KK's July Check-In

Hi Becky & Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie!:)

Wow, Becky, I am so pleased for you! A size 4 -- what a win!! You have a right to be excited. So, was your celebration more workouts? Again, well done, Becky, and continue!:7

It's been such a busy weekend that I haven't had time to post. Yesterday I did a premix (46 min) on SJP -- first time I've done that workout -- and it's a terrific workout. There's no abs on the 46 minute workout, but I loved it just the same. Today was my day off.

Made my page count yesterday, but today, I had a christening to go to and then it was home and supper to fix and such. I fix alot of stocks (beef and chicken) and ferment alot of my foods and so it's alot of kitchen work sometimes. Once the stocks are made -- they usually last in the freezer for a month and so I don't have much work to do, but when I have to make them all at the same time...:eek:

Am down to 7 days to deadline -- thought I was only 4 or 5 scenes away from the end, but it turns out I need another couple of scenes. Oh, well.

So I must get to bed and then up early to get a fresh start.

Here's the plan for the coming week:

Mon: IMAX2

Tues: ME (love this workout)

Wed: cardio (probably a run) and stretch

Thurs: Supersets plus a little cardio

Friday: Sprint 8 or Sprint 10 outside -- as long as it's not too hot

Sat: A circuit workout

Sun: Off

Hope you had a great weekend Jeanette & Rhea! And you, too, Becky. Glad you liked SB, by the way. I thought it was great, as well.

Okay, so I'm off to get ready for bed. Geez, it's hot here -- got up to 116 here in the Valley on Saturday.

Have a great day and wonderful workouts, everyone!:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Jeanette, and Natalie

Yesterday was a rest day and DH and I did 35 minutes of yoga.

Today was High Step Challenge for me. DH and I are going to go do the elliptical machines at our apartment complex gym tonight...probably just 20-25 minutes (trying to build his cardio-capacity back up after an ankle injury)

Karen, I hear IMAX 2 is fun. I hope you have a blast. (I don't have it scheduled for me for 3 more weeks)

I hope everyone has a great day and great workouts!

Hi ladies,
Becky, what a coincidence! It was High Step Challenge for me too. I did the 51 minute timesaver premix though. I'm doing a month of circuits, though I've been sidetracked a little. I will be on vacation (cycling vacation with 4 other ladies up in Bend, OR) next week, so will be minus any weight workouts, just cardio with the bikes. Nice you and DH work out together. Hopefully, my DH will want to work out this week. I've been watching the Tour de France for the last 3 weeks and it gets over at 8 p.m. so it was tough to get our workout in.

Karen, glad you are getting your writing in. You must be weaving a pretty good web with your new book. Is this the one with the archaeology in it? 116 degrees in the valley, wow! I'd be holed up by the swamp cooler, that's for sure.

Almost forgot, our camping weekend was really nice. Up where we were it was in the 80's, compared to low 100's at home, so a nice change to go up there. DH and I did some pretty fun quad rides and the dogs had a ball. Very relaxing. We got everything unloaded and cleaned up for the next time.

Have a massage tonite after work :7

Hi Jeanette & Becky & Rhea & Natalie!:)

We are having server problems with our internet -- Verizon is not giving us the best of service right now -- we've been a week waiting for our DSL to be rehooked up and it was supposed to be done today -- so now we don't have DSL or a dialtone for dial up. x(

So I'm on my neighbor's computer right now.

Anyway, Becky and Jeanette, I love High Step Challenge -- it's one of my favorites. And I really like the 51 minute premix -- as well as the 30 minute one. Love those premixes.

So glad your camping trip was good, Jenaette. I was thinking about you today and how much fun you'd be having. So glad it was cooler. Apparently, we're supposed to have this same kind of weather for another 2 weeks. Hmmm. Our poor air conditioner is really straining...

Becky, it sounds like so much fun doing your workouts with your DH. What a great thing to do with each other.

I love IMAX2 -- it's my favorite of the IMAX's. Interesting thing is that I didn't really want to work out this morning -- was hot in the house and didn't want to get into it -- and so I forced myself to work out, and it went well. That was a win.

Oh, Jeanette, I so envy you your bike vacation. Have a blast, just have a blast.

Anyway, like I said, I'm at my neigbor's so I have to get going.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow and terrific workouts everyone. :7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Becky & Natalie:

It was CTX All Step for me plus the step, abs and planks from CTX Power Circuit. Good workout. I plan on doing a bike hill climb tonite after it cools down a little.

