KK's July Check-In

Hi Becky & Jeanette & Natalie & Reah!:7

Wow, looks like it was a great weekend, huh?

Becky -- you diet sounds interesting -- following the food pyramid -- am glad to hear it's working for you and that you lost a little more weight. And well done on cutting out the Diet Coke. I know how hard that can be so -- again, well done and continue.

Remember when I gave up coffee, I had a headache the first day, but after that it went away and the urge to drink coffee all the time, went away, too.

Hi Natalie! So nice to see you here again. It's always a treat when you stop by. Great on losing that 2 lbs. And great on keeping going with exercise, even if not doing videos or Cathe right now. I haven't gotten to that point of needing a break from Cathe, but am just glad that you're keeping at it.

And Jeanette, how was the family reunion? What's a family reunion without a little overeating, huh? We celebrated both of my daughter's birthdays today -- and I'd make carrot cake cupcakes for them -- and I'm afraid I ate a bit too much, as well.

Great on your bike ride, too -- by the way, what's a chip sealed road? I've heard such good things about the GS legs -- but I'm still kinda holding out for the CTX seris.

Becky, I'll be interested to hear about your rotation, as well. Sounds like a really good one.

Anyway, usually post what I intend doing for my rotation for the upcoming week, so here goes:

Mon: Sprint 8 if I get up early enough and it's cool out, if not IMAX2

Tues: Muscle Endurance -- keeping this one in until I can do it without strain

Wed: Cardio & Stretch

Thurs: Supersets

Friday: IMAX3

Sat: Circuit workout

Sun: off

On Sat, I did the original IMAX -- 8 intervals instead of 10 -- loved the workout and today I did only a short TJ's workout as I had to clean house quickly and get to the birthday party.

Have a super day tomorrow, everyone and wonderful workouts.

PS Rhea, hope your weekend was great!
Hello ladies!

Today I started the Hardcore Fat Loss rotation. I did IMAX 3 and after work I'll do Coremax segment 3 and some yoga w/ DH. I think I drank too much water during this workout, though, because I got really queasy and overheated. Little sips for me from now on, not actual drinks.

Karen, I love the original IMAX. It is really intense.

I hope everyone has great workouts and a great Monday!
Good morning ladies:

Becky, doing yoga with DH, no, I can't picture that happening yet with my DH, but you never know. I hope to someday get him to do a Cathe weight work DVD with me. I did get him to do a Gilad a couple weeks ago, bout killed him!

I haven't picked a rotation yet, just trying out my new Cathe DVD's. Today's workout was 26 minute step only premix from SJP/Step Blast, abs/planks from SJP and then did GS Shoulders.

I have a bike time trial tomorrow night (really tough!) I borrowed some aero bars from a friend. We'll see if my time has improved. Hard to tell from the last time as it was really windy and everyone's time was lower. I've been enjoying the aero bars. Will have someone more experienced see if I have them set up right on my bike.

Karen, hope you get your pages written today. Are your daughters still with you? Have you been able to start the Tai Chi yet?

After my bike ride yesterday, did a bunch of yardwork (weed eating, picking up limbs). Today will be a long day at work as I'm usually still tired from the weekend. Need to be recovered by tomorrow though, for the time trial.

Good workouts to everyone today!

Just a quick HI!! No time to really post, but wanted to tell you that I've been lurking and reading at least. Have a great day and hope to get back to "talk" more later.
Hi Everyone!:)

It was Sprint 8 -- only I did 10 intervals -- for me today. Was up at 6AM and it was still cool, so I did the sprinting while it was still nice outside. A Great way to start the day!:D

Becky -- yes, I think you hit it right on -- just little sips as you go through the workout. I almost always drink a full glass of water, however, about 10-15 minutes before I work out, though -- and then just little sips.

Yoga with your DH. Wow! That's wonderful -- I can't envision my DH doing that either -- though I did get him to do a Tai Bo workout with me once -- and one time he did a little bit of a Cathe workout with me. But he works construction, so gets quite a bit of exercise at work. Have fun!

