KK's July Check-In

Good morning all!

Sounds like everyone's been busy doing workouts and fun stuff. That's the way it should be. And when the workouts are fun, that's a plus too.

Today will be an active rest day for me as my legs are sore from yesterday's ride. I ended up riding the century (98 plus miles). There was road construction for a short section so they shuttled all of the riders in pickups past the worst section, thus why the # of miles was less than 100.

The ride was in Fall River Mills, California and absolutely my favorite ride. I've done modified routes (shortened) 3 times previous as it is always hot and the group I rode with never wanted to do a longer ride. However, this time I rode with 2 guy friends and they DID want to do the century. I've been wanting to do it so this was my chance and the weather was predicted to be around 93 degrees.

I carpooled over the day before (Friday), set up my tent at the Fairgrounds under some nice shady trees, met up with another rider and the 3 of us had a nice dinner, tall beer, and walked thru the exhibits at a street fair. It was very nice. Back to the Fairgrounds, filled water bottles, my Camelbak and in bed around 9:30, slept okay.

Up at 5:00 a.m. as we wanted to depart at 6:00ish to beat some of the heat. The beginning of the ride is my favorite part, there are mint fields, wild rice fields and fantastic views of Mt. Shasta, Mt. Lassen and Burney Mtns. And the smells... That's one of the nice things about cycling, you smell so many things on the road (good and bad). I stopped early to take off my jacket and one of our riders (he's aged 65, but been training very hard, he's awesome) kept going as he figured we'd catch him. We did, but it took some work and the guy I was riding with is a VERY strong rider. I stayed on his wheel but I was afraid of going too fast, too early and then burning out later on.

There are a few big climbs on this ride and after the first big climb, I wondered if my legs were not quite recovered from this week's time trial on Tuesday, where you really push. I was getting that very slight burning in my legs on the hills and hoping I hadn't overdone it, but turns out I was okay for the rest of the ride. We made great time, easily climbed the 2nd big hill and after a nice long downhill, hit the lunch stop in Fall River Mills around 10:30 a.m. After that, we were on the Lassen Bench climb (very hot part of the ride) at around noon.

After the "bench", it was in to the town of Day (10 miles) for a cool indoor rest stop and they handed out frozen neck coolers for you to wear on the way back. They were very refreshing while they lasted. As we entered the town with the finish line, I got those lousy thigh cramps in my right leg and then my left leg. These are pesky and a sign of fatigue, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, any or all of the above. But I was done, so it was all good. Time at finish was 2:00 p.m.

I absolutely love this ride, it was all the challenge I wanted, most of the roads had a very smooth surface, and the rest stops/lunch stop/spaghetti dinner were top notch. And scenery, well you just can't beat it for this part of northeastern California.

Final stats:
Total miles: 98.5
Total ride time: 6 hours 4 minutes
Average Speed: 16.0
Max Speed: 40 mph

Back when I started riding in 2001, this was my very first organized ride. I did the 25 mile option and NO WAY could I even fathom doing the 62 mile route, let alone doing the 100 mile route. But hey, I can and if I can, anyone can. On these organized rides, you see lots of folks, young and old (mostly 30 year olds on up to 70's). And you see lots of folks that don't look as fit as you and those that look very fit. As in other sports, most are very friendly and out there enjoying the day and their health.

Well, must get going now. My hamstrings are pretty tight so may pop in a yoga later if I get the chance.

Jeanette, Wow! What a ride. I showed my DH that you did a max speed of 40mph and he was speechless! Great job!

Ladies, today was a rest day for me. Sort of. I did some housework (oh how I want to get a housekeeper!), did some shopping (don't want any help with that one:) ) and did some yoga (50 minutes). The first 25 minutes was pretty much power yoga then it transitioned into pure stretching and then the long-awaited-for shavasana (corpse pose). DH wasn't able to join me today as he is still a tad bit lobster-esqu. We keep slobberring on the aloe, so hopefully he'll get better soon.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Does tomorrow really have to be Monday?

Hi Jeanette & Becky & Rhea & Natalie!:)

Jeanette, my jaw dropped when I saw your stats. Wow! Can't wait to show this to my hubby. 98.5 miles in 6hours -- Wow! Makes me want to ride -- especially seeing your description of countryside and the mint fields and the view of the mountains -- also the description of the night before and camping at the Fairgrounds. Sounds like fun, Jeanette -- work, but fun. Again, CONGRATULATIONS! and Well Done.