Last night, after my lovely massage, came home and worked out DH on the Bowflex. Hopefully, he's back in the groove motivation wise. I think the heat is also a factor for him. After putting in a hard day at work, it's hard to want to come home and work out some more, but oh well.

Karen, hope the DSL problems get resolved for you. We get pretty dependent on our technology nowadays. Think you have ME today. Enjoy it, it's been a while since I've done it in it's entirety. I'm doing a rotation of circuits so probably won't be doing it very soon.

Rhea, hope you are coping in this heat and that you have a good A/C at work. Where I work, we have A/C but other offices here don't. I feel sorry for them. I get cranky when I'm too hot.

Becky, so nice you get to work out with your DH. I like working out with mine but he's definitely not as motivated as I am, though he does push himself when we are working out.

Must run,

Good morning!

Jeanette, DH isn't really motivated when it comes to cardio/weights, but he loves yoga (it relaxes him).

We weren't able to do ellipticals last night because they were taken, so he worked on the computer and I did SB 1,2,3 combo premix instead (in addition to HSC in the AM). We did 35 minutes of yoga before bed to stretch/relax us.

This morning we did get to do 20 minutes on the ellipticals (I meant to do iClimb with it, but I hadn't updated my iPod, so it isn't on there yet). Then I did LowMax and CoreMax complete core premix. We'll do more yoga tonight before bed.

All you ladies in California, I hope you aren't too hot! CNN keeps talking about how bad the heat is there. Florida is usually pretty hot, but it is definately not that hot right now. We've been getting afternoon showers (normal for the summer) and that cools things down, but then keeps it kind of humid too. Is everyone else in this check-in from California? I know Karen is, but not sure about everyone else.

Oh, and I pre-ordered the new DVDs yesterday. I am so excited!

Hi All!

Becky - Believe it or not Jeanette and I even live in the same small northern CA town! And it has been hot here. What is unusual is that it is not cooling off much in the night. We live about 4255 elevation on the edge of the eastern side of the Sierra Nevadas. You'd think that we would get the coolness from the mountains, not!

Jeanette - I have a/c at work, but I currently have a piece of cardboard in the vent because it blows directly over my computer....I freeze. I have a fan for circulation. We finally bought a swamp cooler and so I can start up the workouts again. Yesterday was my first day, but I did it about 5:30 p.m., so it still was a little too warm. I did some cardio and then did Push/Pull.

Karen - hows the page count? I know you will make the deadline, you always do.

Well, gotta run, haven't accomplished a thing yet this morning!
Hi Jeanette & Becky & Rhea & Natalie!

Well,it wasn't quite as hot here today as usual. Hot, but not as hot, thank goodness. And tonight it cooled down to about 75 or 80 --just came back from a walk with my DH cause it was so nice. (It's been so hot and our poor air-conditioner is straining so much, that my DH and I have been sleeping in the Livingroom cause it's cooler there...

Anyway, it's nice to hear from you again, Rhea. How's the work load going? Great that you got that swamp cooler -- I think Jeanette has one, too, don't you, Jeanette? And glad to see you were able to get a workout in, too, despite this heat.

Becky, hi! I love LowMax, too. But you even added CoreMax -- that's great. Don't do LowMax that often cause the higher step usually makes my back go out -- so I tend to do the other IMAX's cause the step height is lower.

Anyway, let's see, Natalie is from somewhere in the East, though I can't remember exactly where -- and sometimes Jeanie will visit us -- not too often, but Jeanie is from PA, I believe. Other than that, we're from CA. I still remember when Jeanette & Rhea realized they lived in the same town...

By the way, I know this is probably a silly question, but what are ellipiticals? Just wondering.

Jeanette -- So glad you enjoyed that massage. And the CTX series -- it's still the series that I want to get next. All circuit workouts,huh? I bet that keeps you on your toes.

My DH is much the same. He and my brother-in-law do physical work all day long and so the last thing they want to do would be a workout -- their work is sort of like a workout.

That is so cool that you preordered the new DVD's, Becky. I know that Jeanette and I have preordered them, as well. Have you, Rhea? I can't remember. Can't wait for them to come out.

Well, 6 days now and counting to deadline. I figure I have to write 3 scenes a day now to make the deadline and still have a few days to do the edits. Made the page count today, plus 3 scenes. I'm at that point in the book where it just needs to be written to the end, so besides the 10 pages a day, I now need to do 3 complete scenes a day. And then edits. Boy, will I be glad when this is done.

Oh, and workout wise for me it was ME, the full workout. I love this workout. I love the fact that I work so hard during it, love the tough biceps and legwork, and love the way I feel after the workout.