Jeanette, hope that Time Trail will be better than the year previous -- keep us informed. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I love those premixes with these workouts. One of the things I like most about Cathe's DVD's, outside of the workouts, themselves, are those premixes.

Anyway, I haven't started the Tai Chi yet -- probably once this deadline is finished, though. Hard to think of too much else.

We had a great time with the girls yesterday, but they are off on their own today -- Trina went to Las Vegas with her new boyfriend and Alyssa lives in LA and is married...so she's at home. Didn't get a workout in with Trina, as she was just too, too busy while she was here.

Went and looked at both your picture sites, Jeanette and Becky. You are both so pretty. Of course I know already that you are, Jeanette, but it was good to see picts of the family and animals. And Becky, you are so pretty. Loved the picture of the wedding, too.

Hi Rhea! Nice to see your post, darlin' (can you tell I'm from LA)?

Okay, back to work for me. Lunch, then work -- not too many pages written today, but I'm not too worried as I'll be working on it the rest of the day.

Have a super day everyone!:7
Thanks for the compliments Karen! Last night I added some fitness pics to our website too...sort of "after" my 1 month of cardio with Cathe and "before" my Hardcore Fat Loss rotation.

It is actually pretty easy to get DH to do yoga. He'd much rather do that than go running. Back in March he started to get migraines again (brought on by tension headaches). Imitrex is pretty expensive and I am not really comfortable about chiropractors, so we decided to try yoga as a preventative of the tension headaches. It took about a week, but it started to work. Stretching out and then relaxing in corpse pose (shavasana) really loosens up the muscles in his neck/shoulders/back and he doesn't have those headaches anymore. He used to come home and have a beer after a stressful day at work, but now he comes home and does yoga instead. I love that! (But I still make him do cardio at least 3 times a week)

Today was day 2 of the fat loss rotation. I did MuscleMax. That ab section at the end is killer! After work DH and I will do a 25-30 min run.

I hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning ladies:

Today's workout was GS Biceps and then the 4 hi/lo portions from SJP. I had fun in this workout. However, I usually have the door to the back yard opened for ventilation while I work out and guess there was a skunk nearby. Our German Shorthair got sprayed, then ran back in the house. DH will give her a bath after work today.

I have a bike time trial tonite. Hopefully, it won't be too windy, though we had wind yesterday afternoon. I'll have to deal with what comes.

Nice pictures, Becky! How luck for you to have DH doing yoga with you. Nope, my DH still comes home and grabs a beer. I can only dream...

Karen, so nice for you to have your daughters to visit. My kids (3) are all pretty close by so I get to see them often. Yes, the premixes are sooo valuable. Totally worth the $. Hope you can get CTX soon. It's the greatest! I liked GS biceps today. I didn't feel there was that much for shoulders in GS, guess I expected more.

Rhea, hopefully work will ease up for you. I'm really busy right now as a gal promoted and left and I'm assuming a lot of her duties until they fill the position.

Must run,

Hi Jeanette & Becky & Rhea & Natalie!;-)

Well, today was a pretty good day, made my page count of 10 pages -- of course, goodness knows if they're any good. We'll see tomorrow. A little less than 3 weeks left to deadline and have about 120 pages left to write. :eek:

It was Supersets for me today -- had ME scheduled, but found after yesterdays sprints that I was a little too sore for ME, and Supersets is a little easier for me cause I love that ball. Really like that workout. Actually feel it makes me stronger. Has to do with that ball somehow, I think.

Anyway, Becky, of course, I had to go and look at the new picts. You really are pretty, and you look so sunny, too. If I were your mom, I'd be proud.

Isn't that abs section on MuscleMax a killer? The only one that I think compares -- of course I don't have all the DVD's -- is Muscle Endurance. Both are killer abs, I think.

Wow, that's quite a nice story about your DH and yoga. I know that since I've added stretching at least once a week to my routine, I see a chiro less.

Jeanette, how was your Time Trail? Hope you beat your time from last year. You had me laughing with the skunk story. It's good that your DH is going to do the washing of the dog, huh?