Becky -- love your workouts -- MM, plus a 2 miles run. That's great. Again, a long workout.

Well, you have just gotten 3 of my most favorite Cathe workouts -- actually 3 of my most favorite workouts, period. ME, Bootcamp and KPC. As a matter of fact, my workout on Friday was one of the KPC premixes. You're gonna love them.

ME is my most favorite strength workout of all time. I absolutely love that workout -- love the way I feel afterwards, too. So let me know what you think of it, okay?

Becky, isn't that something about your keys? Sometimes makes you wonder if more is at play in this universe than mere coincidence. Am glad it all worked out well, though.

Well, our weekend was rather exciting. Yesterday about 6PM all of our electric went out -- as was alot of power all over the Valley. It was also about 107 degrees still at 6PM, plus I'd been cooking soup, so I was already hot.

But, in truth, it was fun, actually. The guys --my hubby and brother-in-law, got the generator working on the motor home -- about 10 PM they got it working -- then we could hook up a few lights and a fan in the house -- my brother-in-law slept in the motor home, while Paul and I crashed out on the floor in the living room where the fan was.

It was great going to sleep listening to the crickets and waking up to the songs of the birds. I'd forgotten what it was to go to sleep that way and wake up that way. Felt closer to the earth, and it was a good feeling. Plus, it was fun talking to the neighbors and getting to know them a little better. Something we don't do enough, probably.

Anyway, about 10 or 11 this morning, they finally got the power on, but it was an adventure and was fun while it lasted.

Today was my rest day, too, but there was much housecleaning, and I made a birthday cake for my daughter who lives here locally -- her actual birthday is tomorrow.

Anyway, Sunday is usually the day when I plan out my next week's rotation. I'm in a bit of a rut rotation wise, but I think I'll keep at it and not change anything too much until after deadline.

So here we go: ]

Mon: IMAX3 -- will try it on the 6" step -- have been using the 4".

Tues: MM --premix TimeSaver -- the 57 minute one

Wed: Cardio and Stretch -- don't know yet what kind of cardio

Thurs: Push/Pull plus some sort of cardio

Fri: Sprint 8 or 10 if it's cool enough outside, if not, IMAX2

Sat: Circuit workout -- perhaps Bootcamp or another KPC premix -- love those premixes.

Sun: Off

And Hi Rhea! Hope your golfing was great!

Well, it's off to get dressed now and get super started. Have a super day tomorrow and wonderful workouts, everybody.
Hi ladies,

Yesterday was pretty much a rest day for me workout wise, though I finally did clean the camp trailer, did some housework and took a short bike ride to just spin my legs. Rode over to my parents house and watched a special on Lucille Ball for a little while before returning back home.

Today's workout was Lowmax with 5 intervals, warmup and then a stretch. This one always makes me sweat for some reason. I'll be doing Fitness Freak's Circuit Mix Rotation:

Monday: Low Max
Tues: Viper
Wedn. Step Blast & ME abs
Thurs: SJP or HSC
Fri.: GS Legs
Sat. CTX Upper Body and All Step Abs
Sun: Off

Not sure about Saturday's workout as DH and I are going tent camping. Will be somewhat active that day anyway.

Becky, I love corpse pose too! Hope you enjoyed your day off from a workout, I did. Is your DH still pink from the sun? Poor baby.

Karen, sounds kind of like you were camping in your own yard with the power off. What caused it? I remember a few years ago the rolling blackouts due to supposed energy shortages. Generators are sure handy to have. DH and I are looking into repairing an old one or buying a new one. Just weighing the pros and cons of that. Hey, Imax3 on a 6" step. I bow to your greatness. I'm so scared of that workout I haven't even bought it. Hope you get lots of pages written today.

Talk to you all later. Have a great day today (even though it's Monday).

Karen, looks like we did the same workout today. I too did IMAX 3 w/ a 6" step. I finally know the choreography so it is actually fun now! Then I did Coremax #1. Those planks at the end kill me.

Jeanette, yes DH is still pretty pink. He's getting better, but I doubt we'll be doing yoga together after work since it still hurts him to move too much. I may or may not do a tad bit of yoga tonight. Maybe one of those super short (10-15 minute) segments on Exercisetv on Demand.

I hope everyone has a great Monday!

