great. Love his abs.

Have a great day, everybody, and terrific workouts!:7
Karen, sounds like you have some great workouts planned for this week. I am on my last week of the HC Fat Loss rotation, and so far I am down 4 more pounds, so that makes me happy!

Well, I went to VS and I am not an A cup. I have been a B cup and after 18-19 lbs being lost, my bras were getting looser. I did go from a 36B to a 34B though!

My hot and sweaty yoga class on Saturday was fun. It made my rhomboids and lower scapular (teres minor and infraspinatous) muscles sore though. I don't know how that happened.

Today I did High Step Challenge. I like circuit workouts. Tonight DH and I will try to do the ellipticals (as long as they aren't taken), but if we don't get around to that, we'll do some yoga.

Hope everyone's day goes well! Today is my last day dissecting (yippee!) but it is the ischiorectal fossa (ick!...this is the perineal region and butt region). I can't believe I start second year in 2 weeks. I have already started to review stuff from first year and next week I have to start pre-reading. :( This last summer of my life has gone by too quickly.

Hi Becky & Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie!:)

Wow, Becky, you went from a 36B to a 34B -- that's so cool. And congrats on losing that weight -- I thnk I might have said this already, but that is so well done.

I remember years ago -- about 20 years now -- that I had 20 pounds to lose, and it was so unpleasant an experience, I promised myself I'd never let that weight creep up on me again. Thus, began my daily regimen of weighing myself every day. I'd already been exercising regularly, so that helped too.

That class sounds like a good one, too. Hot and sweaty yoga -- somehow the two don't seem to go together to me, but it souds fascinating.

HSC is one of my favorites, too. I like the circuit workouts, too -- used to be all that I did -- and then I found some of Cathe's other workouts. HSC is one of my favorite, though.

Well, for me today is was an hour of IMAX the original -- that's one tough workout -- but no add ons -- haven't even really been outside -- it's been a day of heavy editing for me. Have about 100 pages more to edit, get the book printed and sent...hard work, actually.x(

Those classes sure sound hard, Becky. But I'm glad that you appear to understand them.:7

Jeanette may already be on her trip, since we haven't heard from her -- Jeanette, if you're out there -- have a wonderful trip. I think it's supposed to start tomorrow, right?

Hi Rhea! How was the weekend, and the trip?

Well, super workouts everyone and have a terrific day. (Can't wait till this is done, and the mss. is in the mail).:7

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