You're busy with work, too, huh? Am so glad that you find the time, however, to keep posting. I really look forward to this time of day every day. Also, I didn't know you had 3 sons. I knew you had two, but not three. That is great that they all live close to you. I know I really miss Trina cause I don't get to see her that often. Whereas Alyssa lives close and so I get to see her more often.

Anyway, we had a "situation" tonight with our older kitty. She may be trying to die, we're not sure -- but she crawled under our spa (which we have never used except once or twice when we didn't have air conditioning, we used it as a pool, and it didn't work well for that either -- it leaks) -- so the area's kind of falling apart and my DH had to crawl underneath all the boards to get the cat -- of course I was concerned cause I know there's black widows under there, as well. But she was still alive and so we have her with us now. It breaks my heart to see her this way -- she's losing weight and her body just isn't responding.

But at least we have her for a little bit longer.

Well, it's to bed for me and then up early tomorrow for another page count.

Have a super day everyone and wonderful workouts! :7
Hi ladies,
Just a quick note as I'm watching the Tour this morning. Did Supersets. Loved it! My biceps were a'burning, especially after doing GS biceps yesterday.

My bike time trial was very good! Unfortunately, it was very windy, BUT, I did better my time from last month (a windy time trial also) by a minute and a half, so I was tickled. Hopefully, next month's time trial will be wind free. I really pushed myself and the aero bars were a help.

Oh yeah, DH cleaned up our dog last night, she doesn't smell any more. We used hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and shampoo. She didn't get a direct hit by the skunk so wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Must run, so sorry about your kitty no being well, Karen.

Hi ladies

Today was Kickmax for me. DH and I will do yoga tonight after work. My abs are really still burning from MM yesterday!

Jeanette, congrats on your time trial. I'm glad your dog isn't smelly anymore.

Karen, good job on the page count. Is it humid in LA? I was wondering since you did run/sprints outside yesterday. Here in Tallahasse, Fl, it is pretty much humid all day long and I have to be really motivated to run outside (at least in July/August). I'm sorry about your kitty.
Oh, and thank you for your compliments Karen.

I hope everyone has great workouts today.

Hi Everyone!:)

Becky, my daughter has KickMax (I got it for her for her birthday) and she, too, loves it. I have Kick, Punch & Crunch (KPC) and love it. But I have heard that KickMax is even more intense than KPC. So well done.

It's a little like desert here and so it gets really, really hot during the day, but then generally cools off at night -- so the best time to work out -- if one is going to be outside -- is in the morning, as it's still usually cool. However, last week and the week before it was humid here and hot even in the evenings and morning.

I remember the humid weather in Florida -- when my kids were young, we lived in the Clearwater area for about 3 years. Sometimes, I remember it feeling like a sauna outside...

Jeanette, that's great about your Time Trial. Yea! 1 1/2 minutes even with the wind. As you know, I, too, love Supersets -- yes, come to think of it, those biceps are a good workout, aren't they? I love that ball so much, that sometimes I don't notice how tough a workout is.

It's great that you DH washed the dog, as well.

We've been talking to our kitty and telling her how much she's loved, but if she wants to "end the game" so to speak, it's her decision. (She's quite old, though we don't really know how old she is cause she came to us as an older kitty). But we're still hoping she might make a recovery.

It was a 35 minute power walk for me today, along with the 1st stretch on StretchMax. Might go out for another walk later on today.

Hi Rhea, if you're peeping in. Hope work is going well.

Well, it's back to work. I'm about 3 pages away from making that page count... pant...pant...

Have a super day and great workouts tomorrow! :7
Morning ladies,
Hope to have more time to write tomorrow (my day off).

This morning was combos 1,2 & 3 from Step Blast (fun) and then the abs/planks from SJP. I have an easy bike ride tonite with the ladies. I'm doing a metric century (organized ride) in the Fall River Mills area on Saturday. Will be around 100 degrees I'm afraid so we'll start riding early. I love this ride so much.

Becky, I'm envious of you doing yoga with your DH. I have yoga on tap for tomorrow (my day off from work). I did work out DH on the Bowflex last night.