Hello Ladies!:)

Becky, did you enjoy IMAX3? I must admit that on the 6" step, I was often modifying moves and of course I never jump as high as Cathe. Still, it was hot today and I was really sweating. But at least I did finish up the entire workout.;-) IMAX3 in my consideration is the hardest of the IMAX's -- my favorite being IMAX2.

Thanks for the compliment, Jeanette, but you could do IMAX3 -- just modify it a bit here and there. Really is an anaerobic workout, that's for sure.

Jeanette, yes, that generator was a godsend, because of course it happened on one of the hottest days in the Valley. What caused our black-out was (and of course I can't recall the exact thing on the pole) but it was on the grid and was old and was worn out, so with alot of use -- and I guess it was getting a lot of use that day, it just quit working. I'll have to ask what that thing is called again. -- but it's right on the pole where the power comes in on the street.

Your rotation looks like a hum-dinger, Jeanette. If you can do the Viper, you can do IMAX3, I think.

Anyway, made my page count, which I really need to do and keep doing -- 2 weeks now to deadline -- am afraid I see some all nighters ahead of me.:-(

My editor has changed the name of the book -- my working title is RED HAWK AND THE MERMAID -- she's changed i to RED HAWK'S WOMAN. But you know, editors often do that. The fact that she's stuck with my titles for the last two books is, for me, unusual.

Hi Rhea! Hope you're doing great!

Oh, one more thing -- I realized over the weekend that one of my cats was very much missing our older cat that died. She and the other cat were often together, but I didn't "get" it until this weekend. I'm giving her a bit of attention now.

Anyway, have some wonderful workouts and a terrific day, everybody!:7
Hi Becky, Karen, Rhea, Jeanie & Natalie:

Way to go, both of you, on doing Imax3 on 6"! Good workouts for both of you and in this heat too. Today's workout was The Viper (less the last cycle as DH got up and watches the news in the morning). I was really sweating and did enjoy this immensely.

Karen, was it a transformer that blew out? Those are located on the poles. I know very little, but both of my sons are linemen so I pick up a little.

Have to take my bike in to the shop after work today for some work. Got a bad knock in the crank somewhere. Also have to start packing some stuff for our camping trip this weekend. Looking forward to it, though it will be hot. We'll be up at a pretty good elevation so I'm also hoping it's cooler for sleeping at night.

Talk to you all later.

Congrats on making your page count Karen. Yes, I did enjoy IMAX 3 yesterday. Each time I do it I feel a little less winded. My rotation will be stepping it up a notch next week and instead of IMAX 3, I will be doing some of HC Extreme.

Today I did MM followed by a 2 mile run. I am basically repeating this week what I did last week. Next week will be different though and in addition to HC Extreme, I'll be adding High Step Challenge, so I am looking forward to the change in pace...but gotta finish this week first!

I have to dissect this AM, so gotta go. I hope everyone has great workouts and a great day!

Hi Jeanette & Becky & Rhea & Natalie!:)

Way to go, Becky, with MM. I was supposed to do MM today, but changed it to Push/Pull -- cause of time element -- sometimes I don't know where the time goes, but the workout got started later than what I like and I still had work ahead of me, so I changed it -- plan to do MM on Thursday, instead.

But you also did a 2 mile run after -- and in this heat, too. Way to go. I must admit that I, too, have started to insert other things along with the workouts -- like walking.

Dissecting --ugh -- I remember doing this in Biology class. Hope it went well.

Jeanette, you are so right -- it was a transformer that blew -- it was old is what I was told. But it gave us an unusual and wonderful night.

You're going camping this weekend. What fun. Cleaning out the motor home (cause I thought we were going to be sleeping there), made me wish to do more camping. Actually we are planning a family get together in September -- to go to the Grand Canyon and do some camping -- me, DH, my two daughters and their husband/boyfriend. Haven't planned it all yet, but am looking forward to it.

Made my page count today by the skin of my chinny, chin, chin. Just went to a friend's house to borrow the movie South Pacific from her. There's a scene there I need to study a bit for a scene coming up shortly. She'll be bringing her cat over to our house next week as she and her DH go out of town.

Well, must get to bed. It's late and I should try to get an early start tomorrow. Have some wonderful workouts and a super day!:7
Hi all!

This morning's workout was Step Blast (3 combos) and then the abs/planks from SJP. Love this DVD, it's so fun and the music is inspiring too. I love Cathe's demeanor on this series. Hope the new ones aren't too serious. I thought she was more serious in the Hardcores.