Tomorrow is a cardio day and stretch. Might run outside, I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, have some wonderful workouts tomorrow and have a terrific day!:7
Good morning ladies!

Karen, an elliptical machine is a cross between a treadmill and a stepper, or I guess one could also call it a cross between a treadmill and a cycle. You are sort of running without impact on your knees.

Today I did HardCore Extreme Interval Circuit and I inserted 100 crunches right before the stretch (since this w/o doesn't do abs and I just felt I needed a bit of abs).

Good luck on those page counts Karen!

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday and great workouts!

Good morning ladies,
Today's workout was Push/Pull from the Body Blast Series. First time for me and after starting Supersets by mistake, switched over. Like you, Karen, I like the work on the ball. I enjoyed the workout, though I don't feel you get as thoroughly worked out. Next time I may go with heavier weights.

Becky, way to go on HIC. That's one I don't have yet. I do have so many circuit workouts that I don't use that much (that's why I'm doing this current rotation).

Last night did a hill climb (Rhea, it was the dreaded Janesville Grade). It is 4.83 miles from the bottom of the hill, but it is the hardest hill I've ever encountered in my short 5 years of riding. I rode with a girlfriend and we both made it to the top without stopping. My heart rate stayed good and I don't think I struggled as much as when I did it 3 years ago. Took me 51 minutes to get to the top. There are times when I am going around 4 mph. Believe me, it's a challenge.

Becky, 3 of us (Karen, Rhea and I) are from California, and Rhea and I live in the same town. The other 2 ladies are from the east coast.

Rhea, glad you aren't too hot, but I don't like to be too cold either. Boy, we're hard to please aren't we? And when you work in an office with a bunch of ladies that all have different temperature likes, it can be a challenge.

Must go now. Haircut after work and then work out DH on the Bowflex.

Hello all!

Well, learned that I still can't do some of my favorite cardios, even with the swamp cooler. I tried to do Step Blast yesterday evening and wore out about the third section. My body got just too hot. So I managed to get through the third song, but really did low impact for the challenge and didn't finish. I guess I have to leave the IMaxes, and higher intensity cardios for later when it is cooler. I think I'll do Supersets today. My buns and inner thighs are quite sore from Push/Pull on Monday.

Well, gotta run, still in trial prep and am supposed to be working right now.
Hi Everybody!:)

It was a fairly easy day for me today. Out early with a 30 minute run (including warm up and cool down) and then a stretch on the ball. Really do like that ball.

Jeanette, I feel the same way about Push/Pull, but I still like the workout. Everytime I do it, I have to remind myself to go heavier, as well.

Rhea, too bad it's so darn hot, huh? Good for you for sticking it out as much as you did. For a while, I had stopped sprinting outside due to heat and the pollen, but lsat night it was cooler here and so this morning, I was able to get in that run. It's not so cool tonight...

Also have Supersets on my schedule for tomorrow. Really like working out on that ball.

Becky -- well done on the HIC -- it's a workout that I don't have either, and adding on the abs is a great idea. I'm taking a page from your book, however, and adding on little things -- like tomorrow, I'll add on a little cardio as well as Supersets.

Oh, and thanks for clarifying what that -- I tried to spell it and couldn't -- the treadmill/step thing is. ;-)

Jeanette, what a hill. And 51 minutes. That's so cool that you did it, though. Love that you keep at it.

It is a strain sometimes when so many people like different kinds of temperatures. I've done so many tours with ladies who all have different temperature likes and dislikes that I usually bring put on/take off clothes -- like jackets and such. It helps a little, I think.

Okay, so made the page count, but not the scene count. However, my word count is good and so pages aren't as important anymore as simply getting the rest of the scenes written and the book done. I'm shooting to actually get to the end of the book tomorrow --would mean about 5-6 scenes and I don't really think I can do it, but I'm shooting for it.:eek:

Oh, by the way, my right knee, that I injured a couple of years ago while doing a FIRM workout on the high step, is almost healed now -- due to a massage a friend/chiro gave me a couple of weeks ago. I'm amazed because I've had he injury for a couple of years now -- and usually wear a knee guard when I work out. Just thought I'd mention it, as it's a bit of a win.

Have a great eveniing, wonderful workouts tomorrow and a super day everyone.:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Becky, Natalie & Jeanie:

It was Imax 2 (premix 1-5) for me this morning. Will do a bike ride tonite with a girlfriend when it gets a little cooler. I'll be taking my good bike in to the shop today for the replacement of a part so will be riding my older, heavier bike. Should get a good workout in.

Had a haircut after work last night. Looks nice, though I never stray far from the same shape.