Karen, hope you have a great day of writing/working out. Hope your kitty is better but if it's her time, I know you'll let her go. Can be such a sad time, I know this for sure.

Must run and watch the Tour.

Today was a crazy workout.

I started with GS Back, Shoulders, and Biceps timesaver(omitting strech)followed by GS chest and triceps timesaver (omitting warmup). Then I did LowMax followed by stretchmax #3.

DH and I will do some relaxing yoga tonight after work (unless we stay at the pool too long)

Karen, good job on your page counts. It seems as if you are consistantly meeting your goals.

Jeanette, you may be envious of the yoga, but I am envious of your biking. I need to get a bike!

Oh, one last thing I have to share: I got to use a Stryker saw (cuts through casts and bones) yesterday to open up skulls for all the first year medical students. I've never done that before. I always thought orthopedics was out of my league since I have always had a really weak upper body, but after Cathe and the fun time I had cutting bone, I guess I can't rule it out. :)

Have a great day ladies!
Hi Becky & Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie!:)

Well, first I should say that I have sad news. Our kitty didn't last through the night, and we buried her this morning. However, day before yesterday, when she went into hiding, my hubby and I had asked her to stick around us, that if she was intending to leave us, we wanted to be there at the end, and so she did stay around us all day. It happened last night, and we were all there with her, petting her as she departed from us -- my hubby, me and my brother-in-law.

When we had taken her to the vet -- about 2 weeks ago, he said that there was nothing wrong with her -- no cancer and the infection she'd had was almost cleared up -- but that she was old and her body was starting to fail her. So I guess she died of old age.

It is sad. I took the morning off cause I simply couldn't concentrate. Haven't made my target today, but I gues that's to be expected today. We will miss her.

Exercise wise, it was the ME premix -- which is a great workout. I also took about a 40 minute walk -- not so much for exercise as to just get out and look at things.

Jeanette -- your ride sounds really wonderful. I, too, like Becky want to get out there and ride. Need to get my bike fixed still -- will do it, I think, after deadline. 100 degrees will be...well, it won't be great, but the fact that you love the ride should conquer that, I hope.

Becky -- your workout -- wow, what a workout -- what was the time on it? 1 1/2 or 2 hours? Looks like you really are going for it.

That's so cool about your win with the Stryker saw. Yeah, isn't Cathe great? I'm impressed that you sawed bones...:eek:

Well, sorry to have some bad news. Like I said, I will miss her company -- she was such a sweet cat. And I hope that she will go on and be the light of someone's eyes now.

Have a terrific day and absolutely super workouts, everyone.:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Natalie, Becky & Jeanie!

No workout for me today, I have lots to do to get ready to leave for my bike ride. It's in the morning, but I'm driving to it today and spending the night (tent camping) and getting up early to ride as it'll be hot. Should be fun!

Karen, so very, very sorry about your kitty. I know how much it hurts... But yes, I'm sure she's soaking up sunshine, smelling the flowers, creeeping up on birds, all that kitty stuff. Hang in there, okay?

Becky, sounds like quite the long workout you did! What an animal!!! I guess when I'm riding, I would be working out a lot (timewise), but I don't even think of it as a workout, just my shorter HARD rides. My long rides are considered more endurance for me. Glad you liked the saw. Ooh, cutting bone, did you practice on animal bones?

Hope everyone has a good day today. I'll check in tomorrow or the next day and let you know how my ride went.

Hi everyone!

I've been here, lurking, reading again, just not posting.

Karen, I'm so sorry about your kitty. I'm sure she hung on so that she would have your company at the end. We had a kitty that got poisoned and he hung on for almost two days until we found him, then he let go. Okay, now I'm sitting here at work with the tears....geeze.

Jeanette - good luck with the ride. I'm helping out at the member-guest golf tournament this weekend, so I'm busy at the golf course. I've got to sneak in some weed spraying somehow.

Becky - wow, sawing skulls for the med students, huh? I don't know if I could handle that....And what an animal with the workout! Whoo hoo!