Karen, glad you made your page count. South Pacific, huh? Don't think I've ever sat down and watched the whole movie.

Becky, sounds like you are doing good workouts too. I have HSC on tap for sometime later in my circuit rotation. It's a goodie.

Must run, Rhea, hope the heat's not getting to you.

Hello everyone!

Today I did Kickmax. I'll probably do some yoga after work today...I feel kind of stiff.

Karen, what are the names of your other 2 books? Congrats on making page count again.

Jeanette, I can't wait to try SB and SJP. I have them now but they aren't in my rotation. Only 2.5 more weeks and I'll get to try them. (although I might insert SB somewhere after a muscle workout)

Hi Becky,
I think you're in for a treat with SB & SJP. Actually, I've never done SJP in it's entirety yet, just bits and pieces. I have it on my rotation for tomorrow. Usually, I only have 1 hour to work out so a lot of times I have to cut a workout short. Love the music in those two.

I need to get in a yoga sometime too. Where does the time go?

Hey Jeanette -

Are you feeling any effects of the fire? We had burnt pine needles yesterday and this morning white ash all over the back yard. We are right in the pocket of that yucky smoke now. House is quite warm since you can't open the windows.

(hi everyone else, I have trial today, so just a fast note!)
Hi Everyone!:)

Am posting a little early today -- well, early for me. Worked out early this morning -- went for a 30 minute run -- including warm up and cool down -- think the actual time in a run was 22 minutes -- but did it before the day was too terribly hot. Then it was a stretch with Cathe on the ball. Love that ball.

I saw South Pacific when I was very young and never saw it again completely because of the incident where the young officer dies -- it so impressed me that I couldn't bear to see it again. But it has -- and of course I remembered it being an extensive scene -- but it has an under water love scene -- and this book I'm writing has alot of water scenes and so I wanted to reacquaint myself with it. Now when I watch it I can see that the under water love scene was very short...

KickMax, huh? Well done, Becky. My daughter tells me that's quite a workout. It's one I don't have. I, too, think you're in for a treat with Step Blast and SJP. I particularly like Step Blast.

Actually I've written and published lucky number 13 books -- but the most recent two with my new publisher is THE ANGEL AND THE WARRIOR and THE SPIRIT OF THE WOLF -- from Berkley Publishing Co. Wish I'd known about the name change, as I would have had other ideas...of well...

Hi Rhea. Have a good day in court today -- great to hear from you. Too bad your house is right in the smoke zone. And hopefully that fire will be out soon.

Well, it's off to work. Must make those page counts at this point -- actually can't go to sleep without them made -- in order to make this deadline. Sigh...

Have a terrific day everyone!:7
Hi all,
Rhea, we didn't have as much smoke as you being closer to the fire. Looks like they got a pretty good handle on it now. Any reasons how it started? Been scorching hot, huh?

Karen, sounds smart to get out early in the heat. Glad you are getting your pages in. Must be fascinating to create something. I am in awe of you.

Becky, hope you got a workout in today. Where is it that you live? Boy, it's been hot all over.

I have a short bike ride with the ladies (if anyone shows) right after work, then a bike trip organizational meeting. There are 5 of us doing a 5 day trip up in Bend, Oregon (2 days travel, 3 days cycling). Looking forward to it.

Also need to pack tonite for our camping trip. Will be leaving in the morning. Must do a little grocery shopping after the meeting.

Must run,

Hello ladies!

Today was my crazy workout. I did GS BSB timesaver, GS C&T timesaver, Lowmax, abs from Step Heat, and Stretchmax #3. Another 3 hour one!

I'm gonna need more stretching tonight so DH and I will do yoga (he's not as pink anymore...so he'll be able to).

I am kinda crazy right now with my workouts, but I only have 3 more weeks of freedom. 2nd year classes start on August 14th and then it is total studying. I hope to get in 60-80 minute workouts 6 day/week (before class) then though. I may still do more, but the add-on will be reading (studying) on the elliptical after class (and that doesn't elevate the HR too much...but I focus better while moving my body).

I am loving this summer. I have never been in this good of shape. :)

I hope everyone has great workouts today. I sure did!

Hi Jeanette & Becky & Rhea & Natalie!:)

Oh my gosh, Becky, another 3 hour workout. Wow. I can understand, however, wanting to get in as much as you can before classes start. And you're going into your 2nd year -- such a well done.