Will be selling my horse so need to concentrate on that when I get him back from my daughter's ranch. There are some websites I can use to sell him and I'd like to do it before winter.

DH and I are probably doing an overnight tent camping trip this Saturday afternoon. Will also take the quads and dogs. I'm going to try to streamline what we take and make it real easy. We'll only be about a 20 minute drive from town so won't spend too much on fuel.

Rhea, sorry it's too hot to workout for you. I was warm this morning with a shortened Imax2 but still enjoyed it as I knew I could hang on for 5 intervals. Looks like the heat wave will be over soon. I checked Bend, Oregon's weather for next week and it should be nice for our cycling trip starting on Monday.

Karen, I'm so glad your knee is doing well. You are always good for finding other ways to get things done (non-traditional) and I applaud you. Also good job on your writing and meeting goals. You are so strong minded and I admire and appreciate that in you.

Becky, what workout did you get in? Always like to read about it and see if your DH is working out with you. Think I will work DH out on the Bowflex tonite, though I'd love to throw in a DVD and have someone else tell him what to do sometime...

Must run,

Great workouts today, ladies.

Good morning ladies!

Today I did iTread #7 (40 minutes) at the running pace (DH was supposed to get up at 5am with me to use the elliptical while I used the TM, but I couldn't get him up). Then I did CoreMax #3 and StretchMax #1.

Last night DH and I did some more relaxion yoga. We may get to do that tonight, but we are throwing a pool birthday party for a friend, so depending on how long that goes will determine whether or not we do our before-bed yoga. Maybe we'll do a more Solar Flow right after work as opposed to our nightly Lunar Flow (I guess that depends also on how clean I get the house before work today :) )

Karen, you can do it! Finish that book! Have fun with SuperSets today. I don't have that one. I have almost everything else now though (on the way mostly) but I didn't get that one since I haven't seen it in many of the rotations. I may get it later.

Rhea, what is a swamp cooler? I am assuming it is some sort of air conditioning unit, but I have never heard that term before.

Jeanette, have fun on your bike ride tonight. My parents have just recently started riding and I am so proud of them! I told them that when I visit for Christmas we'll all be so fit and trim. (I've also gotten them to change their diet...baby steps though).
Good morning!

Yesterday I did Supersets Karen! I haven't done that one for ages. It was a nice quick workout.

Becky - a swamp cooler is an evaporate air cooler. It takes water and the air from outside, cools it down and then and pushes it through the house. You crack the windows in the rooms that you want the air to flow to and a vaccuum is created. (wierdest thing I've ever seen, but its true) That's a very simple, general explanation and about the extent of my knowledge on it. HAHA The thing I like about it is my skin and nose are so much better with all the mositure in the house. The air is very dry up here in the Sierras and in the summer is very hard on the sinuses.

Jeanette - have fun on your bike ride tonight. I'm playing golf in the couples league and then home to pack for our trip to the coast for DH's golf tournament in Crescent City. I'll be working, but that's okay. I can trial prep anywhere. Plus, I can have some very fun and relaxing breaks. Just got to remember to work....:p
Hi Ladies!:)

Am posting earlier today because I intend to write late tonight -- try to finish the book... May not make it as it's a bit of a stretch, but I'll try.

It was Supersets for me today. Really enjoy that workout -- again, Love that ball. Even went a little (not much) heavier for me.

Rhea -- Have fun golfing tonight -- and then on the weekend, too. Your comments always make me smile -- with the remember to work -- I have to do that to myself, too.;-) Have fun with your trip!

Becky -- Wow! A pool party -- sounds like something right out of the movies (I'm thinking old movies with Red Skelton and Esther Williams -- sometimes called the mermaid). Been watching her movies lately since I have so many water scenes in this book. Have fun!

Your rotations are really interesting -- have inspired me to do a little more than I usuaully do -- especially with cardio add ons.

And Jeanette -- great on the IMAX2 -- one of my favorites. Enjoy your ride tonight -- again it sounds like fun. Am glad to hear that cooler weather is in store -- I've discovered that often our weather is similar. It's not quite so bad today -- more like what we're used to in the summer.

Camping this weekend sounds lovely -- something I want to do once deadline is behind me-- and I've recovered somewhat. Oh, and thanks for the compliment -- makes me want to get back in there today and work.

Editing to say that I'm glad you like your haircut, Jeanette. I'm always worried when I go to the hairdresser and I have an appointment scheduled next Wednesday -- again, after deadline...

Anyway, have a super day everyone and terrific workouts tonight and tomorrow.:7
Good morning ladies. Today will be a quick check-in as I am swamped at work.