Well, have a great weekend everyone!
Hello ladies.

Today I did a 25 minute run in the Florida heat (yes, I must be crazy.) It was supposed to be 30 minutes, but the heat was unbarable. I should be getting some new Cathe DVDs today, so I intend to do Step Blast later. I'll also do Coremax#3 and Stretchmax#2.

Karen, I too am sorry about your kitty. I know how much I love my furry "children" and I really do send out my sympathies.

Jeanette, have fun on your ride. I wish you good weather.

Rhea, good to "see" you.

The sawing was on human cadavers. We had to remove the cranium so the first-years could learn the brains better. My workout yesterday was actually pushing 3 hours...yes I am insane. (30 minutes of that was stretching though) Believe it or not, I am not in excruciating pain today either. Just a bit tired (hence why I slept in and didn't get more workout in this AM)

Tomorrow we are going tubing on some river here. I have never been tubing before, so I am excited (although rain may wash us out...it just started raining). I also plan on doing MM in the AM with a jog if I get the chance.

Everyone have a wonderful Friday night. (My DH and I are total nerds, so we'll be watching the season premier of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis on the SciFi channel tonight :) )

Oh, Becky, thank you so much for reminding me. I almost forgot about the seasons starting. The only thing is....DH and I have caught up with both shows by watching them on Netflix. Except for last season, so I'm not sure if I want to watch or wait until the DVDs for last season come out and then try to catch up. We didn't start netflix until this last winter, so we started Stargate from season one. Totally fun thing to do....watch it end to end.
Hi Everyone!:)

Had computer problems today and couldn't get online until tonight.

Jeanette --have a super ride tomorrow -- I'll be thinking about you and hoping it's not 100 degrees.

Becky -- wow! 3hours -- even with a 1/2 stretch, that's a lot. Do you have BodyMax, by any chance? It's an 1 1/2 hour workout that I totally love, but don't often have the time to do it. It has everything in one workout, cardio, anaerobics, plyometrics, strength and stretching.

Have fun tubing -- many years ago some friends of mine and I did this Nebraska -- on a wonderful river --would love to do it again in Montana, as well. I didn't know Florida had these kinds of things, and I bet you'll have a blast.

Rhea -- so good to hear from you. Have fun at the golf tournament tomorrow. Sorry to hear about your kitty, too. Yes, I do miss her. I think that one of my other kitties must know that I am sad about it -- Kali -- she's been with me all day -- everywhere I've gone, she's been right there with me -- it's been really nice to have her -- I write better when I have a kitty around me.:eek:

Rhea & Becky -- I, too, love Stargate, but we don't actually get TV, so we have to buy the episodes -- but Rhea, what a great idea -- to get them on NetFlix. I'm going to have to check that out.

Well, have a great weekend, everybody! Wishing you all great workouts and fun on your rides and tournaments -- and of course TV watching, too.:7
Hello ladies!

Today I did MM and then went for a 2 mile run.

We went tubing today. DH looks like a lobster. I am not sure if it is all sunburn or a combo of sunburn and a rubber burn.

Crazy thing happened today: our keys fell out of DH's swimming trunks pocket. We backtracked for quite some time, but couldn't find them. So, we just decided we'd call AAA (thank goodness for that service!) and have them open it up. My keys were in the trunk. Well, the locksmith couldn't get our car unlocked! After a 1/2 hour of trying he was getting ready to give up when someone came and asked us if the keys they had found were ours. They were! Out of all the places a person could have rented their tubes, they rented them at the same place and found our keys! What luck!

Anyway, I hope everyone had a less eventful day than me. I know my arms will be killing me tomorrow due to 1) the MM and 2) all the paddling I did to steere my tube away from fallen trees/rocks/seaweed stuff.

So glad that tomorrow is a rest day (although I did receive 3 new Cathe DVDs in the mail today...KPC/LG, SJP/SB, and BC/ME.) We'll see if I am able to keep myself from doing one of them. :) They aren't called for in my current rotation, but I might add one of the cardio ones on after a MM next week instead of a run.


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