Jeanette, hope you have a nice ride tonight -- I'd forgotten about that bike ride you have planned in Oregon -- I'm in awe. It will probably be one of the most beautiful experiences. Have fun on your packing, as well. Once this deadline is over, I want to do some camping, as well.

Made my page count yesterday, but then, again, I have to -- will have to stay up no matter how long, until it is met, unfortunately. I'd like to not get in this rut with the next book -- and just steadily work on it. Since I only have one book coming out this year and next, that shouldn't be too hard to do. It's only when there's books 6-7 months apart that I struggle with these deadlines. Thanks for your compliment -- makes my heart sing.:7

It was MM for me today -- the premix 56 minute workout. Say, that's a good workout -- I don't do it often, and I probably should. Also, took a short 20-25 minute walk before working out this morning, just to get out in the sunshine, cause once I sit down to the computer, I'm pretty much tied to it all day.

Have a fabulous day, everyone -- and great workouts yet today or tomorrow!:7
Hello everyone!

Rhea, hope your trial went well (or is going well)

Jeanette, I forgot to answer your question yesterday about where I live. I live in Tallahassee, Fl (the armpit of Florida). It is about 1.5 hours from the beach, and I miss the beach. DH and I will probably be moving to Pensacola, Fl (Gulf Coast...Panhandle) next June for 3rd and 4th years of med school (FSU COM does satellite campuses for clinical rotations) and then we will be back by the beach! We did undergrad in Pensacola and really took the beach for granted. I miss it!!!

Karen, congrats once again on your page count. MM is a pretty hard workout. Good job on that one!

Today I did iTrain for the first time (whoa!!!). I did iTread #7 (the 40 minute one) and then segment 2 of Coremax and segment 2 of Stretchmax (today was an on-the-ball day). iTread really makes you work! I have never worked that hard on a TM before, and this was one of the iTreads without sprints. But, as one of the quotes on one the member's signatures says, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

I hope everyone has great workouts (and a great day) today!

Hi Ladies!:)

Have been getting in my workouts a little earlier so that once I sit down at the computer, I don't have to get up again -- and can just concentrate. Have about 60-70 more pages to write and then edit -- this next week will most likely be intense.

Becky, I'm not familiar with iTrain or iTread -- I'm assuming that iTread is on the Tread machine. That's great that it really challenged you.

I think I've driven through Tallahassee, but haven't actually been there. However, I have been to Pensacola -- did a booksigning there years ago -- almost 8 or 9 years ago now. I think we did the signing at a military base -- is there a military base there? I remember my roommate getting up early the day of our signing to go and play in the waves -- and ended up body surfing alongside a dolphin. A beautiful experience and a beautiful city.

Anyway, it was a Sprint 9 for me today -- almost went to 10 sprints, but by the time I finished 9, it was already very hot and humid outside and so I called it quits at 9. Total of 45 minute workout including warm up and cool down and stretch.

Hope all is well with you, Rhea and Jeanette -- I'm sure you're getting ready to go camping, huh, Jeanette.

Well, it's back to writing. This particular book is not only a romance and Native American -- it is also a "who done it" book and so there are a lot of threads I have dangling right now -- I think it's why this book seems a little harder to write -- anyway, whatever, Have a simply wonderful day, everyone and terrific workouts!:7
Hello ladies.

Karen, yes iTread is for the treadmill. It is an mp3 file (which I converted to be able to use on my iPod) and it has music and a trainer who pushes you to increase speed, increase incline (just like you are running on a hilly course).

Today I did MM and then part of SB (the warm-up, first combo, second combo, and stretch). SB was fun! I set it up to only do that much cardio since my muscles were fried from MM, but after the 2nd combo I wished I had just done the whole thing! Oh well...time constraints...I had to clean the house this AM (DH helped :) ) and vaccuum the floors really well because the pest guy is coming today to spray for fleas.

Ever since that leak when they cut a hole in my ceiling (which is now fixed), I have had flea issues (Frontline worked...but only after a flea bit, so my yorkie was getting really flea-bitten!). This spray should take care of all that.

Oh, I have something really exciting to say:

I fit into a size 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a size 8 (sometimes even 10), but lately I have been fitting into my 6s recently. I went consigment shopping yesterday and found 2 pairs of GAP jeans that fit me great...and they are size 4! I am so excited. I was so excited about it last night that even though I had worked out in the AM I did 35 more minutes of cardio in the PM (first part of Step Jam) to celebrate. What motivation!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday.


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