I did KickMax this morning. Have a busy workout schedule planned tomorrow. I plan on doing HC Extreme hi/lo tomorrow followed by 1.5 hours of hot/sweaty yoga at a local yoga studio. Fun stuff!

Good morning,

Am getting on here late today. My workout today was SJP (the whole thing). So nice to have the luxury of doing an entire workout. Think it is like 73 minutes long but took me forever as I got 2 phone calls during it. I did it with the music louder option and I loved that! Great workout and Cathe is so much fun in this one.

Didn't get to work DH on the Bowflex last night as he was working in our shop on a woodsplitter, but he said he would work out tonite. I have some housework, shopping, bike pickup (had the bottom bracket replaced in it), purchase a wood permit and other tasks for today. May do a bike ride tomorrow morning instead of a workout as I won't be riding again until our bike trip in Bend, Oregon on Tuesday. There are wildfires right around that area now so we're staying in contact to find out if we need to change our plans or not as to a location. Hope it gets better. A lot can change in a few days with fires so we will keep monitoring it. Will know more on Sunday.

DH and I are doing an overnight camping trip starting tomorrow afternoon. He has to work part of tomorrow so we will leave in the afternoon and come home on Sunday. Also have a birthday party for my daughter and granddaughter (they share the same birthday) on Sunday so it will be busy and have to pack for vacation departure on Monday. Whew!

Karen, I like Supersets too, but have only done it once. Nice to go a little heavier. I tend to do heavier workouts when I don't use a DVD. Guess I'm afraid of not being able to finish and I shouldn't think that way.

Becky, I have Kickmax but haven't done it too much. Need to get it out sometime. Enjoy the heated yoga.

Rhea, should be getting cooler. How is golf going? Have you been working on your yard?

Good workouts everyone, and I hope to check in tomorrow.

Hi Everybody!:)

Am logging on late tonight, but with good news. Actually typed THE END on the story -- happened around 6PM today, after much writing -- I think I wrote anywhere from 25-30 pages today -- after a certain point in the book, you just want to get it done. Wrote about 20 pages yesterday. Anyway, it's not done yet -- but it's close. Now I have a weekend of heavy editing to do and then get it off tomy publisher. But the hard part, the actual writing of the story and all, is done. Yea! Celebrated by going to Macy's and buying a new top.;)

It was a Sprint 8 for me today -- actually did Sprint 9. Was up late last night, too, and so haven't had as much sleep as I like. But hey, it's good to get it done. Whew!

Becky -- hope your work went well today. Sounds like you really have a fun day planned for tomorrow. Enjoy. And KickMax -- I don't have it, but my daughter does, and she loves it.

Jeanette -- what a weekend you have planned, huh? Camping, plus working out, plus birthday parties for two. Bet you'll have a blast.

What fun that your daughter and granddaughter share a birthday. I didn't know you had a granddaughter. I want one. I'd love to be a grandma.

You know, I have never used the music louder option on the Blast series. I'm going to do it, just to see what it's like. I, too, like SJP -- particularly the premixes.

Tuesday is the set date for the bike ride, huh. Yes, keep us posted on the ride and on the fires. It might seem odd to log on and not see your delightful posts for a few days, however.

Anyway, thought I'd let you all know that I finished the book -- well sort of. I have heavy edits, and then there will be my editors edits down the line and then copy editors edits...Whew!

There's a great pow-wow here locally and I want so much to go, but I don't dare. I know me. I'll stay there all day and evening and not get the work done on this book. But once this is done, I'm hoping to start pow-wowing again soon.

Have a terrific day tomorrow, everyone and super workouts.:7
Congrats on the book being done Karen! That is so wonderful! Now I have a question for you. Sprint 8 and Sprint 9, are those guided workouts or do you just do an interval run with 8 or 9 sprints?

Rhea, you like the humidity? Florida is one of the humidity capitals of the world. You can have some of ours :). It makes my hair frizzy.

Jeanette, have fun camping.

Today I did HC Extreme #2 (Hi/Lo) and inserted 150 crunches before the stretch. That is a tough workout. It does 3 LowMax intervals, 5 IMAX3 intervals, and the KickMax Blast! Wow! Fun stuff.

At 9am I am going to do that Hot and Sweaty Yoga class I mentioned yesterday. I am looking forward to it. I definately need some stretching after this AM's workout!

I hope everyone has a great workout today.

Oh, and on a somewhat sad note, I have to go to Victorias Secret today (not the sad part) because my bras don't fit anymore (the sad part...I think I am now an A cup :( , but I will have them measure me.)


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